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Vampires: Tell me if this site is credible

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posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 02:17 PM
I'm going to have to make a new topic with regard to the vampire topic so moderators please dont close this down.

Ok I saw someone previously post this website up

Do you think it is a credible site?

I dont think so becuase:

1. First of all the way he explains who he is and what he does makes him sound like an blatent hoaxer. He talks about how he works for the world government and meets the needs of vampires? The government could easily find out that hes posting stuff like this. That really would not fly too well with the world governments.

2. To go off topic but keep in the same realm, every one remembers bob lazar...He has no real credibility in terms of proof. Thats the same story thats going on here. Its one big sci-fi website. And if he was someone who worked for the government and posted stuff like this, its like I said before, he would go "bye bye."

3. He offers pictures of vampire teeth, yet when you go on the guestbook, others have talked about how he has claimed they are not real pictures. But on the website I cant find him saying these arent real pictures.

4. As far as the pictures go, seeing a bunch of bones lying on the ground proves nothing. I cant even make out where the sharp teeth are. There all a bunch of cheap hollywood props. But if the excuse is that, "You cant see the sharp teeth becuase once they die, there not sharp anymore," then this guy needs to get a life. I hate hoaxers who cant hoax.

5. This guy needs to get better proof. Maybe take a picture of a vampire and make them open up their mouths. He needs to try and establish better credibility.

6. In addition, this dumb fool has a shop set up to sell merchandise. Remember that this guy works with the government, he already has a source of income. If hes trying to make money off us with his T-shirts and so fourth it makes me want to question whether he even has a job! He talked about the site being there to get some things off his chest with his line of work....well now hes selling merchandise on top of it.


[edit on 4-7-2004 by John bull 1]

[edit on 14-7-2004 by kyateLaBoca]

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 05:47 PM
Hey, that sites pretty cool...

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 06:15 PM
cool but not credible

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 10:53 PM
I think its just someone making up their own theories as they go along. They are mixing languages too. Homo Wampyrus Nosferatu just doesnt fit. From what I know, there is no such word as Wampyrus (There is wampyr but thats it). Nosferatu I believe from reading another thread is Greek and meand plague bringer or something like that. So we have a Latin word (Homo), an unknown word (Wampyrus) and a word originating in Greek (Nosferatu). It just doesnt fit.

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 12:50 AM
As Ravenna mentioned, Nosferatu originates with the Greek word 'Nosophoros', which means "plague carrier.
Apparently "Nosos" in Greek is "Disease" or "Plague", so the Nosferatu are indeed the "Plague-carriers".

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 09:14 AM
Alright, I just have a bone to pick.

3. He offers pictures of vampire teeth, yet when you go on the guestbook, others have talked about how he has claimed they are not real pictures. But on the website I can�t find him saying these aren�t real pictures.

Of course not! Why would he say on his own website that the pictures are false when he is trying to prove to you that they are indeed real?

Look! Look! Look what I found!

All images, graphics, text, animations and content unless otherwise stated are by the author of this site and are copyright �2002.
Opinions in the forum or on the guestbook are not necessarily the opinions of the site's author. All rights reserved.

Hmmm.... Opinions in the forum or on the guestbook are not necessarily the opinions of the site's author

This photo looks edited to me:

However, chances are that these teeth DO exist. If you have ever watched Ripley�s, you would most likely know about the Snake man, his body is totally covered in tattoos. He does have these teeth, although I cannot find a picture, hopefully some of the other ATS members can back this up. He had his dentist file down his entire set of teeth one by one, really an easy procedure.

Whew... one down, one to go.

5. This guy needs to get better proof. Maybe take a picture of a vampire and make them open up their mouths. He needs to try and establish better credibility.

What is a picture of a vampire with its mouth open going to prove? Only that they can spend $0.99 at a dollar store and buy a pair of fake plastic vampire teeth then use a good photo editing program to go and make it look real.

Here is a set of prosthetic vampire teeth:

See how easy that is?

I am not against you, and I certainly am not for you in this post. I just wanted to make a few comments, I'm sorry if I came off too harsh.

In finishing I wanted to use a direct quote right from the main page of Haemavore:

This site is presented as fact but it is not my intention to cause alarm. Whether or not you choose to believe the content is very much up to you. Draw you own conclusions and just enjoy the site.

EDIT: Forgot my spell check.

[edit on 3-7-2004 by MacKiller]

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 09:27 PM
I found the site interesting, but as aforementioned; a hoax. Not only does the "genus, phylum, species" names (i don't know what he calls them) that he gives the different types of vampires doen't add up as two people already mentioned in this thread.

Another thing; he claims that he is of service to the vampire communtity; by posting all these so called facts about vampires you are setting them up for disaster. It's sites like this that make people come down with what I call the "Slayer" syndrome. Anyone who goes to him for help has lost all sense of self.

So yes, in keeping with what the original question was. The site is a hoax. Or at least that's what I think. Exploiting vampric nature to make a buck (well he has an online store) isn't cool.


posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 09:47 PM
I watched a special on TLC where this guy is making himself into a tiger, having surgery to his ears to make them pointed, having metal "bases" put into his upper lip where he can screw in whiskers, having his lips and eyes cut for a cat like look as well as a full body tattoo. He also had his teeth filed to look exactly like that picture above. So it may not be a fake picture but some freak show having his teeth altered

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 09:55 PM
Mackiller that snakeman guy does have teeth like that and a forked tongue he also is covered in green jigsaw pieces like tattoos all over his body and now he had little horns put on his head under his skin though I forgot how he said they did it. Hes one wierd guy

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 10:37 PM
Just to add,

There is also a guy featured on Ripley's that is transforming himself into a tiger. He had his teeth filed as well. Although they do not look like the posted pic on this site, they fit the typical vampire look. He also has tattoos all over his body; to top it all off he cleft his lip (for a more feline look), has plug in whiskers, grows his nails and files them to look like claws, and he had surgery on his ears to make them pointy.

Ahhh, the things people would do in the name of so called expression.

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 10:50 PM


Stalking Cat

[edit on 3-7-2004 by Pisky]

posted on Jul, 4 2004 @ 12:23 AM
Thats him lizardman not snakeman I could not find his picture anywhere good job pisky. He does not have the small horns in this pic but he does have those eyebrow creast things I forgot about those. Lizardman is married if you can believe it to a woman covered in tiger tattoos not as much as stalking cat though.

posted on Jul, 4 2004 @ 04:33 PM
This site can easily be debunked.
The last link on the menu is for shopping. If it were I who held the secrets of the Vampire, I thinkI would be more likely to send an email to National Geographic rather then try to make a few bucks online.

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 10:43 AM
I've seen this site before, & it does seem like some wishful-thinking vampire nonsense. What immediately trips off my warning system is his description of himself: I am about five feet ten inches in height, I have shoulder length brown hair and spectacles. To anybody familiar with Anne Rice's vampire books, this is the sort of hokey physical description she puts in the beginning of every book--in fact, this is almost verbatim.

But I don't know if the site is a hoax so much as it is a way to attract "real vampires" to contact him. I think he really does believe that vampires exist, if only in an extremely wishful thinking sort of way.

Me, I keep an open mind. I don't completely rule out "real vampires" as a possibility--but I think if they really existed they would exist in a more liminal extra-dimensional capacity like ghosts & aliens do. I don't think they would exist in a hard-science sort of way

However, I'm pretty certain of the existence of psychic vampires. Interesting reading:

posted on Jul, 7 2004 @ 01:11 PM
I can say one thing: he needs to pick up a book on web design.

posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by kyateLaBoca
1. First of all the way he explains who he is and what he does makes him sound like an blatent hoaxer. He talks about how he works for the world government and meets the needs of vampires? The government could easily find out that hes posting stuff like this. That really would not fly too well with the world governments.

2. To go off topic but keep in the same realm, every one remembers bob lazar...He has no real credibility in terms of proof. Thats the same story thats going on here. Its one big sci-fi website. And if he was someone who worked for the government and posted stuff like this, its like I said before, he would go "bye bye."

3. He offers pictures of vampire teeth, yet when you go on the guestbook, others have talked about how he has claimed they are not real pictures. But on the website I cant find him saying these arent real pictures.

4. As far as the pictures go, seeing a bunch of bones lying on the ground proves nothing. I cant even make out where the sharp teeth are. There all a bunch of cheap hollywood props. But if the excuse is that, "You cant see the sharp teeth becuase once they die, there not sharp anymore," then this guy needs to get a life. I hate hoaxers who cant hoax.

5. This guy needs to get better proof. Maybe take a picture of a vampire and make them open up their mouths. He needs to try and establish better credibility.

6. In addition, this dumb fool has a shop set up to sell merchandise. Remember that this guy works with the government, he already has a source of income. If hes trying to make money off us with his T-shirts and so fourth it makes me want to question whether he even has a job! He talked about the site being there to get some things off his chest with his line of work....well now hes selling merchandise on top of it.
[edit on 4-7-2004 by John bull 1]

While I don't endorse this site or think it is necessarily truthful, I have these counter-arguments.

First off, that site is over a year old. is the newer version, and is presented better (though still horrendously difficult to read).

1. The idea is that it's very hard to be so secretive. He decided to post the site as an outlet for his stress. Online he is anonymous (though he gives away where he lives and how he looks....which is, of course, very suspect) and as he says "who will believe me?"

2/5. The point of the site is not to prove that vampires exist. That would mean he would be out of a job. He just wants to talk about it.

3. I don't understand how this is an argument against the possibility of it being truthful.

4. I agree with this. In the pictures, if you blow them up it is quite obvious that the teeth are not sharpened.

6. In the new site he does not link to the shop. I agree this puts his claims into question, but at the least he no longer links to the store.

As for the apparantly irrational naming of the various types of vampires, I think he apparantly made the names up himself. He says explicitly that he made up the name Homo Wampyrus, and I must assume the others were so decided by him. He likely was not aware of or didn't care about using words that have different lingual bases in naming them so.

posted on Jul, 13 2004 @ 05:39 AM
First up nice site
Second, teeth can be filed and honed to the vampiric prefernces.
Third vampires are not all evil. To group vampires into one clan is wrong.

posted on Jul, 13 2004 @ 06:13 PM
There are documented examples in New England of desecrated graves of people thought to be Vampires. The Mythos was derived from the superstitions associated with tuburculosis or "Consumption" as they called it then. They talk about it extensively in a book by Michael Bell called "Food For The Dead" Check out the Website at
I live in one of the twons mentioned of having this superstition up in Maine and I checked into it. Pretty neat stuff. I found the abandoned graveyard where the "poorer more superstitious" people actually practiced the gruesome ritual of disinterring a dead loved one..looking for signs of Vampirism then they would remove the heart, burn it and have a living sick relative drink it to stop the cycle. This of course didn't work. But there are MANY documented cases of this happening. They may not of been vampires, but the people sure THOUGHT they were!

posted on Jul, 13 2004 @ 06:47 PM
for those who is interrested then read the text under "bottom" (you'll have to mark the text as it is hidden) link:

edit: fixed link

[edit on 13-7-2004 by darkspace]

posted on Jul, 13 2004 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by QueenoftheDamned
First up nice site
Second, teeth can be filed and honed to the vampiric prefernces.
Third vampires are not all evil. To group vampires into one clan is wrong.

Vampires are not evil, their fake

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