Umm...I'm MidniteRaven... a teenager, and I'm going to major in the field of Music... I don't know what I'm supposed to say v_v... Well, thanks
for being such a welcoming community!
Hello, MidniteRaven!
I'm glad you found this site and I look forward to reading your opinions. Here's some links that might help you out.
The search feature is important. It will help you avoid starting duplicate
threads and aid any research you want to do. The Google-powered site search on the same page is very easy and effective; works great for single-term
Actually, you gave me the impetus to change my name at last. I've been wanting a 'single word' name for a few weeks and found one a few days ago -
but I didn't want to lose all those hard earned points
But now, in order to avoid confusion (thats my excuse and I'm sticking to it ) - I'm becoming 'Ravenna'.