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NWO Symbolism All Up In Our Face

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posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 01:19 AM
First of all, see for background. Despite the language in the photo, the NWO/Illuminati conspiracy is not a Freemason conspiracy per se. They just speak the same language and frequent the same discos.

Esoteric Societies have been around for a very long time. Many were simply ways of passing and protecting higher spiritual and esoteric knowledge to aide in our spiritual evolution and operated from service to others. Some wanted control and had an agenda of service to self. In all of them, the use of symbols as holographic representations of deeper principles to shield such knowledge from the uninitiated was/is key to communication.

For all of those conspiracy theory haters I ask you to consider the following pictures and quote:

"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."
-Franklin D. Roosevelt, 3-term President and 33 degree Mason (also his term was 12 yrs 1+2=3)


(you might have to save and zoom in to read the text, but the symbols are clear.) If it's too hard to read I will translate by request. Here is a better picture of the CSS seal.


and of the Vatican City Coat of Arms


Or how about these Air Force patches chock full of the same imagery.

Maybe, if it were just once or twice I might buy "they must have thought it looked neat." But over and over again with the same or very similar symbolic imagery? It's even on our Great Seal, which was put on the back of our One Dollar Bill in 1935 (the 3rd year of Franklin Roosevelt's presidency.) Nope. FDR was right. It's definitely intentional.

There is a secret society often called the Illuminati (just one of their names) that uses aspects of the Intelligence agencies like NSA, CIA, CSS, etc and military as arms of their control. There is a reason why the City in London (center of financial control), the Vatican (center of religious control), and Washington DC (center of military control with its Pentagon) are independent districts within their host countries. The illuminati are not some "theory" and they put their symbols and evidence of their rituals all up in our face because the uninitiated (which is most of America) simply think, "Hey-that looks pretty cool."


edit on 2-12-2010 by coyotepoet because: added picture and comment

edit on 2-12-2010 by coyotepoet because: added photo

edit on 2-12-2010 by coyotepoet because: added line

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 01:24 AM
im about to hit the sac so i didnt check out all the links but i will say that stuff like NWO and Freemasons is just so huge to get into it would require its whole new thread alone. should start one so i have something to do at work tmoro. although iv read much about both im sure someone here has legit info about freemasons that i would love to know ( for some reason they have always interested me)


posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 01:46 AM
Good post.

I like you, now know many of the favorite symbols and can find them practically anywhere. Not just on TV or movies, but everywhere. I could point out objects in your house that are shaped like many of these symbols. They were made by large corporations who were headed by the same gang that put them into Hollywood after all, right?

For example a subliminal programming message I saw in a car commercial. In the middle of the commercial, the announcer said quickly within about 2 seconds time frame " Protect your freedom" and EXACTLY during the same time frame it cut scenes, and showed ONLY a Gas Nozzle pumping gas into a car. It was a close up so you couldn't even see the guy's hand holding the nozzle at the pump station. So it was sumbliminally trying to program us to think "Protecting our Freedom" = "Protecting our Gas Flow". It was pretty devious I admit. And easy to catch when you know what to look for.

Also on the Colbert Report a day or two ago, Colbert was kicking "God" off his "Fantasy Football Team", and he held up a chart with all these players' names listed with stats etc.

On that list, God was # 33. And he crossed God out. Kicked him off the team.

Get the symbolism there?
edit on 2-12-2010 by muzzleflash because: emphasis

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 01:51 AM
reply to post by coyotepoet

Oh and I just noticed OP.

The anchors in those seals. They have the same shape as the Key in the other ones.

They are almost identical in shape actually. Hmmm.

Does anyone know if Anchors and Keys have any odd connections?

That is pretty interesting.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 01:52 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Can you please explain the God-33 part for me? Much appreciated.. I saw that episode too.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 08:06 AM
reply to post by Darce

Aside from it's more benign meanings as a numerological master number, 33 is a favorite number of "Freemasons" as is 13. There are a number of different reasons for this, including their deeper meanings. On the surface or near surface level, again it is using symbolic language, they like to talk in code in everything they do. There are 33 degrees in the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (emphasize the point that it is Freemasonic language not Freemasons per se.) They selected that number of degrees on purpose, on a slightly deeper level, to represent the trinity (sacred geometric, of which the Christian trinity is another representation.) When you double a number it suggests mastery over the traits of that number. Notice the proliferation of 3's in the description of FDR. There are deeper levels still, but I think you get the point.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by coyotepoet

Can you tell me what to do to post pictures here at ATS? It might be that after the required "200 posts" I shall be able to post pictures of the Georgia Guide Stones and other such NWO symbols. That is an excellent post you wrote. Keep up the good work.

edit on 2-12-2010 by scoutsniper because: correction to 200 posts

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by scoutsniper

Go to tools at the top of the screen. Go to pictures, find personal uploads, upload it and copy and paste the embed code.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by coyotepoet

Thank you. I posted a "few pictures" under my "profile". These are of the "coffins" and the "GuideStones" only. The FEMA camps, Jamaat El Fuqra, the 178th Military Police and all the rest will be posted when I find someone at this site that is willing to exchange verified information concerning other FEMA camp locations which I have not yet been able to find. The "blue dots" on the "google map" are not always placed at the exact spot of these camps which means I have to research and locate. In the event that you know of anyone that has the information I seek, please be kind enough to send them my way. Once again, many thanks.

edit on 2-12-2010 by scoutsniper because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 06:27 PM
reply to post by coyotepoet

Just one more imposition if you will. How does one put "images" on their posts as you did on your post? This site is very different than others I have been to. Are PDF files transferable along with other files at this site? If so what is the method used? Thanks again.


posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by scoutsniper

just copy and paste embed code. not sure about pdf's never tried

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 08:01 AM
reply to post by coyotepoet

Thanks again and with your input a few pictures have been posted. They did not appear as yours but can be "clicked" on for those that wish to see for themselves.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by coyotepoet

During my time in Freemasonry I really haven't come across 13. Where do you get that 13 is a favorite number?

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by KSigMason

the only reference I know of is Demolay being killed on Friday the 13th. The numbers stuff (like my dog puked 10 times in three days so 10 x 3= 30 and 30+3= 33. Ooooo )makes me cringe. I am pretty sure you can make anything you want happen with numbers when you are the one who gets to interpret the important events.

I guess I just don't see why this symbolism would be important. If I was leader of the NWO, (being a mason, that is entirely possible) and I wanted to let people know how much power I had I might make some billboards explaining to the people that their pitiful existence is a hindrance to my goals and they will be exterminated in a short time. Why use the sneaky approach that only a select few will see and even fewer will understand. That's like spending months and millions to make a few hundred. bad investment.

And for the record, this is only my opinion since I haven't received my dis-info check yet. When my check arrives I will change this to FACT.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by KSigMason

Of course you can make the numbers do what you want but the key is in intent and understanding. Someone else's "dog puked so many times" example, of course that's absurd. I'm talking about deliberate, considered use of esoteric knowledge in the use of numbers and symbols, which is a knowledge that has been actively kept hidden from the masses by systematic ridicule and misinformation (think witch hunts, and denigration of things like numerology) while at the same time these methods are being used by the elite to further their control (think Reagan seeing the astrologer only more sinister.)

At a deep esoteric, spiritual level, there are 12 types of energies that pass through the 10 aspects of God-Mind. The totality of the 12 energies equals a 13th energy. This is considered the most powerful knowledge. Because everything was created by the principals of sacred geometry (look it up) these are patterns and wheels that repeat over and over again because it is a holographic process. There are 13 lunar months and 13 actual zodiac. In fact the ratio that man and nature operate on naturally is 13:20, which can be seen in everything from our bodies (we have 13 major joints, 20 digits) to the stars. The Mayan calendar is based on a 13:20 ratio. However, in Roman times when the calendar was changed to the 12:60 ratio (think 12 months, 60 minutes/seconds) that had very real effects on the level and nature of control on a subtle energetic level.

So, that is more than you probably expected (or maybe even really grok) but that is, at least in part some of the reason 13 is a significant number and is reflected in things like the 13 main Illuminati blood lines, 13 original colonies, 13 layers of the pyramid in the Great Seal etc. What many people fail to do, and this is an intentional aspect of psy-op discourse nudging, is to go beyond the fact that these numbers keep popping up in sinister scenarios and understand the deeper truths that are being communicated and subverted for service-to-self reasons. And the fact of the matter is that the Truth does not cease to be the Truth just because one person or segment of people don't believe in it.

But, in order to understand this, you first have to understand there is such a thing. In other words, this knowledge means nothing to the materialist reductionist (not saying you are, just as a philosophy in general) who doesn't understand the deeper truths of the universe that are communicated, on the whole, at the higher levels of these secret societies.
edit on 3-12-2010 by coyotepoet because: removing space

edit on 3-12-2010 by coyotepoet because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-12-2010 by coyotepoet because: add info

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by network dude

At a deep esoteric, spiritual level, there are 12 types of energies that pass through the 10 aspects of God-Mind. The totality of the 12 energies equals a 13th energy. This is considered the most powerful knowledge. Because everything was created by the principals of sacred geometry (look it up) these are patterns and wheels that repeat over and over again because it is a holographic process. There are 13 lunar months and 13 actual zodiac. In fact the ratio that man and nature operate on naturally is 13:20, which can be seen in everything from our bodies (we have 13 major joints, 20 digits) to the stars. The Mayan calendar is based on a 13:20 ratio. However, in Roman times when the calendar was changed to the 12:60 ratio (think 12 months, 60 minutes/seconds) that had very real effects on the level and nature of control on a subtle energetic level.

In addition, to bring it full circle and make my point, in the 13:20 ratio mentioned above, 13+20=33, which is another reason for the significance and use of 33 in secret societies.

I guess I just don't see why this symbolism would be important. If I was leader of the NWO, (being a mason, that is entirely possible) and I wanted to let people know how much power I had I might make some billboards explaining to the people that their pitiful existence is a hindrance to my goals and they will be exterminated in a short time. Why use the sneaky approach that only a select few will see and even fewer will understand. That's like spending months and millions to make a few hundred. bad investment.

The use of symbolism isn't important in the sense of hiding the NWO, they are not shy about that, especially any more. No, the use of symbolism is and always has been about communicating or hiding deeper truths. Deeper truths which, if the mass populous really knew and understood would mean an end to their machinations for control. That is something they definitely don't want to put on a billboard (which is why I am trying to communicate it as much and as clearly as I can on this board.)

C'mon now Network Dude, I see the Masonic compass and square on your avatar. Do you really not know this stuff or are you just not saying? What do they teach you in those North Carolina lodges? Or are you only in your first degree?

edit on 4-12-2010 by coyotepoet because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by coyotepoet

Freemasons do use numbers, but it certainly isn't 13. Freemasonry makes no reference to the Lunar Calendar, the 13 Lunar Zodiac Symbols, the Mayan Calendar, the Illuminati bloodline, the Great Seal of the US,

Do you mean the "golden ratio"? And I thought that was 1:1.6180....

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 10:00 AM
reply to post by KSigMason

Maybe not at the lower levels. At the higher levels of understanding this is knowledge that is common to all mystery schools/secret societies. Of course they don't talk about all of those layers of meaning openly like I have. That's why they call it a secret. It's generally considered a pretty high level of understanding because you have to have had other initiations into higher knowledge in order to grok all of the levels of significance. Or perhaps the confusion is in calling this information "Masonic language" as it really is common to all of the mystery schools (which I use interchangeably with the term secret society.)

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by coyotepoet

Who composes the higher levels? And how do you know of this higher level? Following logic would show that you as a non-Mason would know less than I do (as a supposed low level Mason). And how do you know what initiations I've gone through?

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by KSigMason

When I say higher levels, I mean higher/deeper esoteric understanding, not necessarily higher levels like degrees, though it often corresponds as the knowledge is often built up as one progresses with each layer being true but not the totality of Truth. And true, I don't know what level of initiation you have achieved and that's a fair enough point, one I made to someone else at one point. However one can tell a tree by its fruit and if you don't understand those basic universal spiritual building blocks, you've provided me with insight into your levels of understanding/initiation.

As for me I've studied with the Rosicrucians and the OTO along with numerous other esoteric sources over the course of the past 20 years and have a pretty impressive library of sacred and magickal texts in my home library. I make no judgments, every body has the same capability to amass the same degree of understanding. Not every one is willing to spend the time studying.

How do I know the information is common? Aside from my breadth of studies, my ex-wife spent her time in mystery schools studying the Gurdjeffian "Fourth Way" and deep Qaballism as a numerologist, was not ever in the Rosicrucians or OTO and the deeper information and understanding is essentially the same. The only things that ever really change from school to school are the linguistics and philisophical interpretations, the Truth remains unchanged and unchanging.

edit on 4-12-2010 by coyotepoet because: Adding info for clarity.

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