posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 02:39 PM
Had a friend introduce me to Bill Hicks just last night, and one thing it made me realize, people didn't wake up at all, there have been one after
another instances where in plain sight the government has royally effed us, people (Bill Hicks) spoke up, crowds laughed, people cheered, then went
back to there lives.
The man in all the vids I have been watching covers so many points, sticks his opinion an educated one at that in the ring, speaks truths, yet awake
no one is.
All the time we have threads about people that we catagorize as waking us up, lupe fiasco, immortal technique, B.O.B to name recent ones, but alas all
along we have had people outing the wrongs that have been placed upon us. And as awake as we all claim to be, we really are not....
To me it feels like as open as our eyes are, we're really just asleep standing up, info in and out just as quick.
What I'm getting at after watching what has been saved of his acts on film, and read in books and short stories about him, is there was a passionant
man, a man who disbelieved the official story, used his avenue to spread the word.
But in the end was just a comic to those unwilling to get past the act and understand the message, to me being younger (30) was just surpised to feel
like I have woken up too the world around me, like it was a new thing.
Yet for years there have been people like Bill Hicks out challenging the status quo, and people claiming to wake up, but for all those awake people it
seems like just as many have fallen back asleep, cause even with a packed audience, the message seems to have never left the building.
Alas Bill did, R.I.P Bill Hicks
A message lost on too many deaf ears......