reply to post by madnessinmysoul
I don't really think there's that many. Like me, I'm a Christian in that I follow the teachings of Jesus, but that doesn't mean I believe in
creationism or their timeline the creationists thought up later. The timeline is not even literally in the Bible.
It says In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty. In the beginning he created it, but NOW. Well
how much time was between the beginning and NOW? It doesn't say. The Bible actually starts up at the "creation" of man after the earth had become
"formless and empty". Does this imply some mass extinction event that the Bible isn't telling us about? It implies that the planet had already been
created prior, at the same time the heavens were. Well when were the heavens created? A lot more than 6,000 -10,000 years ago.
Sometimes I think Jesus was an atheist himself and just used his position to subvert the Old Testament teachings like kill everything that moves.
Maybe it was just easier for him to say, oh yeah I'm God. Sure, I'm God. hey don't do that stuff. Be nice to each other. Yada Yada. I don't know.
I just don't believe in a literal reading of Genesis because you can't really read Genesis literally. Like, it's impossible to do so. Like when it
says Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge. What's a tree of knowledge? I've never seen one. Is it a real tree? Is it a metaphor? How does it work? Do
you have to water it?
Maybe it's true, maybe it's not, but I couldn't tell you cause I don't understand what it says. If you ask ten different preachers what a tree of
knowledge is you'll get ten different answers. Nobody understands it. So how can they say they understand Genesis? They can't.
But in the Bible it says, "And God said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move
along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind.” It says he let the land produce the living creatures. To me that implies
evolution. Not creationism. One line later it says God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all
the creatures. Okay so which is it? Did God let the land produce the living creatures or did God just do it himself? It doesn't say.
It's just a big vocal minority that makes a lot of noise. After all, you said there's more evolutionists named Steve than there are that support ID.
Just because they're loud doesn't mean there's that many people that believe it. Most people don't care one way or another because they don't even
understand it.
That's what a wedge issue is. Something that's not really important but someone makes a big fuss about it because they don't want to talk about real
issues. Like what did the gov do with all our money? Oh that's not important, let's talk about intelligent design! Uh,....No. Let's not lol.
And intelligent design isn't a scientific theory. All it does is ask questions. Like look how complex this cell is. How could it have just evolved?
Someone must have created it!
Well I don't know how it could have evolved, I'm not a biologist, but that's not really evidence. Just asking a question, how would that be possible
doesn't really answer anything. I don't know how, let's get out the microscope and study it and maybe we'll figure it out. Just because the IDers
don't know how something evolved they can't just jump to the conclusion that it's impossible and say, SEE THIS IS PROOF! Science doesn't work that
If they want to be taken seriously they need to start producing real evidence.
edit on 30-11-2010 by tinfoilman because: (no reason