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I experienced a "classic" UFO sighting: Nov. 28, 2010

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posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

Very interesting ... more so because in this case the record/history of the observer counts a great deal. After all when one has established a long standing record of superior reasoning and deductive skills, and not being prone to either hyperbole or a 'ufo of the gaps' disposition, one's word counts a great deal. Most of all the trust is there from said record that an exhaustive process of elimination of possible explanations has been undertaken before putting the sighting and yourself forth. In this context your sighting is more credible than a yt video and most pictures as they have become all but impossible to decipher.

I have no explanation to offer myself as this is far from a topic in which I hold any knowledge to be spoken of ... hopefully this will encourage more folks to come forth and share their own experience. More important it shows the inherent value of being a credible poster over time.

On a side note, I'm almost as impressed at a Nat Sherman sighting in Arizona ... must be all the retired New Yorkers pushing the demand.

edit on 29 Nov 2010 by schrodingers dog because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 02:57 PM
Cool sighting, welcome to the other side

The only thing which can make a true skeptical person believe, is an experience which they can't explain. Which is pretty much the way it should be.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
All you have is my word; the word of someone who habitually doubted extraordinary explanations of things like this, suddenly compelled to post his observations of something extraordinary.

Well, there are certainly unusual and extraordinary things to be seen, many of them in the night sky. However, it's only your social conditioning and the times you're living in that make you jump in your mind toward an "otherwordly" preliminary explanation. None of us know the kinds of high technology things being flown around by the most secret of our military researchers. And none of us know what other explanations might be available but may be currently beyond our understanding. Time travelers (not exactly "alien" but certainly "other"), manifestations of odd realities, entities of some sort, etc.

It's interesting how quick we all are to think of aliens, considering we have no indication that such a thing even exists.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 03:08 PM
When I opened this thread I usually don't look to see who wrote unless I feel the need to check who wrote it. I for some reason looked before I even started to read and was startled to say the least it ws from you SO.

I am glad this happened to you because now maybe you will think "what if " and you now are in a club of was it or wasn't it club.

Since I have had experiences with Beings all my life I do try very hard to understand skeptics. One thing I expect to see in this thread is members will be more open to you because of who you are to this site and I bet you will not get the harshness others have to endure when they share.

I have been to Arizona only three times in my long life and I have seen things in your skies and I do think the Vortexes and energies there are high.

I hope you keep you eyes to the sky whenever you are out and are prepared to get evidence I feel as if things are going to start stepping up with showings as events progress.

Congrats to you for sharing with all of us.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by brindle
So now that you have had your own sighting,you are a believer.

Not to speak for SO, but a point of clarification. Now that he's had his own sighting, he doesn't know what he saw. Hence the "U" in UFO. Doesn't mean it was non-terrestrial, it means it isn't classifiable as anything specific.

Weirdness. Beyond that, it's conjecture. Black ops secret government tech? Extraterrestrial? Inter-dimensional? Atmospheric anomaly? Optical illusion? We don't know.

I'm always intrigued by the UFO sightings that involve an object splitting and the pieces zooming off in opposite directions. That's not a rare report in UFO world.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

well just to ramble on. Sighting in this regard has been occurring since written history, since we learned how to sketch cave walls and rocks. Allot of religions point to the sky. What took me a long time to learn was being able to balance seeing astonishing things in our sky and dealing with the world we live in, aka the world is flat mentality. Yet to even have an intelligent discussion on such defy's many people belief in the first place from religions to atheist to just not having an open mind period. One of the first things I did when I had an intense experience with things I could not explain was come on the internet and see if I could find answers, all I mainly found was ridicule and punchlines from people, and hell I don't blame them, unfortunately just as it is in reality it is on the internet, the answer to your question I highly doubt will be found. That is one of the stigma's to such an event. I guess its designed for you to bear with, or if anything its not suppose to be important Skeptic.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

I remain skeptical. My primary reasons are that we represent a relatively mundane existence when compared against the wonders of the galaxy available to an interstellar species. Even very advanced technology -- if it exists at all -- capable of traversing the stars will be exceptionally "expensive" in terms of the cost of energy required. I can't imagine any intelligent species wasting that energy on us when the entire galaxy calls.

I have had my own sightings, up close and more personal, having said that you talk about advanced technology, why would you think it expensive, if this advance technology exists out there I don't think we can necessarily equate it with earth technology. Whoever they are may have found technology that costs next to nothing or maybe nothing at all.

As mentioned I have had two very up close sightings, but like you remain skeptical.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

'Even very advanced technology -- if it exists at all -- capable of traversing the stars will be exceptionally "expensive" in terms of the cost of energy required. I can't imagine any intelligent species wasting that energy on us when the entire galaxy calls."

Did you base this assumption on current scientific theory? Why carry all the energy requirements? Why not either have a mechanism that creates the energy or harvest energy along the way. There have been many sightings of unidentified objects around nuclear plants and electrical lines. I would think that if you have the technology to split a craft in two, and each piece take off in opposite directions. The question of energy sourcing would have long been solved and would no longer be an issue much less an expense. That is - if it exists at all.

Great reporting on your personal experience.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 03:59 PM
I have come across similar sightings descriptions in 300~500yr old texts in Chinese UFO community. Mass media wasn't readily available back then so people usually just jot it down in their dairies or notes of interest. If anyone is interested, I'll do some digging for sources, but the texts typically translates to something to this effect:

suddenly saw strange star
headed [direction]
split into two

A book was published with 700+ citing from ancient Chinese texts from journals, poems, gov't records, etc.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

Welcome to our side where reality meets confusion!

Once you see/experience something that simply defies logic, it turns our perception of our entire existence, inside out/upside down and scrabbling for plausible explanations. you believe it's REMOTELY possible that the pilots of that craft(s) may have the technological capability of taking us?

I do because.....I have!

I just hope I live long enough to tell everyone who just could not believe me in totality: "ah ha. I told you so!"
I think we all pretty much agree there are UFOs. Now the next step is accepting who may be piloting them!

Thanks for your contribution. Unfortunately and frustratingly, it takes high profile people (like yourself) to validate the common mans experiences....and slowly but surely, we're getting there.

So again, thanks!!!

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 04:07 PM
Does the ipad take video or is there a video app? Maybe you should get your hands on that if it does and watch netflix ouside a little more often and maybe we can get a repeat performance. Only video to accompany the story, Either way I've seen a ufo disappear before mine and 2 other peoples eyes and all we have is our word too,

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
capable of traversing the stars will be exceptionally "expensive" in terms of the cost of energy required. I can't imagine any intelligent species wasting that energy on us when the entire galaxy calls.

this bothers me because IF an intelligent Civilization of another world has this tech and are using it to see whats up on earth, I dont think they would be a Civ. of greedy power hungry money grubbers.

to give an example, money is worthless to me I have many skills and I would use them to help a friend or a stranger and have done so, you can debate my reasons but helping my fellow man and making a new friend are what I value, I would like to think anyone with this Advanced tech would be smart enough to know what real value is.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 04:11 PM
has anyone else in the PHX / AZ area spied anything on the night in question?

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 04:16 PM
Question for the OP - What area of the sky was this in, directionally? I experienced something similar earlier last week in Tempe (for those who don't know, Tempe abuts Phoenix). At the time, I dismissed it because I live close to Sky Harbor and it could be explained in any number of ways. I had actually forgotten all about the experience until I read this thread, which really got me thinking...

It was just after the sun had gone down (around 6pm I'd imagine) and I was ejoying a cigarette on my southern-facing balcony, when I noticed what appeared to be a bright star or planet in the west-southwestern sky that I was unfamiliar with. Now, I live in the flight path of an international airport, so my first thought was, obviously, "that's a plane"; however, it wasn't flashing, and it didn't appear to be moving at all. Not being able to see any blinking or flashing would be normal if its landing lights were on, and its stationary appearance could be an optical illusion if it was moving directly toward or away from me. There's one problem with these two possibilites--this would have put the object on a near perpendicular course to the arrival and departure lanes of the airport. Something I hadn't even thought of at the time.

So, given the other option--it's just a star I never noticed before--I took out my Droid and fired up Google Earth to see which one it was. In the 5 seconds it took me to do that, by the time I looked up to point my phone at the sky, the object was nowhere to be found.

In retrospect, with the line of sight I had on it there is NO WAY that object could've disappeared from view at a speed typical of a plane's takeoff or approach. But, being so close to the aiport I couldn't help but dismiss the whole thing as maybe a plane with a strange approach (a really strange approach) combined with an optical illusion of some sort.

After reading your post, I'm not so sure. Your experience sounds eerily similar to mine, and happened within a week of each other. I didn't observe the object shoot off and split into two, but it sounds like that very easily could've happened--I was just looking at my phone when it did it. I don't remember the exact day, so I don't want to speculate what stars were in the same area at the time.

In any event, one thing is for certain--strange things are aloft over the skies of Phoenix.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 04:26 PM
I have never had a sighting myself, although the rest of my family did when I was a kid. Apparently I slept through the event and it didn't occur to anyone to wake me. The UFO hovered over Harker Canyon about 10 miles north if Davenport Washington. My family described a very large cylinder shaped object that emitted a low hum. Over the years there were also a number of (seemingly odd to me) maneuvers by military aircraft in the area.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

I like the way you described the event. And since you didn't produce a pic or a video, it is nice to see that your OP isn't getting bashed left, right and center. Hope this is the beginning of a new trend.

I would recommend reporting it to MUFON, there might be other people in your area that witnessed the same event.


posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 04:41 PM
Thanks for sharing with us, SO; Your calm and detailed analysis was a pleasure to read, and knowing your stated outlook on things over the years, I do understand that this is an unknown.

I have witnessed several different events over the years, but never been fortunate enough to experience the splitting and then disappearing in opposite directions event.

Perhaps some of our newer members will take notice and see exactly how all should be treated on these and all threads; with courtesy, decency, and calmness.


posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by -W1LL
this bothers me because IF an intelligent Civilization of another world has this tech and are using it to see whats up on earth, I dont think they would be a Civ. of greedy power hungry money grubbers.

"Expensive" in the context I used can mean much more than just the economic requirements of creating a vessel that can traverse the stars.

Expensive can also be used to describe the amount of energy required to operate such a hypothetical vessel -- weighed against the potential for any gain from expending that energy for simply watching us.

Expensive can also be applied to the process (time, materials, economics) of building such a vessel -- and again, considering if the cost-benefit analysis is worth coming here to see what we're doing (when compared to the unimaginable benefits of high-science elsewhere in the galaxy).

And yes, no matter how much one watches Star Trek or other speculative fiction where the future seems to have no discernible economy comparable to ours, the simple fact is that vessels such as this would require people's time to create... not counting the cost of acquiring necessary materials.

Once the costs in energy, time, and materials are factored, I find it difficult to consider that we pathetic humans lumbering along on this planet would hold a higher level of interest than the plethora of knowledge represented by the rest of the galaxy. But that's just me.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

I'm in Surprise AZ, in the NW valley of Phoenix and saw the same light last night!!!

I usually go out for a smoke in the evening and last night I saw a bright *star* that stood out SSE of here. The back of my house faces directly south. When I saw it I went inside and checked stellarium and couldn't find any reference to what it was. Then, when I went back outside it had *moved* directly west, maintaining it's height from the horizon. I thought it was a satellite too. And I didn't see it do any of the *tricks* you did. But I've seen other things to the SSW of here in the area of Luke AFB.

One night about 10:45 in April three extremely bright green lights, in a shallow V formation, pointing down, appeared about 50-55 degrees up in the dark sky and travelled straight downward at a speed greater than terminal velocity. As soon as the lights disappeared behind the house in front of me I jumped up on my chair and waited for an explosion. There was NO WAY any craft I've ever seen could have pulled out of such a fast dive. The G-forces would be more than any human pilot could survive, much less stay in control. The craft, or whatever it was, was silent, and there was no crash or explosion, and if it was a drone I doubt if even a machine could withstand that strong of a pull out.

The lights were bright green, perfectly round, sharp edged and HUGE! There was no reflective haze around them at all. If whatever it was was three or four miles away the lights had to be at least 20 ft in diameter and the end ones a hundred feet apart. If the object was 15 or twenty miles away the lights had to be over a hundred feet across each and who knows how far apart.

As I said, the lights were in a shallow V formation, bright green and really hauling ass straight down, silently.

I kept watching the sky and a pinpoint of white light appeared just to the east of where the green lights first appeared, travelled down with a slight arch making a backward C path, then cut 90 degrees straight west level with the horizon and disappeared.

I'm sure it had something to do with the military, Luke is close, and 29 Palms is just over the California border. Speaking of which, what's with Mecca? It's by 29 Palms and a close friend of mine worked there doing heavy construction and told me about a middle eastern *city* they were building out in the middle of the desert with houses, schools, hospitals, store, etc. Anyone know?

Anyway, I saw the same light in the sky last night. I just saw it stationary before and after it moved. And I don't smoke Sherm's.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

I'm in Surprise AZ, in the NW valley of Phoenix and saw the same light last night!!!

I usually go out for a smoke in the evening and last night I saw a bright *star* that stood out SSE of here. The back of my house faces directly south. When I saw it I went inside and checked stellarium and couldn't find any reference to what it was. Then, when I went back outside it had *moved* directly west, maintaining it's height from the horizon. I thought it was a satellite too. And I didn't see it do any of the *tricks* you did. But I've seen other things to the SSW of here in the area of Luke AFB.

One night about 10:45 in April three extremely bright green lights, in a shallow V formation, pointing down, appeared about 50-55 degrees up in the dark sky and travelled straight downward at a speed greater than terminal velocity. As soon as the lights disappeared behind the house in front of me I jumped up on my chair and waited for an explosion. There was NO WAY any craft I've ever seen could have pulled out of such a fast dive. The G-forces would be more than any human pilot could survive, much less stay in control. The craft, or whatever it was, was silent, and there was no crash or explosion, and if it was a drone I doubt if even a machine could withstand that strong of a pull out.

The lights were bright green, perfectly round, sharp edged and HUGE! There was no reflective haze around them at all. If whatever it was was three or four miles away the lights had to be at least 20 ft in diameter and the end ones a hundred feet apart. If the object was 15 or twenty miles away the lights had to be over a hundred feet across each and who knows how far apart.

As I said, the lights were in a shallow V formation, bright green and really hauling ass straight down, silently.

I kept watching the sky and a pinpoint of white light appeared just to the east of where the green lights first appeared, travelled down with a slight arch making a backward C path, then cut 90 degrees straight west level with the horizon and disappeared.

I'm sure it had something to do with the military, Luke is close, and 29 Palms is just over the California border. Speaking of which, what's with Mecca? It's by 29 Palms and a close friend of mine worked there doing heavy construction and told me about a middle eastern *city* they were building out in the middle of the desert with houses, schools, hospitals, store, etc. Anyone know?

Anyway, I saw the same light in the sky last night. I just saw it stationary before and after it moved. And I don't smoke Sherm's.

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