posted on Jul, 1 2004 @ 06:57 PM
Now, I personally believe in energy vampires, for many reasons...
But, if you are going more towards the folklore type, then I would have to say no... unless, of course, you read any of Brian Lumley's Necroscope
See, those vampires (from the series) were actually a parasite, much like the g'ol from StarGate. Stronger abilities, regeneration, most of the
typical "vampire" material. Sunlight affects them because it dries them out (like salt on a slug). Silver is poisonous (mercury and lead does the
same to us). Garlic is a poison to them (how many plants can kill us). Stake through the heart? Because the parasite body is there, in the chest
cavity. Chop of the head? Tendrals and nerve connects to the brain. Fire? To make sure nothing of the parasite remains...
I love Lumley's vampires. To me, they make the most sense, and far easier to believe in than vampire folk tales.
And remember... Lumley's wamphyri existed long before StarGate ever started, series, movie, or otherwise.