posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 09:04 AM
Yeah, yeah, who cares right? Well, it's for those who watch, who simply don't want to own up to watching what is still one of the most popular shows
in America (and, is an excellent showcase for human nature)...
Anyhow, Naonka and "Purple" Kelly (so noted just as to differentiate the two Kelly's on the show), both quit last night, giving up a 1 in 8 chance
at a million dollars, just because of some rain....
Seriously? Did you not see any of the past Survivor seasons? And 3 people are sitting in the jury, just grinding their teeth that they got voted out,
when these two just quit. (and two of them, were some of the best thinkers this season...just got too cocky).
Personally, I think the quitters should not be included in the jury....