posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 09:11 PM
Military exercises are nothing more than a provocation to try to intimidate another country. What's really sad is while the governments of this
world play their games like children on a playground, they have no concern for the people who will end up paying the ultimate price for their selfish
and power hungry need for control. The people of this world are like pawns in a chess game. When they declare war, the families of this world will
send their children to be slaughtered. They'll brain washed us with sound bites of the necessity to bomb innocent people in the name of "national
security." How many innocent men, women and children have to die for these elite and controlling dictators. The very few in this world are
controlling a world population who just want to get along with each other and live in peace. What a world this could be if people around the world
could organize and just say enough is enough.