New" - In the sense that it has gained mainstream acceptance (or,
exposure), only recently.
Oldest" - when you consider the basic principle, it is the logical conclusion that AAT is the foundation for
all other religions.
Only" - Now, AS the basis for all other religions AND as the only theory that continually produces
new evidence to support its claims
while at the same time providing
scientific explanations for many of the fantastical claims of events and entities of religious txts, it can be
the only belief system (with any backing).
"Mythology is the study of whatever religious or heroic legends are so foreign to a student’s experience that he cannot believe them to be
true; hence the English adjective ‘mythical’ meaning ‘incredible’; hence the omission from standard European mythologies of all Biblical
narrative even when closely paralleled by myths from Persia, Babylonia, Egypt and Greece."
- Robert Graves (1968)
Like most open-minded historians/archaeologists/UFOlogists, I believe that ALL of the supernatural events and entities depicted in ancient txts are
merely misinterpretations of actual, physical events / entities that were explained away as 'acts of God'/'God' simply because people were unable to
describe in terminology (and technology) of the day, what they were seeing.
"But, SquirrelNuts, if the aliens created us, then who created the aliens?"
[Boy, never heard that one before]
Ultimately, I believe in ‘Evolution’ pretty much the way Darwin laid it out - but incorrectly/prematurely for humanity, on this planet - being the
reason for intelligent/all life across the Universe. There is no evidence for MACRO-Evolution on this planet in relation to the creation of man: Our
fossil records simply do not support this theory. Nevermind trying to explain away the Cambrian Explosion.
No. As far as life on planet Earth is concerned...
- Our Megalithic (and many other) structures all over the world indicate it
- Our oldest and most sacred religions record and preach it
- 'Legends’ and ancient scripts are passed down verbally and transcribed about it
- Current observations and recent onslaught of high level ‘confessions’ all but prove it...
An advanced civilization has visited the Earth in our ancient past,
is still possibly in our presence, and - more to the point -
responsible for our existence on this planet to begin with!
But that doesn't mean, there aren't still some questions that need answering. Specifically:
- Where did they go? And Why?
- DID they go, at all?
- If they DIDN'T Go, then why are they not out in the open (or ARE they?)
- Obviously, many expect 'them' to return (or, make themselves known again... Globally, and undeniably), but when? And, what will be the trigger?
And to drive the final nail in the coffin of my own thread (
"Stop using the
Ant/Alien Anology"), it makes PERFECT SENSE why they would not destroy us if they came upon us...
(They have a vested interested in us, we are their lineage, or at the very least, their slave race)
Our accelerated knowledge of ourseleves and our place in this universe
elaboration, here] is forcing us to reclassify much
of ancient ‘mythology’ as
historical record.
edit on 11/30/2010 by SquirrelNutz because: Format fixes