I am sure many people here are aware. That at this very moment a war is being fought. This is an information war.
The powers that be have done a fine job of smearing Julian Asange. The public and many members on here have swallowed it. Hook, line and sinker.
Many people here on ATS want truth and want to deny ignorance. This man is offering you truth. He has put his life on the line to give it to you and
in return many of you join in the smearing.
Today for most of the day. There were two WL posts on the front page of ATS:
Assange captured (Update: Source mistranslates Swedish Article) and Wikileaks Exposed - The man behind the NWO Curtain
Now there is nothing wrong with either of these posts but i find it difficult to comprehend on a website that denies ingoracne. Why we can be so
ignorant. The Assange captured thread was denunked yesterday. Yet is was allowed to continue to run and hit top member pick. Why was this thread not
hoaxed well a mod was asked and this was the reply given.
"A MOD said earlier that it can not be moved to the hoax bin as the poster did not intend for it to be a hoax; but was mislead by propaganda. Knowing
where the propaganda came from is vital, so the thread can not be moved to the Hoax forum."
Again that is fair enough. What is intersting is that the same rules do not apply to other threads
An example given was regarding 911 and mosad.....
I requested clarification from a mod and got none. However the name was changed to make the thread slightly less misleading.
Now i am not here to poke at ATS, beause ATS is just a small cross section of opinion. My point is that this is crossboard. From conspircay sites, MSM
politicians etc. A couple of examples below:
"Why was he not pursued with the same urgency we pursue al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders?" wonders Sarah Palin,
"I think Assange should be assassinated actually," declares the political science professor Tom Flanagan. "
Jonah Goldberg of the National Review asks: "Why wasn't Assange garroted in his hotel room years ago?
These are pretty strong remarks and there are many more if you look. What is causing such resistance and hate. This mans crime? To speak out against
the empire,
I think the reason people are being so hateful is becuase they are scared. Maybe this is like a paradime shift that occurs in science and stuff. We do
not like change. We like things the way they are. It does not matter if wikleaks goes down or not. The message is out and this can be done again. We
are ushering a new era of truth and it is long overdue.
This my friends is a war of information for he that controls the present, controls the past. The internet is the present it is our collective mind.
What is available and what is not avaialbe deteremines who we are and want we value. I think this is what Julian means when he refers to history
insurance and changing history.
Lines have been drawn and the game has been set. This game however in my eyes will have an enviatable outcome. The powers that be will loose and we
will usher in a new age of journalism and for one simple reason:
'No-one can change an idea whos time has come'