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posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 01:32 AM
When I was 6 years old my mom and dad took me and my 3 brothers to McDonalds for lunch, I don't remember too much detail from the incident except for the actual NDE but what I was told happened was that the floor was wet and there was no wet floor sign, me being a kid I was running around being nosey when I slipped and hit my head really hard on the floor.

After that was when the NDE started, at first I was surrounded by complete darkness this lasted maybe 3 seconds and then light engulfed me, I was back in McDonalds looking at a pool of blood on the floor a crew member was mopping up the blood, All I really remember at that point was how much blood there was, it seemed to me at that age that there was enough to fill a 5 gallon bucket, I had never seen so much, After that I flashed outside is the best that I could describe it, one second I was inside McDonalds and the next I was outside. When I 'flashed' outside I was looking at the side of our old beat up car my mom was getting in the back and I could see a boy with his head laying in her lap, my mom was holding napkins up to this boys head, I moved in too look closer and it was me unconcious in my mom's lap, I was turning a pale blue color, Obviously from loss of blood, I remember hearing my mom praying over me, saying not my son, please don't take my son, don't do this to me, over and over again. after watching them take off toward the hospital I don't remember anything, you know how memory is when your that young, it comes in gaps.

I didn't realize this was a possible NDE untill I was about 15 years old, I always remembered my experience just couldn't explain it, I chaulked it up to a kids imagination, but when I discovered what I might have possibly been I told my mom about it, and asked her about the prayer and what she specifically said in her prayer over me, it was all spot on. Nothing special just thought I would share. Peace.

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by Uniceft17

Thanks for sharing. I have been interested in NDEs for a while now. I think they are fascinating and kinda give us a glimpse of whats to come. After reading so many stories about them and peoples experiences with them it's hard to deny that we go on after we're done with this physical body.

Here is a link to a very interesting video I watched the other day.

Life after Life

posted on Nov, 29 2010 @ 11:40 PM
Brilliant post! Simple and straightforward. S & F for you.

I think it takes courage to share paranormal and unexplainable happenings of life's personal experiences, certainly to such a wide audience. This is why I love being here, through many curious and strange postings, my mind expands daily. I have my own thoughts on this subject, or rather on after-life in general, but it's hardly explainable. It's a tragedy that such accidents may take place during one's own life, but there is a likable common theme that always seems to take place.. now, whether one experiences a fearful or loving journey, or merely floating consciously above one's own body remains the interesting component of these strange occurences.. but the commonality is that one simply remains to exist.

Thanks for sharing.
edit on 29-11-2010 by higns07 because: spelling

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by Uniceft17

Have you ever experienced an out-of-body-experience since this occurence? If so, please share if you want.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 08:47 PM
Thanks for sharing your experience. I am also very interested in NDEs and have read a lot of them lately. They do give hope for life after this world and what does await us after our bodies die.
How long were you unconscious for by the way?

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by higns07
reply to post by Uniceft17

Have you ever experienced an out-of-body-experience since this occurence? If so, please share if you want.

No, The only out of body experience that I've had since happened twice, but that was astral projection, I didn't do it on purpose though, it just happened.

How long were you unconscious for by the way?

For about 20 mins, after that I was in and out of conciousness for the rest of the day from a major concussion, the fall took a toll on my little 6 year old head. I guess that's why I don't remember anything for awhile after that NDE, the memory gap is like a year and a half.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 11:00 PM
Thanks for sharing your remarkable experience. Your NDE is typical of many others. The darkness you experienced is usually called "The Void" and is experienced as peaceful. You know your experience was real because your perception of your mom's prayer corresponded to reality. Hallucinations do not. If you would like to read more experiences like yours, or share your experience with a larger community of experiencer's, I would direct you to the Near Death Experience website at

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