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Diet soft drinks and weight loss

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posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 08:01 AM
Acording to a study done by Purdue university ( drinking diet soft drinks will not cause you to lose weight because artificial sweetners disrupt your bodies ability to count calories based on sweetness.
I think this is untrue because I lost 60 lbs by switching from regular soft drinks to diet and and cutting down on everything else too of course. How many times have you seen peopkle order a large Whopper, big Mac or whatever and then a diet drink, kind of duh don't you think?

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 10:21 AM
Well this depends on weather our bodies see sweet as the trigger to turn on the fat storing process in our body. For instance if you drink a couple diet cokes and your body thinks it is getting sugar. It is then possible that it turns on the processes in your body to turn food energy into fat instead of burning it.

2 Diet cokes and body says hey thats more energy than I need right now (body mistakes the sweet for sugar)so lets store everything else as fat for later.

You add a hamburger and fry to the equation and your body just stores it directly as fat.

Actually this may explain why you can eat and drink the above and be hungry again in 30 min to an hour causing you to eat more food...because your real energy needs never get met even though your body thought it did when you drank the diet cokes..... hmmm

Interesting.. I am a diet coke addict and have a lot of trouble losing weight, even on low callorie diets, and exersicing daily. I am going to cut out artificial sweeteners and continue eating 1200-1500 calories a day and see if I start droping weight.


Good info thanks


posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by jeeze louise
How many times have you seen peopkle order a large Whopper, big Mac or whatever and then a diet drink, kind of duh don't you think?

Everytime I go to McDonalds. Because Diet Coke/Pepsi just tastes better.

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 01:23 PM
I know some diabetics who get a diet drink at those places because they don't want the sugar. Doesn't hurt to cut out those extra calories... a large coke at Burger King is 333 calories and 82g of sugar. Probably worse for you than the food!

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 01:38 PM
why not try orange juice , or another fruit juice instead of pop? It still quenches your thirst , and it still contains sugar, fuctose instead of glucose, but it also contains vitamins your body can use.

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 07:17 PM
Or how about water? Just water, and only water? As a diet for a few days? I started a thread about this on BTS, if any health nuts out there could respond to my question, its be great. Its Called "Diet, NO! Starvation, maybe....."


posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 07:20 PM
If I do not get a Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi I get an Iced Tea. Not only is it as good as water it helps reduce the risk of colan cancer and I heard stomache cancer as well.

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by Xeven
I am a diet coke addict

That would be the aspartame, which is an addictive substance. Its also been linked with brain cancer, and is generally pretty dire. A single can contains more than the suggested maximum daily intake of formaldehyde.
But, hell I smoke.

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 07:30 PM
A friend of mine is a coke addict (the type you take in ounces, not grams). man, he can down a 24 pack in less that 5 hours. hes a machine.

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 07:31 PM

The water Idea is a good one.
I don't eat fast food anymore, except In-n-Out burger,
once a month or so.
I switched to "mostly" water.

I've noticed that FOOD tastes much more foodlike, when washed down
with good ole H2O. The flavors are stronger, the spices, well, spicier..etc..

I've also lost 10 pounds, without really trying..

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 07:34 PM
10 pounds? dude...thats what i need. excep ti need to lose 15. Ive got a dance competition coming up soon and if i cant wear the costumes they wear in the cell block tango number from chicago i have serious problem. i went from a size 1 to a size 5 in one school year. i need help. AHHH!

spacedoubt- youve helped me in the past, and now youve done it again. from now on i am on water alone! at least, until i crack and want a white chcolate mocha with 4 shots of espresso

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by kastinyque
why not try orange juice , or another fruit juice instead of pop? It still quenches your thirst , and it still contains sugar, fuctose instead of glucose, but it also contains vitamins your body can use.

Or then again - Got Milk?

But then again this is one of my pet peeves. You order a meal deal but ask for a milk instead of the drink that comes out of the machine. Now individually the milk is cheaper than the beverage coming out of the machine, (on the menu at least - that soda is costing them pennies to rip you off on) but half the stores will charge you separate for it above the meal price and then argue it.


posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 07:53 PM

I could still stand to dump another 15 or so...according to my BMI..

If I added a bit more excercise to my day..hmm...if the keys on my keyboard required MORE pressure with each keystroke, more pressure, more calories burned..that could work!

Back to artificial sweeteners..Has anyone tried something called "STEVIA"
I think thats the name..I've heard good things about it...It's not really artificial, It's produced by a plant.

P.S.the water effect greatly enhances the taste of toast!

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by spacedoubt
P.S.the water effect greatly enhances the taste of toast!

Its almost as if you added that in there just for me
Toast and Jams will have a new edition..the water bar!

no ive never heard of that sweetener, but ive got a great pickup line that deals with sugar packets

[edit on 7-2-04 by Scat]

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 08:21 PM
Here is a pretty good link for information on stevia, as a sweetner.
There are tons of links, mostly to sites that sell it.
This one was better at providing just the facts.
Link to Stevia info

If you read about it, you may notice the suspicion of a consiracy to
prevent it from being approved by the FDA..Something about it being non-patentable I'm sure..

I've never tasted the stuff..Has Anyone here?

Scat, yep, that was for you...!

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 08:42 PM
I only drink water and milk, and occasionally fruit juice...haven't had soda in months. I just don't like the carbonation, or the sweetness, or the way it makes my mouth and body feel.

There has been lots of controversy about Aspartame, which is the artificial sweetener used in most diet drinks. I have also heard that either Pepsi or Coke (can't remember) has calories in their diet drink, and still labels it as 0 calories and carbs, and just pays off thousands in fines to keep the lie on their label...don't know if this is true though.

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 09:29 AM
Hey, Scat... Water Only sounds pretty hardcore. I don't know if I could do it, but it'd be interesting to try it and see what happens. Maybe if done along with vitamin supplements... *brain ticking away*

Y'know, I think there's a lot of conspiracy within the food biz. I remember when saccharine was the devil. Evil. Cancerous. Aspartame rode in to save the day. Then several years later they came out with a story that saccharine did cause cancer in rats... but ONLY in rats because of something in their little rodential systems. Nice to know but too late to save Fresca.

I knew a girl years ago at my job who decided to do a water-based diet. Nothing but water and fruits and veggies made up of lots of water. She felt ill for about a week and then said she felt great. Lost some weight, but nothing more than you'd do with a regular ol' diet and exercise. No vitamins or other supplements, either. Seemed she was missing out on some stuff, I would think.

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by jeeze louise
Acording to a study done by Purdue university ( drinking diet soft drinks will not cause you to lose weight because artificial sweetners disrupt your bodies ability to count calories based on sweetness.

Interesting find, there! Do you have a link? I'd like to read more about it.

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 10:01 AM
I read it online @ if you can"t get through that way try a search onPurdue university I am sure they have a website.

posted on Jul, 6 2004 @ 10:51 AM
Im actaully allergic to aspartame. It gave me arrythmia and i nearly died twice. Apparently, most people have a bad allergy to this sweetener but they put the effects off onto something else because they dont understand how dangerous it can be. My doctor told me, it is linked to brain disorders and circulatory disorders.

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