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Barbara Bush says she did not 'put the foetus in the jar'

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posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 06:38 AM
Here is a strange story.

During a joint CNN interview with her husband, Mrs Bush said: "I didn't put it in the jar," clarifying that it was not as if it was "in the library" on display.

She continued: "Paula [the housekeeper] put it in the jar. And I was shocked when she gave it to him to – but, you know, memories dim a little bit but, anyway."


There are many strange stories surrounding this Bush family, this one just adds fuel to the fire for me.
Just some questions this story raises for me.

If this was a "miscarriage" then why would this "influence" George W Bush his later view that abortion was fundamentally wrong?

Strange story.

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 06:43 AM
u gotta be joking ???

keeping a fetus from a miscarriage
in a jar on the shelf in a library at
the Bush home???

what kind of sickness is this?

Did I read that right???

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 06:55 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Uhh... I fear you did read it right Boondock...

Former First Lady Barbara Bush said that she had never, as her son George W Bush claimed in one of more bizarre sections of his new book, placed her stillborn foetus in a jar, saying her housekeeper had.

Does perhaps Alzheimers run in the ex presidents of the US ?

Because to write this in a book, sounds a little bit kookoo to me.

God only knows what his son will write...

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by badw0lf

No, the article stated she miscarried a stillborn fetus at home. The housekeeper put it into a jar (I'm guessing so the doctors could see it and maybe tell the Bush family the cause of the miscarriage). GW was a teenager and he was the one who drove his mother and stillborn sibling to the hospital and saw the fetus in the jar.

The odd thing to me is why anyone would place it into a jar rather than wrap it up in a blanket. Treating it like a removed organ rather than a deceased baby made a huge unintended impression on a boy who would grow up to be a very important man.
edit on 27-11-2010 by americanwoman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 07:05 AM
When a woman miscarries she is supposed to ... if possible .. bring the miscarried child in to the hospital with her. The doctor has to check to see if all the supporting tissue came out or if he has to go in and do a D&C. Many women bury their miscarried children. The dead child is her child and he or she deserves a name and a burial.

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 07:24 AM
ahh ignore it, lol, i think the clue is its the bush family !!

edit on 27/11/2010 by badw0lf because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 07:30 AM
I just dont understand where this "in the library" on display" bit comes from.
And if he states that he asked permission to write about this than why would they have a different version of the story anyway.

George W Bush became opposed to abortion when mother showed him dead foetus in jar.

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Is this any sicker than keeping Grandma's ashes in an urn on top of the mantelpiece?

Maybe I'm case-hardened. The science lab in my old school had a fetus - a very late-term one at that - in a bottle on a shelf. I saw it every weekday for years.

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by americanwoman
No, the article stated she miscarried a stillborn fetus at home. The housekeeper put it into a jar

this is such BS.

The Bush family is rich enough to have a full-time housekeeper
but don't have the funds to go to a hospital during a miscarriage?
Someone is lying here !!

Normal people just don't have fetuses
stored on their library shelves.

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 08:11 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
The Bush family is rich enough to have a full-time housekeeper
but don't have the funds to go to a hospital during a miscarriage?
Someone is lying here !!

Sometimes miscarriages happen without the woman knowing it is happening until after it happens. Happened to me. I went to use the bathroom and out came the fetus into the toilet. It was a blob of tissue, nothing distinguishing about it, I didn't even know I was pregnant. My doctor confirmed it was a miscarriage.

I can see how this could happen, however, to keep it on a shelf in the library is, indeed, strange.
edit on 27/11/2010 by Iamonlyhuman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by Iamonlyhuman

That certainly makes lopping off the tip of a babies noodle pale by comparison..

What a terrible thing to go thru..

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 09:17 AM
Apart from the incredibly inhuman action of a mother to even consider putting her dead baby ... or indeed having the hired help put her dead baby into a jar [to me at least] is grotesque !

And the thing that some of you may not be aware of is the fact that the term 'miscarriage' usually applies to the expulsion of a developing foetus from the womb usually during the earlier stages of pregnancy ... the term 'miscarriage' therefore applies to a foetus that would not be developed enough to survive outside of the womb ... even with medical assistance.

Whilst the term 'stillborn' applies to a child that has reached ... or almost reached full-term and would under better circumstances have been developed enough to survive outside of the womb ... either on it's own merit or with medical care.

Both situations are totally devastating to any woman who has welcomed her pregnacy and been looking forward to becoming a mother ... but both are very seperate things and it is insulting to the mothers of either experience to suggest otherwise and lump them into one group ... in short there is no such thing as a 'miscarried stillborn' and I appologize for being picky about this ... but the one very big difference between the two senarios is the fact that a woman has to go through the full birthing procedure during a stillbirth ... she has all the pain not only the physical labour ... but usually the psychological pain of already knowing before labour begins that she will be giving birth to a fully formed (in terms of the gestation) but dead baby !

I know this pain personally because I gave birth to a dead son 21yrs ago (1:45am - 24th August 1989) ... it was explained to me as the equivalent of a 'cot-death in the womb' ... and that experience is the most profound of my entire life ... even after all this time ... even though I had other children before him ... even though I went on to have another son after him ... Callum was and always will be my son ... part of my family.

It might surprise some to know that when I finally gave birth in those early hours (after a twelve and half hour labour) ... and held my dead son in my arms ... I bizarrely felt that same natural (but in this case momentary) euphoria that I had felt when I held my living children after they were born ... but then you realize that the child you are holding in your arms is born 'still' ... there are no jerky kicks and wriggles or cries ... and the weight in your arms is a dead one ... and no matter how much you hope this is all a big mistake and the precious child cradled in your arms will start to squirm at any moment and everything will be alright ... you know from the remaining grains of logic and dulled sense of reality that you are clinging on to as if your own life depended on it ... is not possible ... and the grieving begins (no matter how positive a person you were before ... or how positive a person you will continue to be) ... from that moment on something will have changed deep inside you.

Now I'm sorry if any of you found that difficult or upsetting to read ... but the reason I wanted to put across a firsthand point of view ... was to show you that no woman with a heart or any sense of feeling could have gone through that and then seen that dead baby put in a jar as if it were nothing of importance !

That is just sick !

And don't get the mistaken impression that I am some kind of 'bleeding heart' ... I am indeed a realist and believe that abortion is a personal choice that depends on individual circumstance ... but I can see how such an event would have made such a strong impact on a young 'George' ... it explains a lot in fact. But what I can't understand is why was an ambulance or othe form of medical attention called for instead of a dash to the hospital after the event ... the whole incident sounds strange to me.

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 02:03 PM
This story is very strange. However, if the housekeeper was latina, it is entirely feasible that she would see the need to retain the fetus for Mrs. Bush.

Do none of you know any hispanics? I cannot tell you how many times I have seen a piece of red thread on a babies forehead because they thought someone gave them the "ojo". Don't get me started on the in laws rubbing the oldest down with an egg back when he was a kid and was sick. Afterwards they left it under his bed for the night. The next morning, the egg was hardboiled, and he was better.

Strange stuff, but I see no need to argue with them about it. I have been proven wrong before.

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 02:11 PM
Here is an interview on video with George W. Bush where he adresses some questions about the fetus story.

Video on this page

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by americanwoman
The odd thing to me is why anyone would place it into a jar rather than wrap it up in a blanket.

...using a jar instead of a blanket is actually very smart... a jar would keep the seepage contained and prevent cross-contamination... a blanket would not...

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