hey you want to punish the "iluminati" ? just find a way to take away their money, and they would turn into a bunch of wimpering
You mean, take away their ability to PRINT the money? Taking away 'their money' wouldn't do a damn thing, because they can print and create more of it
out of thin air, and they own it anyway, regardless of whose hands it is in. How would you ever spend the money without it ending up back in their
hands anyway?
That money is just debt anyway - it's a "promise to pay", it's nothing of real value. They still have everything of the real value, and they would
still control everything they control now.
It wouldn't turn them into anything.
You'd have to take away a lot more than just their money. And even so, nothing would change - other people would fill their places, and the
controlling occult forces would continue their march of evil, with the assistance and cooperation of the oblivious 'humanity', like now. Nothing
signifigant would change, even if every single NWO/illuminati/bilderberg/shadow government/whatever member died right now.
Completely changing the subject:
Someone said:
If you disagree please U2U me and I will edit.
This made me think. Why is there so much "me" and "you"-named things out there? Think about it.
My Computer
ICQ (I Seek You)
U2U (You to You)
(this list could be continued for a long time, I am sure)
To me, this feels somehow unnatural and weird in an 'in your face' kind of way. I am sure the masses love it, though. But it's not very neutral,
scientific, technical, computer-like.. it's almost like an invasion of privacy, or unwanted contact or something.
By the way.. could the reason for the "G" in GMAIL be .. well, I know it comes from "Google Mail", of course. But what does 'google' mean anyway? It's
like "G" + "Oogle", isn't it?
Well, this kind of thinking could go on, but the point is, there's definitely something odd in all these names.
edit on 20-6-2012 by Shoujikina
because: (no reason given)