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Man Getting Evicted from Land for living "to simply"

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posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by babybunnies

nothing nefarious but your post....
care to re-phrase that? are telling on yourself.!

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by GirlGenius
I cannot live anyplace that has lawn police!

I'm sure most of the ATS regulars and myself totally agree. That is cool that you and BigTimeCheater are trying to help this guy! This country needs more like you two.

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by aching_knuckles

Well Said! Bravo! Bravo! Our generation may be stuck in our stupidity, but our children and their children can change things. This is how and pass this on to everybody to study. You see our stupidity is really only 1/2 our faults because we've been fed lies since birth generation after generation. We are living in a great time now because we have the opportunity to stop the blind man from complaining about wallowing in the mud and help him to start complaining about being blind instead. If you can't see the mud puddle, you will inevitably fall in to the mud. It's designed to have the blind leading the blind. Our leaders don't lead us; they leave that up to us to lead ourselves. And we Police one another and the weak and the poor get trampled repeatedly. Our leaders make us think that we are voting them into office and they do what the previous leaders did before them. They don't really change anything for us; their jobs are the make sure that real change doesn't happen. And they do their jobs astoundingly well. Have a look at this; nobody cares if you believe anything keep that in mind. There is a perfect plan in place and you can rest assured that their are perfect solutions. Now get busy making them happen by planting seeds in an open minded young person. There are some young people out there who aren't hijacking schools and who aren't committing suicide and would like to find a way to make real change happen. Someone you know will either plant more seeds in the minds of others or make miracles happen that will ripple through all of eternity. We are all like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. We had the power all along but ran around acting like we are powerless.

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 12:28 PM
If you haven't already opened up a dialogue with your neighbors about stuff like this, it's time to! We've started talking to our pastor and neighbors more and more about stuff like this. I am encouraging people to get involved, at least as observers and videographers, if something like this comes to our neighborhood. We have to hang together and never give up our guns. We are so powerful. We can change anything and stop this crap - we just need a small percentage that will push back no matter what!

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by jrod

i have to agree to this statement with out any offense intended at anyone.just my observation,.badness outweighs the goodness intended.but it all looks pretty and orderly.

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 12:51 PM
As I said before, this is happening very insidiously all over America.

Look how difficult it is becoming to even build a shed on one's own property.

The permits, the codes, the "permissions", the easements...

This is quietly happening all over America and never getting reported.

People trying to live very sparingly and being told "No."

This all fits in with the UN's nefarious Agenda 21.

Been going on now for decades.

In The Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide: An introduction to Sustainable Development:

This "planning framework for sustainable development at the local level" was prepared by The International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) in partnership with the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) and the International Development Research Center of Canada. Keep in mind that UNEP also prepared the GBA which also "proves" the environmental "crisis."

Sound interesting?

ICLEI's plan for transforming communities was made public knowledge at the 1996 UN Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II).

The ICLEI Planning Guide proposes that Stakeholders select two kinds of people to serve their agenda:

1- ordinary people who don't have "a stake" in the old system and would expect to gain power by establishing a new political system
2- media, business, political, church, and education leaders to promote the change within their field of persuasion

The ICLEI list of targeted people includes both "groups":

A. Community Residents: women, youth, indigenous people, community leaders, teachers

B. Community-Based Organizations: churches, formal women's groups, traditional social groups, special interest groups

C. Independent Sector: Non-governmental organizations (NGO). academia, media

D. Private/Entrepreneurial Sector: environmental service agencies, small business/cooperatives, banks

E. Local Government and Associations: elected officials, management staff, regional associations

F. National/Regional Government: planning commission, utilities, service agencies, financial agencies.7

All participants must embrace the collective vision of a "sustainable community". They must commit to pursue the three E's of "sustainable development": Environment, Economy and Equity referring to the UN blueprint for environmental regulations, economic controls, and social equity.

"Sustainable development is a process of bringing these three development processes into balance with each other," states ICLEID's Agenda 21 Planning Guide on page 21.
"The implementation of a sustainable development strategy therefore involves negotiation among the primary interest groups (stakeholders) involved in these development processes. Once an Action Plan for balancing these development processes is established, these stakeholders must each take responsibility and leadership to implement the plan."

Opposing voices are to be silenced.

"Implementing the 'sustainable agenda' requires marginalizing critics," says Craig Rucker, Executive Director of CFACT, a conservative public interest group in Washington, D.C. dealing with consumer and environmental issues. "Distinguished scientists who disagree with the globalist agenda are ridiculed and said to speak for conservative interests or industry (whether or not they receive industry funding) and their scientific arguments are never heard.
Some of these marginalized critics are very distinguished scientists, like Dr. Frederic Seitz, former president of the National Academies of Science and a sharp critic of ozone depletion and global warming theories, Dr. S. Fred Singer, who help establish the satellite and balloon measuring devices to track global warming, and Dr. Edward Krug, who served on NAPAAP, among others.
Some, like Dr. William Happer were even fired from their jobs questioning environmental dogma (in his case, on the issue of ozone depletion)."

So this was made quietly public in 1996, buried in pages and pages of documents and plans.

Not much is ever said about, or reported of, Agenda 21, Sustainable America, or the President's Council on Sustainable Development.

The eco-issues are veils being used by a much higher group of people who want to completely alter society and the very way of life the human race leads by their socialist ideas of cultural engineering and population control.

You may read in your local paper about Vision Millenium, WorkGroups, Total Quality Management, and Partnerships between Churches, welfare and social service agencies... etc. All smoke and mirrors for the nefarious Agenda 21.

Henry Lamb has tried very hard to get the word out about Agenda 21 and "Smart Development"
edit on 1-12-2010 by thegoodearth because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 12:55 PM
This is a perfect example of why this goddamn country is not free.

This is despicable, and they should leave him alone.

It's time to draw a line in the sands of whether our future will be free or dictated to us by government and economic entities.

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by Pervius
So the man was deprived of Property without Due Process nor compensated for the loss of said Property.

Only in America.

Land of the Free my rear.

Why people put on our military uniform and fight for this country is beyond me. We are NOT a land of the free.

We have lost everything. Our ability to babble on the internet is the last thing we have left and it's about to go bye-bye.

Beautifully stated and what, again, most people do not recognize nor appreciate......



Section 1. OBJECT OF GOVERNMENT. Government is instituted for the security, benefit and protection of the people, in whom all political power is inherent, together with the right to alter, modify or reform government whenever required by the public good.

WE are the government. If people would just demand that these public officials PROVE UP YOUR CLAIM or cease and desist as it is MY right to own property and the city or county or state CAN NOT tell ME what to do with it. Done deal. The sheriff is an ELECTED official as are the representatives. THEY ARE PUBLIC SERVANTS!!! We do not waive our natural born, free rights because we vote, quite the opposite.

We need to stand up for ourselves and our natural born rights, ALL of US!!

"Personal liberty, or the Right to enjoyment of life and liberty, is one of the fundamental or natural Rights, which has been protected by its inclusion as a guarantee in the various constitutions, which is not derived from, or dependent on, the U.S. Constitution, which may not be submitted to a vote and may not depend on the outcome of an election. It is one of the most sacred and valuable Rights, as sacred as the Right to private property...and is regarded as inalienable." 16 C.J.S., Constitutional Law, Sect.202, p.987.

I could post hundreds of court cases here which reiterate this same ideology. WE the PEOPLE!!!!!!

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by thewholepicture

This is why I declare that government is like termites. Who are the insects that wrote these laws?

FURIOUS! Throw them out!

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 01:11 PM
We don't actually own the land that we live on, even if you have payed it off. That is why they can tell you (to an extent) what to do while you're on that land! Sad but true..

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by thegoodearth
As I said before, this is happening very insidiously all over America.

Look how difficult it is becoming to even build a shed on one's own property.

The permits, the codes, the "permissions", the easements...

This is quietly happening all over America and never getting reported.

People trying to live very sparingly and being told "No."

This all fits in with the UN's nefarious Agenda 21.

Been going on now for decades.

In The Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide: An introduction to Sustainable Development:

This "planning framework for sustainable development at the local level" was prepared by The International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) in partnership with the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) and the International Development Research Center of Canada. Keep in mind that UNEP also prepared the GBA which also "proves" the environmental "crisis."

Sound interesting?

ICLEI's plan for transforming communities was made public knowledge at the 1996 UN Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II).

The ICLEI Planning Guide proposes that Stakeholders select two kinds of people to serve their agenda:

1- ordinary people who don't have "a stake" in the old system and would expect to gain power by establishing a new political system
2- media, business, political, church, and education leaders to promote the change within their field of persuasion

The ICLEI list of targeted people includes both "groups":

A. Community Residents: women, youth, indigenous people, community leaders, teachers

B. Community-Based Organizations: churches, formal women's groups, traditional social groups, special interest groups

C. Independent Sector: Non-governmental organizations (NGO). academia, media

D. Private/Entrepreneurial Sector: environmental service agencies, small business/cooperatives, banks

E. Local Government and Associations: elected officials, management staff, regional associations

F. National/Regional Government: planning commission, utilities, service agencies, financial agencies.7

All participants must embrace the collective vision of a "sustainable community". They must commit to pursue the three E's of "sustainable development": Environment, Economy and Equity referring to the UN blueprint for environmental regulations, economic controls, and social equity.

"Sustainable development is a process of bringing these three development processes into balance with each other," states ICLEID's Agenda 21 Planning Guide on page 21.
"The implementation of a sustainable development strategy therefore involves negotiation among the primary interest groups (stakeholders) involved in these development processes. Once an Action Plan for balancing these development processes is established, these stakeholders must each take responsibility and leadership to implement the plan."

Opposing voices are to be silenced.

"Implementing the 'sustainable agenda' requires marginalizing critics," says Craig Rucker, Executive Director of CFACT, a conservative public interest group in Washington, D.C. dealing with consumer and environmental issues. "Distinguished scientists who disagree with the globalist agenda are ridiculed and said to speak for conservative interests or industry (whether or not they receive industry funding) and their scientific arguments are never heard.
Some of these marginalized critics are very distinguished scientists, like Dr. Frederic Seitz, former president of the National Academies of Science and a sharp critic of ozone depletion and global warming theories, Dr. S. Fred Singer, who help establish the satellite and balloon measuring devices to track global warming, and Dr. Edward Krug, who served on NAPAAP, among others.
Some, like Dr. William Happer were even fired from their jobs questioning environmental dogma (in his case, on the issue of ozone depletion)."

So this was made quietly public in 1996, buried in pages and pages of documents and plans.

Not much is ever said about, or reported of, Agenda 21, Sustainable America, or the President's Council on Sustainable Development.

The eco-issues are veils being used by a much higher group of people who want to completely alter society and the very way of life the human race leads by their socialist ideas of cultural engineering and population control.

You may read in your local paper about Vision Millenium, WorkGroups, Total Quality Management, and Partnerships between Churches, welfare and social service agencies... etc. All smoke and mirrors for the nefarious Agenda 21.

Henry Lamb has tried very hard to get the word out about Agenda 21 and "Smart Development"
edit on 1-12-2010 by thegoodearth because: (no reason given)

You've just taken a legitimate issue and turned it completely around to suit your agenda. Stop posting this disinformation.

What you've said has NOTHING TO DO with the freedoms being lost, in fact, if right-wing/industry-backed think tanks got their way, things would be farrrr worse. In fact... they're mostly likely the ones BEHIND so many regulations on the common man while relaxing them on themselves.

The issue of this entire thread is that somebody is living SUSTAINABLY and is not allowed to. Put two and two together, man... those who have the MOST interest in preventing this kind of free sustainable living are right-wingers, neo-cons, neo-libs, corporatists/corporations, globalists and various hippie-hating authoritarians.

By the way, Frederic Seitz is NOT distinguished, he's a fraud, as is Fred Singer. Evidence:

As for Edward Krug, he was embroiled in quite a little controversy over acid rain:

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by blood0fheroes

The truth is, there are no more heroes. They have gone because we refused to help them. A hero is just an ideal, and truly one person can only do so much. The heroes have gone, because no longer do men rally behind them. We expected them to do everything for us

You really hit the nail on the head there my friend! being a hero now days means ending up portrayed as a lone whacko on the 11 o'clock news for standing up for your rights and freedom... Sad day in America!

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 01:29 PM
"Owning" land in America is an illusion. The reality is that you are just renting it from the city/town/state you live in. Stop paying your property taxes and see how fast you are kicked off your land.

America is becoming a facist police state. You do not have the freedom to live the way you would like on your own property. You must live by the states rules or you will be kicked off your land. They tell you what you can and can't do.

I have a friend that was threatened with fines because he painted his house with an unapproved color. He had to paint over it. The town doesn't like houses to look different than the others and stick out like a sore thumb so there was only a handful of approved colors to choose from.

My brother inlaw was told his American flag was too large and he had to take it down and get a smaller one. Apparently there is a regulation about how big of a flag you can fly. He refused so now he is in a fight with the town being threatened with fines.

It's infuriating.

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by thewholepicture

I am not surprised. I had it happen to me.

We bought a very nice 33 ft travel trailer and lived in the woods at our neighbors (water & electric) until we could get our Manufactured home delivered and set-up. This is out in the boonies a good 1/2 mile off a dirt road in the middle of nowhere. It is a 1/2 hr to the nearest village. We got told to move also. AND told we could not set up on our property that had a septic, well and electric.

I am getting REAL sick of the stick their nose up my behind NANNY STATE.

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 01:37 PM
Well obviously he was going to get charged "you dont pay hydro, you get fined" its f**king retarded. We live in a world full of greed and if we dont take action now, it will be present in the generations to come, worse and worse.

You want a good future? a future where your kids dont want to strave to make ends meat? The next hundred years will determine everything, weather we make it as a type 1 civilization or if we simply blow oursevles up, and it would semm the TPTB only want the second option, for us and the first for themsevles.

I know what the future will be like when im 40, and it will be a horrible palce to live, please for the sake of everyone, dont let this slide, dont let them get away with everything, because that is what they are doing , they are seeing how far they can do unaposed, and so far they are winning by a land slide.

Time for change, real change.

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by babybunnies

Originally posted by IntastellaBurst
What gives the city the right to tell people how to live on their own land ???

If the land is within city limits, that gives them the right.

Just because it's your land, doesn't mean you can do as you please. There are laws and ordanances that need to be followed in any society.

Care to explain WHY?

Really? Just because its your life, doesn't mean you can live how you want either apparently. Hell why even BS and pretend its your life? Its not, its someone else s life and they will live it for you.

They will tell you what to be afraid of, if doesn't work they will convince you.
They will tell you how to raise your kids and if you don't they will take them and raise them for you.
They will tell you how to conduct yourself in their "society" and if you don't they will take you and convince you that their way of conducting yourself is the only way to avoid a rash series of negative reinforcement.

Ultimately they control you, there is little to no option to avoid their interference in your life and choices.


Care to explain why? Why someone cannot invest in living a life as they seem fit without outside interruption or manipulation? Why are these ordinances so important that they are willing to take the land away from the person for not obeying them?

What if the person wants absolutely nothing to do with society and doesn't agree with anything society entails? They only option would be to purchase their own land and live off the grid out of societies grip, but apparently even that is not good enough anymore. City limits are expanding not shrinking.

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 02:39 PM
I don't think what they did was right but it does happen all the time.

Land can be zoned and taxed for different uses: Undeveloped, residential, commercial, etc.

Up at our 160 acre "deer camp" we have multiple old trailers that sit there year around waiting for us to arrive for hunting season. The land owner is very particular that we have the wheels on them and build no permanent structures. Our main dinning and meeting hall where we congregate at night is made from 10x20 temp carports with sides. Everything is constructed to skirt the requirement to pay developed property taxes which no one could ever afford. Outhouses and well water are the amenities. As long as the property remains undeveloped and we are just "camping" and everything is temporary, this prime wooded hunting land taxes are only about $2500 a year and when you divide that up between 12 hunters isn't too much for each of us.

The moment we build a permanent lodge, or take the wheels off the travel trailers the taxes would be in the 10s of thousands.

So what I think went wrong with this guy is that he wasn't paying the proper taxes for how he was using the land.
Personally, I think the laws are screwed from the start, but within the context of the laws I think the earlier poster who said "he should move the trailer 1 foot every few weeks" hit the nail on the head. If this guy wants to pretend like he's camping and not maintaining a permanent residence, then he has to be very careful how he does it....or get stuck with the higher taxes... or, as in this case, get evicted.

It sucks. I don't agree with it, but as the laws stand he has to work with what the rules are or campain to change them.

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 02:43 PM
Oh, by the way, when you pull your camper onto a "campground", the campground owner is paying commercial taxes to run the campground. Those are really expensive and thus the county is happy.

At the end of the day, just like everything else, it's all about money and that sucks donkey marbles.

I'm sure that guy could neither pay the campground fees nor the price of converting the land to residential and the taxes that would go with it. Sad really.

edit on 1-12-2010 by JonInMichigan because: typo

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 02:44 PM
This is an example of the old adage...Power corrupts--absolute power corrupts absolutely.

My grandfather father owned ten acres of land with home before a city existed. My father lived there
and a few years later a small city sprang up. Years later the city incorporated my father's stretch of
land, ostensibly for the purpose of policing the speed on that road and to increase school tax revenue.

My dad rebelled against the school property tax--he has no school children. He lost. He rebelled
against the city's requirement to build a new "city code" easement. He lost. In short the city has
"required" him to fence his land, permit his well, and pay a mandatory city garbage tax even though
he burns his trash, the well existed before the city was in place and his free-range animals have
never strayed.

This is simply a function of a group of people imposing their will over other people. The nanny
state exists in small form in every one of us. If your neighbor's grass grows too long (to the
detriment of your property's value), but you keep your lawn neatly will probably
try to impose you will over him to get what you want. It is human nature.

Humans disappoint and sadden me on a regular basis...

edit on 1-12-2010 by rival because: I exercise my fifth amendment right not to incriminate myself as to why I edited this post, regardless of the site's proprietary assertion that a reason must be given...

posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by Pervius

We have lost everything. Our ability to babble on the internet is the last thing we have left and it's about to go bye-bye.


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