posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 08:52 PM
This tax cut issue is beyond political lines at this point, at least the current paradigm in politics.
Normally I side with the conservative approach to taxes, the less taxes the better.
But there is a big reality that NO ONE is talking about because it counters the conservative approach to taxes and it attacks the elite democrat
The Fed bailed out large banks and corporations with near zero interest loans. The bail out beneficiaries used this to turn out enormous profits at
the cost of putting the rest of America in greater debt. This concentrated the wealth into a few hands, hands that live by speculating, and now the
result is inflationary pressure on needed goods like food and fuel. The poor and middle class are the ones that suffer most from inflation.
Taxes need to be raised MASSIVELY on the very top indiduals (not small businesses or professionals earning under 5 million) . Not only do they need to
be raised, taxes need to applied on their assets above 500 million as well. If they want to move their wealth overseas, at least the immovable assets
will be stuck here at fire-sale prices and they can spread their inflation overseas.
My opinions are not directed towards redistribution of wealth, I hate Marxism. The reality is that top heavy distribution of wealth that was
facilitated by politicians and the Fed has created inflationary pressure on the system. This wealth does not need to be redistributed, it needs to be
destroyed. It is a false wealth that does not build anything or develop anything. It is a false wealth that creates more debt. The government budget
doesn't matter, dollars can be printed, it is the dollars in existence and their location that is killing things. Dollars need to be destroyed in
order to control inflation and taxation of the mega rich is the least painful way to do this.
And I still hate Obama, and the democrats are a bunch of corrupt politicians that are trying to control my life with crappy tax rules and global
warming scams while the republicans are just morons.