posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 09:46 AM
The inherent problem in all of this is that an overwhelming majority of American citizens have ASKED for this. Those of us who oppose these actions
and can see what is really going on with them are in the minority. Those of us who still uphold and support the Constitution of the United States of
America are in the minority. It makes me sick and really makes me wonder what TPTB are looking for.
Here's an analogy to our current situation (I hope this makes sense...):
There are two mice and a big cat. The cat is hungry and is preventing the two mice from getting away. Mouse A (the sheeple) agrees with the cat in
that the mouse is nothing but a nuisance to the household (after being brainwashed of course...only to further the cat's own need to eat the mouse).
Mouse B knows its right to live, to eat, and to be happy. After all, they are all living under the same roof and Mouse B only takes the scraps that
fall on the floor, not upsetting the balance in the house.
Mouse A decides to go along with the cat's plan, and allows himself to be eaten, for the greater good of the household. Mouse B refuses, and so the
cat encroaches on the mouse, threatening to eat him (which is inevitable). However, there is a distinct difference between Mouse A and Mouse B.
Mouse B has been taking advantage of all the scraps on the floor, while Mouse A was brainwashed into thinking that it wasn't a good idea. Mouse B is
considerably larger than Mouse A. Mouse B has a plan. Mouse B stands right up to the cat and tells him that he will not be taken quietly, and that
the cat will have to fight for his supper. The mouse pulls at the cat's whiskers, bites him on the nose, but is inevitably taken into the cat's
mouth. The cat, being greedy, doesn't chew or bite the mouse, and mouse B survives the initial descent into the cat's mouth. Being so big, Mouse B
gets caught in the cat's throat, and the cat chokes to death. Mouse B emerges from the cat's mouth, grinning to himself for outsmarting the cat.
Mouse B continues his life, eating scraps and living under the same same roof as the other people in the house, not bothering anybody. He wins.
So in my badly phrased analogy, the question begs itself: will you be Mouse A or Mouse B? Will you put up a fight when you are backed into a corner,
or will you willingly give yourself up (your rights) to the "greater good?" You may get eaten anyway, but there is always a chance that the cat
(TPTB) will bite off more than it can chew and its gluttony (power and money) will be its eventual downfall.
Make those bastards choke on their food and maybe they will eventually die out and leave us to our dreams of life, liberty, and the pursuit of
Thanks for reading my analogy. I hope it made some sense.
Peace be with you.