posted on Dec, 1 2010 @ 01:36 AM
The front page story in the Toronto Star on Tuesday featured the head of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, known as "cease us" (CSIS) or
"seize us" if you are particularly inebriated.
It seems that Wikileaks has outed its head. I don't know the guy's name and don't want to since it is against the law to name a CSIS agent publicly up
here in the nation praying for a speed up to global warming. It seems he is a talky-toons chatterbox, who grouses about us Canadan dullards to his
pals in Whitewash-ington.
Now, pursuant to the alleged agenda of the CIA and it's tool, Wikileaks, how am I to interpret these revelations of impure speech coming from uh . . .
let's call him "Spooky Tooth"?
Was "Spooky Tooth" running off at the mouth about us in an unflattering vein to his fellow unmentionables because he genuinely thinks that Canadians
are like all Seven Dwarfs, particularly Dopey, or was he he trying to give a false impression er . . .
first impression to Americans that
concealed the fact from them that we are wily, fierce, and formidible?
Are the Americans trying to get rid of Spooky Tooth because they would prefer to have a bigger blabbermouth heading up CSIS or was Spooky Tooth simply
in the wrong place at the wrong time and fully satisfactory to the Americans in the drool department?
Spy stuff is so confusing.
edit on 1-12-2010 by ipsedixit because: (no reason given)