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Senate approves long-delayed food safety bill

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posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by SeaWind

The problem is NOT the lack of regulation, the problem is NOT enforcing the Food Safety regulations we already have. Sloppy compliance or crooked inspectors!

It is not necessarily crooked inspectors. Most want to do their jobs as their Union Head made clear in his testimony.

Mr. Stan Painter, Chairman, National Joint Council of Food Inspection Locals stated in his Apr 17, 2008 Testimony into the Congressional Investigation of the Hallmark/Westland Meat recall:

It (the recall of Hallmark/Westland Meat) highlights one of the problems that we have attempted to raise with the agency ever since 1996 when the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) inspection system was put in place. There seems to be too much reliance on an honor system for the industry to police itself. While the USDA investigation is still on going at Hallmark/Westland, a couple of facts have emerged that point to a system that can be gamed by those who want to break the law. It (HACCP) shifted the responsibility for food safety over to the companies .

Mr Painter's testimony was "discounted" by both the USDA and Congress despite the fact that "Over 1000 non-compliance reports – weighing some 16 pounds -- were turned over" as a result of a FOIA requests.

Worse as the Washington Post stated "Food inspections have dropped from a robust 50,000 in 1972 to about 5,000 today, meaning that U.S. food processors are inspected on average about every 10 years." So they do not even get their paper work checked!!!

And then you have the reduction of testing:

In 1995, before WTO, California did 10,576 TB tests in cattle after HACCP and the WTO agreement on Ag, it was cut to 1,425 by 1999. Meanwhile per the WTO Agreement on Ag the USA borders were opened to Mexican cattle and a Mexican cattle Assoc was responsible for the Santa Teresa, NM cattle port-of-entry”- RESULT TB found in New Mexico, California Oklahoma and other states.

The Media TRUMPED the INCREASE of testing from 1,425 to 2,500 but said NOTHING about the DECREASE from 10,576

Even worse a TEXAS ANIMAL HEALTH COMMISSION Report says not only is the US government shutting down testing labs but with ”the discontinuation of first-point testing, slaughter testing will become the primary method for brucellosis surveillance.... An animal identified through slaughter testing as possibly infected is no longer living and therefore additional testing of that animal is not possible. As a result, the process to be followed requires the identification of the herd the animal came from and conducting a whole herd test to determine whether or not infection is present in the herd. "

They do not mention in the report that herd testing catches disease early before repeated sale of an animal can transmit the disease.

The thing that keeps running through my mind is this statement made before the passage of the Federal Reserve Act:

Paul Warburg: "Relax fellas, don't you get it? Our object is to get the bill passed. We can fix it up later."

Want the general population does not understand is what is really at stake:

In my state all farms except for 171 are family held. That is 53759 family farms with $3,145,202,000 spent on supplies and $617,679,000 spent on labor. A total of $3,762,881,000 added to the states economy. Then add in the Horse Population of 256,000 horses with a Total Economic Impact: $ over 704 million and you get 4.5 BILLION. A real healthy chunk of change. Do the politicians want the newspapers to know they plan to kill 4.5 BILLION dollars worth of business for the state?

Right now I am too lazy to go get the links.
For the links see :

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by crimvelvet

Thanks, Crimvelvet, for the link to your excellent thread on this same topic. Your OP really spells out what's really being done to us thru these insidious bills: S510 and HR875.

And thanks for clarifying WHY our food inspection system is NOT working. I had no idea of all that legal sleight-of-hand that was AIMED at compromising the quality of our food, to JUSTIFY a government takeover of our food supply.

LDragonFire & Cybertroy, good job in calling our attention to this critical matter. I'm going to be posting on Crimvelvet's thread on this same matter.


posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 08:33 PM
Just sent another e-mail from Dr Rima's site. Hammer, hammer, hammer folks. Don't let criminal behavior rule our lives. Let your leaders know where you stand. Let them know, we have our eyes and ears on their decisions. We do not want the FDA to have more power to make decisions as to what is good and not good for us. The FDA cannot be trusted in its current state.

Here the link is again.

Stay strong and be heard folks. This isn't David Vs. Galiath. We are actually more powerful than the suppressive few that want to control us. We outnumber them and I'm sure it scares them that we are waking up. We are Galiath and they are David. Let's get the facts straight. Remember the movie "Bugs Life," where the few grasshoppers were trying to bully the obviously larger group of ants. Well, this is the same type of thing. The ants finally realized that they were stronger than the bullies. They outnumbered the grasshoppers by quite a bit.


posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by cybertroy

Thanks, Cybertroy, for posting the link again. I wish I had your optimism. BUT we must act as if we have a chance at fighting them off. What if my pessimism is wrong? If we give up, the "Forces of Evil" win by default.

I watched Jesse Ventura's "Conspiracy Theory" tonight. He uncovered the plot to control the planets water supply. There is a foreign (Swiss) corporation (Nestle -- the chocolate giant -- who also markets Perrier) who is draining the waters of the Great Lakes thru tapping the underground aquafers before the water reaches the lakes.
Nestle is a HUGE corporation with their fingers in many pies.

And they're not the only foreigners buying up the good water in the US. China is a major buyer.

That episode is worth re-watching. People need to be aware.

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 01:03 PM
The water conspiracy thing hit me hard, then I had to regain my composure. That was a tough pill to swallow. T Boone Pickens really pissed me off the way he was just going to exploit that aquifer, taking water that really isn't his and reselling it. He was a blatant bastard about it. I just can't believe how greedy some people can be. My god, I see nothing wrong with being rich and having power, but you don't have to use it to suppress people.

But, it's a minority of people who are doing this. We can easily defeat them if a sufficient amount of us were woken up. The truth is, there aren't really that many truly evil people. We could easily just grab them and lock them away from the rest of the world.

Wake the people up. Optimism should be the only way to go about it. It doesn't do us any good to go about it any other way. Not saying I'm perfect though.


posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by cybertroy

The water conspiracy thing hit me hard, then I had to regain my composure.

Speaking of water Take a look at what Maurice strong, (my he rot in the lowest level of Hades) tried to do.

Maurice Strong: The new guy in your future!

....At 25, he was Vice President of Dome Petroleum. At 31, he became the President of Power Corporation of Canada. He headed both Petro Canada and Hydro Canada, and made a few deals on the side as well, one of which was the acquisition in 1978 of the Colorado Land & Cattle Company which owned 200,000 acres of San Luis Valley in Colorado -- from Saudi arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi.[3]

The ranch, called Baca, sat on the continent's largest fresh water aquifer. Strong intended to pipe the water to the desert southwest, but environmental organizations protested and the plan was abandoned. Strong ended up with a $1.2 million settlement from the water company, an annual grant of $100,000 from Laurance Rockefeller, and still retained the rights to the water.

Strong is the originator of the Global Warming Hoax too as Chairman of the first Earth Summit in 1972.

Talk about two-faced!

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 03:38 PM
You know what? People like this are building their own hell. It will cost them.

All this stuff will eventually crumble. Have any evil empires really lasted?

Evil people think they can just bury us in lies and stuff, but we always seem to figure out the truth. People will not stay dumb, and these types of people seem to be relying on the fact that people will stay dumb.

I just want to be there to hasten their fall from power.


posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 08:20 AM
Yes, the bill failed due to House restrictions on tax increases.

But they're talking about exempting this from the "blue slip" rule? Wow...

Thanks, Troy, for that link to the email thing (see above). How many blacklists did I just get signed up to?

I can't wait 'til I can only eat government sanctioned plastic!

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 10:46 PM
That tells you right there they are trying to force this bill through. Trying anything they can to push it on through. What is this urgency really? Must be something wrong with the bill. "Push it through before the world has a chance to examine the wording closely," is what they are trying to do.

Push folks, lets use this forum to help secure our freedom. Take action.

Keep telling them we want food freedom. I put funny notes on my e-mail reminding them I want food freedom. I remind them that we are looking and listening to what they are doing.


posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 02:27 AM
We gotta keep this thing alive. This topic should be starred and flagged much more than what it is. I see much less important topics get starred to the hilt.


Here's a snippet update from Natural Solutions Foundation

Tell the Senate to Stip S.510 from the Continuing Resolution!

S.510: Hidden in House Amendment to Senate Amendment to House Bill! HR 3082 now hides S 510! The House passed it by 212 to 205 - without a single Republican vote! It is buried in the 423 pages of the Continuing Resolution which provides government funding for the next fiscal year - a "MUST PASS" bill. But the S.510 amendment can be removed by the Senate before the bill is passed. Act here to help make that happen.

Take Action NOW for each member of your household to tell the Senate that you STONGLY OPPOSE adopting the language of S. 510 in this or any other amendment or bill: Click Here for Action Item Below

Using Social Media like Facebook and Twitter, using your phone lists and your email contacts, get the word out, urging everyone you can contact to do the same: Take the Action Item -

Message from General Bert

"THIS IS NOT THE TIME FOR FATIGUE! WE ARE IN THE ENDGAME OF THIS BATTLE AND WE ARE CLOSE TO A RESOUNDING VICTORY... By the end of any battle, both sides are exhausted, but the side that perseveres just a little longer... wins! That is where we are now, and that is why massive Push Back is more important now than before! We are flooding Congress with a clear message: Kill [the] Bill! Keep at it! Victory is within our reach. Keep pressing forward while you recruit your contacts to act with you now!" "

Please click to take action.

edit on 10-12-2010 by cybertroy because: needed quotes

posted on Dec, 12 2010 @ 12:35 AM
Stay vigilant everyone. We are going to win in the end. Star and flag this, so we can keep our fight alive.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 12:40 AM
Snippet from my most recent Natural Solutions Foundation e-mail.

"I spoke to Senator Coburn's office this morning. After the Senate takes up the tax-extension bill it will take up the Continuing Resolution. Monday evening and all day Tuesday are critical to our effort to preserve Health & Food Freedom!

A CR is supposed to continue the govt's programs temporarily until Congress votes an actual "budget." It is not supposed to include major regulatory initiatives, such as budget-busting spending increases of a trillion dollars... or S.510, the fake "food safety" bill.


Here is what our friends at the Campaign for Liberty have to say about it:

"This week, the Senate will vote on a long-term Continuing Resolution (CR) that leaves spending at 2010 levels, makes over $1 trillion in appropriations for Big Government projects, and contains S. 510, the FDA's War on Food, as an attachment. Contact your senators and urge them to vote against the long-term CR on every vote - including cloture - and to support a short-term version that will fund the government only until the new Congress convenes and removes the S. 510 language."

Today's Senate Calendar states: "Monday, Dec 13, 2010 - 2:00 p.m.: Convene and resume consideration of the motion to concur with respect to H.R.4853, the Middle Class Tax Relief Act of 2010."

Continue to tell your Senators that you STRONGELY OPPOSE the use of the Continuing Resolution (HR.3082, needed to keeping Federal program operating through the Holidays) to force S.510 through the lame-duck Congress! "


posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 05:48 AM
Apathy? I don't think the mainstream public knows anything about this bill. Im not sure if they care. This yet another bill that will change our world for the worse, putting all food production into the hands of corporation will not help us at all.

I wish I had more faith that the new congress would toss this, but I see no evidence to support being positive. The new boss will be the same as the old boss. And every one that yet again voted for change will be disappointed as the voters that voted for change in 08.

I told some of my family about this bill, they looked at me like I was insane, I included its not supposed to affect farmers that make under 500k a year. Then some of them researched it themselves, this is all it takes people. Do you want to be able to chose what foods you eat or do you want the corporate elite to make these decisions for you?

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 11:54 PM
You are right. The mainstream public doesn't know about the bill. Some of the people I know, didn't know anything about it, until I said something about it.

When you first read the bill, it sounds like the FDA is gonna do all this great stuff and get rid of unsafe food. But, then you gotta think about what the FDA has done and continues to do. And, giving them more power to decide what is good, and not good, wow, not good.

The devil is in the wording. At a glance it sounds like a good thing, but with some thought....


posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 03:41 PM
This Message from Health Freedom USA President, General Bert:

“The smell of victory is in the air… we must encourage the faint-of-heart Senators to persevere. And get ready to blast ‘em if they turn-tail to run! By the end of any battle, both sides are exhausted, but the side that perseveres just a little longer… wins! That is where we are now, and that is why massive Push Back is more important now than before! We are flooding the Senate with a clear message: No New Programs in the Continuing Resolution or Omnibus Bill; Strip S.510 out of any funding bill! Keep at it! Victory is within our reach. Keep pressing forward while you recruit your contacts to act with you now!”

If you care about your freedom, this is your chance to show it.

Wanting to post this on Facebook, but Facebook is strangely down. Hmm.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 10:04 PM
I was thinking today. Posting on Facebook about S.510, and I have heard before something like the FDA, "doesn't have enough power" to ensure food safety. So I started searching the net and ended up looking up FDA bans, and worked on to FDA closing businesses. So, the FDA doesn't have enough power? Really? I'll post my findings as I posted on Facebook.

It is said the FDA needs more power to enforce food safety, this simply isn't the truth. They can already ban things. I've got plenty of links to pull from.

How about a B6 form being made illegal by the FDA. It's laughable, as they apparently see it as a drug, which it isn't. It is a natural form.

More on B6.
On GMO labeling.

They don't already have enough power? Really?

Really, they don't have enough power already?

They do have enough power, they just don't always use it properly.


posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 12:24 PM
Word has it that Senate is in Saturday session. From Natural Solutions Foundation.

"12.16.10 UPDATE:

The various attempts by Big AgraBiz and DC Politicians to force the fake “food safety” bill, better named the 'food control bill' or the 'Food Fascism Bill', through the Congress are failing because hundreds of thousands of messages are flooding the “lame-duck” Congress from citizens demanding: Don’t Adopt Any Bill that Includes S.510!

November 30, the Lame-Duck House Sent the Fake Food Safety Hot Potato Back to Senate. Tell the Senate to Strip S.510 from the Continuing Resolution or any omnibus or other bill!

S.510: Hidden in House Amendment to Senate Amendment to House Bill! HR 3082. The House passed it by 212 to 205 - without a single Republican vote! The Senate "Leadership" then introduced a huge "Omnibus Bill" that was even worse than the C.R., and, of course, it included S.510's fake "food safety" provisions! The Omnibus Bill died December 16th. Now Harry Reid is desperate to tack S.510 to attach S.510 to ANY bill that is left in the Senate hopper...

Take Action NOW for each member of your household to tell the Senate that you STONGLY OPPOSE adopting the language of S. 510 in this or any other amendment or bill:

Using Social Media like Facebook and Twitter, using your phone lists and your email contacts, get the word out, urging everyone you can contact to do the same: Take the Action Item -

Message from General Bert

"THIS IS NOT THE TIME FOR FATIGUE! WE ARE IN THE ENDGAME OF THIS BATTLE AND WE ARE CLOSE TO A RESOUNDING VICTORY... By the end of any battle, both sides are exhausted, but the side that perseveres just a little longer... wins! That is where we are now, and that is why massive Push Back is more important now than before! We are flooding Congress with a clear message: Strip S.510 from any Bill! Keep at it! Victory is within our reach. Keep pressing forward while you recruit your contacts to act with you now!" "

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 10:14 PM
From my most recent e-mail from Natural Solutions Foundation. Get on this folks. We have 48 hours to kill this thing. The house meets Tuesday.

This is a now situation. Where are my ATSers "with a pair?" I'm not asking much, just a little extra time at the computer, and then pass the information on.

There isn't much more that could be more important to our bodies than food. Do you want the freedom to choose good wholesome healthy food? Good, let's get cracking. Oh yeah, here is the message:

"An Important Messge from General Bert

Sunday Night Update: Monday Morning Risks to Health and Food Freedom

The simple Five-Day Continuing Resolution to keep the govt in business expires Tuesday. Why, you may ask, does the lame-duck leadership continue to hold Federal programs hostage like this? To grasp onto power for a few days more, in hope that something will happen to allow them to impose their will on the new Congress convening in early January.

And now, they've "dropped the other shoe..." with an announcement on the Senate's official video feed, C-span2. Here is what the screen-crawl said, under "Pending" this evening as the Senate adjourned after the unusual step of holding both Saturday and Sunday sessions:

"FY 2011 Federal spending through September 2011"

What does that mean? It means the simple, short Continuing Resolution which wouldn't tie the hands of the incoming Congress is again being held up as the lame-duck leadership tries to pass the already-once-defeated Omnibus Bill...



"The Senate unexpectedly approved food safety legislation by unanimous consent Sunday evening, rescuing a bill that floated in limbo for weeks because of a clerical error."

Our so-called friends in the Senate had assured us they would object to any effort to tack S.510, the fake "food safety" (really, "food control") bill onto any other legislation in the last couple days of the congressional session. We feel betrayed. We pledge not to forget!


The critical moment is now, during the last couple days before the Holiday recess.

OFTEN! And Forward It to Your Contacts!"

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 01:40 AM
Well, folks, tomorrow is the last day. But, no matter what happens, even if this thing happens to pass, we've got to stay on top of this stuff. Don't let the bullies run over us.


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