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My Mum Talks To Aliens - Full Documentary

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posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 07:06 AM
reply to post by SunshineLaws

just finished watching the whole thing, amazing footage of the UFO's shot from the B&B and the DNA evidence+Polygraph test has got me fascinated, I transcribed the DNA test results from the doco -

By 1998 I began an investigation into the hair sample [text missing from shot] Biochemical collegues agreed to undertake the worlds first PCR (polymerase chain reaction) DNA profiling of biological material implicated in an alien abduction experience the analysis confirmed the hair comes from someone who was biologically close to human genetics but of an unusual racial type - a rare Chinese-mongoloid type – one of the rarest human lineages known, that lies futher from the mainstream then any other except for african pygmies and aboriginals there was a strange anomaly of it being blonde to clear instead of black as would be expected from asian type mitochondrial DNA.

I thought it was interesting that he mentioned the aliens telepathically communicated and it reminded me of those rumours going around about the 'super psychic kids' in china that were supposed to be able to see out of their hands and other wierd things like that. I'm really intrigued by this 'rare lineage' the biochemist spoke of, I'm gonna have to look into that...


P.S) ah just read about the diamond effect on cameras and such, a little dissapointing but good to know the truth
still really fascinated by this rare race though...
edit on 3/12/10 by B.Morrison because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 07:14 AM
This is some good stuff.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 01:53 PM

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 02:09 PM
edit on 3/12/10 by Rhain because: link didn't work

edit on 3/12/10 by Rhain because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 02:17 PM
Thanks for the post! Going to watch later, then Ill have something to do- sounds interesting

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by B.Morrison

Don't be so sure that that was the 'truth' about those lights. One person's opinion doesn't equal truth.
I never want to be naive but at the same time, I never want to be so persuaded by a comment or two, either.

Your initial impression is just as good as the others who say different.

With OP's permission, I started another thread about that particular B&B sighting. You may want to read the responses especially the person who claims to know her/witness.

edit on 3-12-2010 by Human_Alien because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 03:48 PM
Watched it all. Fascinating. My take aways:

* The most copmpelling thing to me was the DNA report. A little bit strange, but still: Human. That has massive implications as far as I'm concerned.

* Lights in the sky? They're just lights in the sky--again. Where are you going to go with lights in the sky? There's just nowhere to take it.

* Mum is still credulous, like a lot of these types. She confused Hellyer with Corso and apparently is unaware of the issues with either of them. People compelled to study or "counsel" abductees are often their own worst enemies. Mu apparently has no training at all in anything, just an interest. I don't have a problem with people studying anything, but I do have a problem with someone setting themselves up as a "counselor" to abductees, and abductee-wannabes. Even people who are credentialed get into trouble in this field, e.g. Richard Boylan. These guys are playing with fire here. People's mental health is at stake.

* I think the DNA guy was very credible. However, too many times in this field, it attracts bat **** crazy people. I have personally talked with three abductees. One was a complete psychotic (Really, not just name calling here. I mean technically.) One was in severe need of attention, and the third was some kind of loony I had no idea how to define. Now, I am NOT saying that ALL abductees fit this category. What I am saying is that it appears to attract loonies, and that fact contaminates the field. A good psychotic has an iron clad story.

Now back to the DNA, it seems to me that is the most compelling piece of physical evidence that has actually been tested that I've ever seen. If that could be corraborated I think it is absolute dynamie. (Why was he in pain over it, I wonder?) This falls right in line with the theiry that at least some "aliens" aren't really alien at all, but are very closely related to us. Future? Inter-dimensional? Underground? Who knows, but it is extremely valuable evidence. Now, who did the analysis at what laboratory and can we please talk to them directly?

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by schuyler

I'm glad to read you soften up a bit. I thought you were going to totally tear this apart.

Please consider, people who have gone through (fill in the blank) an abduction? An human experiment...?....are very likely to come off psychotic. I mean, just for a moment, if you give this whole phenomenon credence (just for a moment. Pretend if you will....). Can you imagine how this leaves people? They don't know whether to scratch their watch or wind their butt.

I know it's so hard for you (people in general) to accept this. As frustrating as that is, I understand. For I am from both sides of the doubting spectrum.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by schuyler

Well if we wish to talk facts,

"Former nurse, midwife, and health educator, Mary, was formally employed as a professional counsellor for the National Health Service (UK) and Australian counselling agencies, Silver Chain and Centrecare. Since 1994, Mary has worked in private practice as a professional counsellor, hypnotherapist, metaphysical teacher, researcher, author, international speaker, producer, and director of two documentaries. "

I wouldnt say she isnt qualified to work as a counsellor at all. There is more info at the ACERN website but its down for an upgrade.

The DNA, well this is a case Ive always looked at with suspicion, even being a UFO witness (not alien, UFO), but Marys doco changed my mind, & a lot of others it seems. More info can be found at the following link.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by SNAFU38
reply to post by schuyler

Well if we wish to talk facts,

"Former nurse, midwife, and health educator, Mary, was formally employed as a professional counsellor for the National Health Service (UK) and Australian counselling agencies, Silver Chain and Centrecare. Since 1994, Mary has worked in private practice as a professional counsellor, hypnotherapist, metaphysical teacher, researcher, author, international speaker, producer, and director of two documentaries. "

I wouldnt say she isnt qualified to work as a counsellor at all. There is more info at the ACERN website but its down for an upgrade.

The DNA, well this is a case Ive always looked at with suspicion, even being a UFO witness (not alien, UFO), but Marys doco changed my mind, & a lot of others it seems. More info can be found at the following link.

It bothers me that she is praticing hypnotherapy. How do we know she hasn't manipulated the memories of her clients, like for e.g. the first man who couldn't pass the polygraph.

I've seen FOI docs that state successful hypnotism experiments in which you could poke the subject in the eye with your finger and they wouldn't flinch or blink or have any recollection of it afterward.

If the 'bad guys' could achieve that in the 50's then imagine what can be done with hypnosis these days.

still more interested in the lineage then anything else...I'm not convinced that some of these 'cases' aren't humans interfering with other humans.

edit on 3/12/10 by B.Morrison because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by SNAFU38
The DNA, well this is a case Ive always looked at with suspicion, even being a UFO witness (not alien, UFO), but Marys doco changed my mind, & a lot of others it seems. More info can be found at the following link.
Thanks for the link.

To you and anyone else who might know the answer, what lab did the DNA testing? I'm looking for this information but not having much luck finding it so far, I looked for it in that link and it refers to "a friendly lab" but it doesn't give any details about the lab.

Parts of the lab report summary bother me and sound like they weren't written by a scientist, such as this part:

The study concluded, "The most probable donor of the hair must therefore be as (Khoury) claims: a tall blonde female who does not need much colour in her hair or skin, as a form of protection against the sun, perhaps because she does not require it."
(bold emphasis mine)

I've read a lot of lab reports in my day, and I've never read one that talks about "need" like that. I would expect a lab report to report the lack of color, but speculating about the "need" in such a manner seems very uncharacteristic of a lab report.

If we look at human pigmentation, some of us have a lot of pigment/color, others don't have much, as was the case with the two women Khoury reported (one had little pigmentation and the other had a lot). But all of us "need" roughly the same amount of color when we subject ourselves to the same environment. So I don't think the amount we have necessarily reflects the amount we need and that's just a bizarrely worded lab report conclusion to me for that specific reason. If anyone can give me a link with information about the lab I'd appreciate it. Thanks.
edit on 3-12-2010 by Arbitrageur because: clarification

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 06:41 PM
The UK video presented by Mary Rodwell on SBS is out of focus.
Too bad she didn't mention this issue in the program because the
false shape will confuse common people. The lights are distorted
by the zoom giving the impression of saucer shaped UFOs. We
have seen this feature in other videos, out of focus presents a
problem when analyzing a footage like in this case.

Check the same out of focus feature in this comparison I made
of the UK video and the 2008 Monson, Massachusetts footage,
both exhibit the same out of focus shape, almost identical don't
you agree?

Another out of focus shape similar that confused people believing
it was a saucer UFO.

The out of focus videos showing saucer or diamond shapes have been
discussed here several times, the UK footage is another case of this
same type. Here two threads with the same issue.
The thread of the 2008 Monson Massachusetts footage.

The 2008 Monson Massachusetts footage here.

My intention is to show the out of focus problem with some UFO videos
like in the UK footage, unfortunately we can't analyze this video because
the lights appear out of focus and to identify this lights is a guess. I don't
know what these lights are, maybe they are UFOs or just conventional
lights, the footage is indeed interesting but unequivocally out of focus
wich makes it inconclusive.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 06:42 PM

Magnified hair sample showing optical transparency and pronounced mosaic structure. The circles of light are reflections. Photo taken from video (B.Chalker/APEG). The DNA sequence on the left is from the hair shaft.

The original DNA work was done on the shaft of the hair. Fascinating further anomalies were found in the root of the hair. Two types of DNA were found depending on where the mitochondrial DNA testing occurs, namely confirming the rare Chinese type DNA in the hair shaft and indicating a rare possible Basque/Gaelic type DNA in the root section

This was very puzzling and controversial, until a 'Nature Biotechnology' paper appeared in 2000. It revealed recent findings on hair transplanting with previously incompatible hair, using advanced cloning techniques, developed in a possible cure for baldness. We seem to be seeing similar combined or "grafted" DNA in the sample recovered under controversial circumstances by Peter Khoury back in 1992.

Perhaps even more controversial is that we have findings suggestive of nuclear DNA indicating possible viral resistance. The hair sample seems to show it contains 2 deleted genes for CCR5 protein and no intact gene for normal undeleted CCR5 - this CCR5 deletion factor has been implicated in aids resistance. To keep a very complex story somewhat uncomplicated, what seems to be suggested by the range of findings is possible evidence for advanced DNA techniques and DNA anomalies & findings, for which we are only now discovering or starting to make sense of in mainstream biotechnology.

The nature of these genetic findings has lead to some interesting possible connections with ancient cultures, myths and archaeological finds such as the strange Taklamakan mummies in China (tall European like peoples (Celtic?), some of whom had blonde hair) and the stories of the female Basque God Mari and the Gaelic Irish tales of the Tuatha da Danann.

The Tuatha tales describe powerful gods with orange or blonde hair and other unusual attributes. While such cultural and mythic connections are fascinating speculations, they provide for an interesting perspective on the many stories of Nordic type beings implicated in UFO abduction and contact cases.

(left to right)"Statuette in the Hood" - in ivory from the Aurignacian Period, at the Grotte du Pape, Bassempouy ("Stone Age Satuette" by J. Ben, FSR Case Histories (1971)from the Musee des Antiquites Nationales at Saint-Germain-en Laye); artist's impression of the female being in the 1957 Antonio Villas Boas event (with blonde hair, sharp angular chin and blue eyes)(Artist Tony Roberts in "UFOs - the definitive casebook" by J. Spencer (1991); reconstructed impression of the face of the "Beauty of Kroran" mummy from Tarim/Tuklamakan, China, with hair described as "blondish-brown" in colour ("The Tarim Mummies" by J. Mallory & V. Mair (2000); artist's impression of the blonde haired, blue eyed and fair skinned female being encountered by Peter Khoury in 1992.

Mari - the neolithic Goddess of Old Europe and the primary deity in Basque mythology - has many manifestations, including "as a tree that looks like a woman or a tree emitting flames", "a white cloud or rainbow, or a ball of fire in the air", a "sickle of fire, as which she appears crossing the sky" and "seen enveloped in fire, lying down horizontally, moving through the air".

The records from ancient Ireland describe a whole series of invasions. The "Lebor Gabala Erren" ("The Book of the Taking of Ireland" or the "Book of Invasions") , compiled during the 12th century A.D. describes the coming of the mysterious Tuatha de' Danann or Tribe of Danu. They were apparently tall, blond or red-haired strangers, "expert in the arts of pagan cunning", who supposedly interbred with the locals, while teaching them many kinds of useful skills. The Lebor Gabala records their dramatic entrance to Ireland as follows:

"In this wise they came, in dark clouds from northern islands of the world. They landed on the mountains of Conmaicne Rein in Connachta, and they brought a darkness over the sun for three days and three nights. Gods were their men of arts, and non-gods their husbandmen."

A gold ship model from 1st century BC Broighter, Ireland. There are many stories of aerial ships or "demon ships" ("loinger demnacda") in the Irish annuals.

Extracts from the Lebor Gabala (top & centre) and an artist's impression of a likeness of the Tuatha people

According to the mythic tales the Tuatha de' Danann were advanced enough to arrive in western Ireland (near modern Connacht) by air. They divided into two social classes: "gods" as teachers of medicine, smithing, communication or druidry, and "non-gods" as farmers or shepherds. Although no one knows for certain what the Tuatha looked like, descriptions, such as of their female war-leader Eriu, indicate tall attractive people with pale skin, high foreheads, long red hair and large blue eyes.

Other descriptions indicate blonde, golden hair with blue eyes. The blonde haired woman in the 1957 abduction of Antonio Villas Boas also had red body hair (pubic hair). She seems remarkably like Peter's female visitor and the description of Eriu. If the Tuatha cross-bred with local humans, they would have left hybrid descendants who look somewhat like themselves.

Further focused DNA analyses of biological samples implicated in alleged alien abduction experiences will help determine the reality behind the claims of abductions and the validity of speculations driven by DNA, historical, cultural and mythic connections.


Interesting that this race can resist virus's and aids specifically, while the rest of us cannot. It would seem that if they wanted to take control of the earth through depopulation, virus's and aids specifically, would be an easy way for them to go about it. Interesting theory at the least.

Also this implicates not 'aliens' per se, but an rare ancient race on humans that have partly cross bred with us 'regular' humans and who may have been attempting to do the same with Peter?

Though the 2 DNA types discovered seemed 'grafted' together as if done in a laboratory through the application of an advanced DNA technology, so then...

The photo's referred to in the above were missing from the page so i guess an image search engine is your friend

edit on 3/12/10 by B.Morrison because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by free_spirit
The UK video presented by Mary Rodwell on SBS is out of focus.
Too bad she didn't mention this issue in the program because the
false shape will confuse common people. The lights are distorted
by the zoom giving the impression of saucer shaped UFOs.
Thanks for confirming this. You know that and I know that and Johnny Anonymous knows that as do others with a lot of camera experience, but human_alien doesn't seem convinced so maybe still needs some convincing. You're about the 4th or 5th person to mention that so far in this thread.

Good post

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 05:33 AM
reply to post by SunshineLaws

Watched this last night and thoroughly enjoyed it. A useful insight into the mindset of sceptics, debunkers, believers and Believers.

Rodwell's first witness, Greg, seemed more a victim of Rodwell’s ideas than an abductee of anything. He immediately doubts himself following the results of the polygraph and, confused, turns to Rodwell who says, “We’ll go into that later.” Perhaps the discussion will further reinforce his hypnosis-induced abduction fantasy. I’d say that Greg was somewhat weak-minded and easy to manipulate (a common Believer trait). He believed that he had been abducted because Rodwell had told him so, then he believed it was a fantasy because the polygraph operator told him so. Polygraphs and hypnosis don’t cut it for me, I must point out. They are just further fragile links in an already weak chain.

Rodwell’s son was clearly embarrassed when he attended his mother’s presentation with the group of Believers as any sceptic would be. Further, it was only natural for him to feel sorry for her during the debate when she pretty much made a fool of herself by presenting unreliable evidence that came from Corso’s Day After Roswell book – namely that much of our present technology was back engineered from the Roswell debris field: fibre optics; Teflon; digital chips! No one is ever going to convince a scientist or engineer that humans can't invent thing without the help of extraterrestrials!

Peter Khoury’s story was what some would claim to be an encounter with a succubus but seemed to be a classic hypnagogic experience. He came across more as a sexual fantasist than an “abductee” - biting off and devouring a nipple while having an erection for six hours is more Krafft-Ebing material! The pubic hairs behind his foreskin sounds like a hygiene problem more than anything else – they must have been there for some time to be embedded into the flesh the way he described. As for the DNA results on the pubes, which scientific journal were they published in?

The video Rodwell and her son were so impressed with does look amazing to a Believer and a novice with little understanding of the area where it was shot and the focusing issues of video cameras. The video simply shows out of focus flares in use on a military range. Ironically, her son confuses the lack of focus with clarity!

It was a great documentary but it leads one to pity the Believer more than convert to their cause.

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 01:48 PM
I'd like to return to the DNA guy. That seems to me to be the most credible part of this film. The rest of the examples don't do much for me. Sorry. And I still think Mum is credulous and not particularly well informed in the field. I don't think she would be able to distinguish the psychotic wannabe abductees from the real ones. She hasn't talked with aliens, BTW. The title is fiction.

And there is still some severe strangeness with this one. So I'm taking his story at face value here. He reported these "ET Ladies" (for convenience) as attractive, but exotic looking. In other words, they weren't short fat blue people, nor were they the "grey-type" alien with huge eyes and pencil necks. They were females with all their parts and their parts looked just fine, thank you very much.

1. First, he reports that one of the women forced his head toward her breast and it wound up at the back of his mouth where he experienced a burning sensation down his throat.

What's up with that? That doesn't make much sense on any level. He's a grown man who does not need breast milk. If she weren't lactating there would be nothing anyway. If she were titilating him (sorry!) that seems an odd way to do it. That she stated telepathically that this wasn't working the way it was supposed to seems odder still. Whatever was she trying to accomplish?

2. Second, he reports that they had intercourse, though he does not detail the experience itself. It's the aftermath that is strange. He reports pulling off two hairs from his skin and that pulling them off was excruciatingly painful.

What about two public hairs could possibly be extrordinarily painful. Even if "caked on" it doesn't seem to me that there is any reason at all that it would be painful. It might sting a bit, but it makes little sense that it was painful. They were just two hairs.

3. The two points above are even stranger in light of the DNA report, which stated that it was HUMAN DNA, though perhaps somewhat off the norm. Still, we're talking Homo sapiens here. This coincides with his description of them, which was decidenly human-looking, though with an exotic element. In other words, we're not talking scorpion DNA here so the painful episodes are even weirder.

4. The entire episode seems a very strange way to act. It's as if these ET Ladies are clueless in accomplishing the task they set out for themselves. (I know: That begs the question.) They are making it ever so much more difficult than it has to be. If they can force people to do their bidding anyway, then there are easier ways to collect sperm samples. Going through this ordeal is simply not necessary.

Look, human nature being what it is, men don't really EVER want to say "No" to sex. Some may have a moral compass and strength of character to remain true to their spouses, and I applaud them for that, but any man with a libido knows that the best way to do that is to avoid situations where his character might be tested in the first place. In other words, once you embark on a potentially compromising path it becomes a lot harder to resist because your hormones are fighting against your brain. As someone once told me, "A hard ***** has no conscience." Once you are there, it's a done deal.

In other wordfs, if these ET Ladies, being as attactive as they are, want to have intercourse, all they have to do is ask. They obviously can cause the above to happen easily. I would maintain they need not use extraordinary methods. Men can handle that part all by themselves. What's the big deal? Further, there's no down side. Even if the male is a macho braggert, he willl think twice before telling his buddies he bedded a couple of exotic ET Ladies. Who would believe him?

Now I know a common complaint of this way of thinking is to point out the dangers of ethnocentric thinking. Spare me, please. I've got it memorized. While I acknowledge that possibility I still think many of these stories point out that ET is not quite as omniscient as she might have us believe. They often seem to have extraordinary difficulty with tasks that ought to be easy.

Now the last part of difficulty with this story is the DNA report itself and his reports of intensive medical exams, blood-taking, etc. It would seem a simple matter to look on the letterhead of the report. Who did it? May we talk with them directly, please? Isn't this standard police procedure? Go to the source? Verify? What's so hard about this?

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 08:33 AM

Does anyone know anywhere else where i can watch this? looks really interesting

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by _SilentAssassin_

Does anyone know anywhere else where i can watch this? looks really interesting

You can find it, & many outtakes at the website of the station that originally screened it.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by schuyler
Now the last part of difficulty with this story is the DNA report itself and his reports of intensive medical exams, blood-taking, etc. It would seem a simple matter to look on the letterhead of the report. Who did it? May we talk with them directly, please? Isn't this standard police procedure? Go to the source? Verify? What's so hard about this?
I want to see that too. So I agree with you and I also repeat my request to anyone reading to post a link to the lab report and details if you've got one. I searched and can't find it.

I also mentioned my experience reading laboratory reports, and have never read one so unscientifically worded as that one.

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 06:22 PM
Quote from the doc:

"the analysis confirmed the hair came from someone who was biologically close to normal human genetics, but of an unusual racial type - a rare chinese mongoloid type - one of the rarest human lineages known, that lies further from the human mainstream than any other except African pygmies and aboriginals. There was a strange anomaly of it being blonde to clear instead of black, as would be expect from the asian type mitochondrial DNA. The most likely donor would be a tall blonde female who does not need much color in her hair or skin as a form of protection against the sun pehaps because she doesn't require it."

and passed a light detector test, some interesting "scientific" evidence.

Great stuff, great doc, thanks for the post.
edit on 19-12-2010 by thecann because: to add quote

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