Well i have to say, some people are more understanding of the situation than others.
Particularly impressed with the calls to look out for others like the elderly.
I've this for those who think suffering cold weather is all about not being able to drive to shops to stock up on food, minor inconveniences compared
to the actual gravitas of the situation of sub zero periods.
In 1991, myself and my girlfriend were walking home from doing some shopping, down Tottenham High Road, in North London and heading towards Edmonton
before the Spurs ground, there's a local council housing office and i found a homeless guy who appeared to be sitting on the steps but in fact had
frozen to death, he was dead on the steps of the housing office.
Over recent years, there are a lot more homeless people, we are not seeing anything like what is needed to prevent loss of life among the homeless
communities around the country due to cold weather and i doubt the real numbers of vulnerable people will ever be disclosed, doubtless a few charities
are trying to provide some respite from the harsh conditions for some over the past couple of days and may try to accommodate as many as possible for
the duration but usually there is only a small period around Yule to the new year where any real effort is made, all to grandiose media hype like
something real is being done but in fact is only a small sticking plaster to the actual numbers needing help to stop them dying from exposure, but
nothing at all has been said about the homeless and not much has been said about the elderly either.
How many in years that temp's have not been so harsh have lost their lives?
Well, we are going to see more and more of these harsher periods, it is nature kicking back and it will be for longer periods, maybe a year or two
will have milder, then more harsh until we see a good 3-4 months where the death rates among elderly, homeless and also unemployed will rise due to
sub zero temperatures.
But fuel prices go up, more people end up on the streets as homeless and more elderly are left alone and too scared to burn fuel to keep warm, as well
as unemployed.
I know this is also the case in the USA and the rest of Europe etc but this thread is the UK.
Never mind the fracking roads getting gritted, vulnerable people need real help especially the elderly and homeless peoples.
How many elderly and homeless people have died in the past two days?
There should be a proper census of deaths due to exposure, of elderly and unemployed people actually in their homes, because they cannot afford fuel
and they have died from exposure in their homes because it's the same temperature inside as out, -10C etc, as too there should be a proper census of
how many homeless are dying from exposure outside.
Year in, year out, these deaths are kept as an unknown quotient, the problem is large scale, it's not the odd couple of people, it's thousands of
preventable deaths every year, just because the state and society in the main, don't actually give a damn, few actually give these people a second
thought but they are people in a modern developed country who do not deserve to die from exposure because of recession, because of high cost of fuel,
because government want to spend More on weapons than we need or can afford, because the greed of the affluent comes before those suffering due to the
creation of their wealth, where the many suffer consequences the affluent simply do not understand nor care about.
As a kid of 7, i ran away from abuse in the home and actually slept in snow, a couple of hundred yards from where Dennis Nielson the serial killer had
just started killing people in Cranley Gardens, Muswell Hill and i've slept rough as an adult when Alcoholic, in sub temp's, before 2000, so i know
what it's like and speak from experience.
Never mind the inconveniences of not being able to drive around etc, this weather kills people, a lot of people, it is going to get worse in the
future, that's a certainty, so why isn't more being done to ensure elderly and homeless as well as vulnerable unemployed do not suffer, the cold
weather payments for the elderly don't quite cut it, they are a token gesture and don't actually help many people, certainly not the homeless around
the country.
But like i say, 19 years ago i saw a man dead on the doorstep of a housing office, just so those callous bastards in Haringey council knew what they
had done to him, he died right there so they would all know their denial of housing killed him.
I don't see anything different today, in fact it's worse.
So when people are getting out of their prams about being inconvenienced because the fracking roads are not gritted and they can't drive everywhere,
consider that all too many lose their lives in these periods of sub zero temp's, if not being able to drive is the worse you're suffering, shut the
frack up and consider yourselves lucky.
That is indicative of the egocentrism which is one main thing which is wrong in the modern and developed world, far too many whine and whinge about
the minor inconveniences, locked up in their relatively comfortable worlds and don't actually give a frack about anybody, all about me, me, me isn't
Well, it's only snow, if you are not elderly, homeless or too poor to burn fuel to keep warm, suck it up and get on with it.
Like somebody said earlier in the thread...
There are those suffering a damn sight more than not being able to drive when this weather hits, it kills them.
So please, try to help others.
I mean if you have money, a garage or shed, hows about buying a cheap heater and sleeping bag and asking a couple of homeless people if they'd like
to sleep somewhere warm while the sub temp's are hitting us, get a paraffin heater and some fuel for an elderly neighbour and see they don't run
out, make sure they wear a woollen hat and gloves as well as layers even indoors etc, get them to eat high calorie foods, Peanut Butter is excellent
for old people and homeless as much as hot soups, so the body can burn it's own fuel to keep warm.
We can do a lot more for others, those who have money, doesn't cost much to help those at the bottom to survive the winter so please don't be
egocentric and just consider your minor inconveniences, do something positive and care about the less fortunate in society, if not your uncaring
attitude could see the local homeless, soldier, teenager, cracked up people because of life traumas, elderly people locked behind their doors as too
afraid to venture out, those unfortunates you see around in milder weather, if people who know they are there don't give a crap, they could be dead
in days to the next few months and you could have made that bit of difference which kept them alive.
These periods of sub zero temp's and snow are not just a minor inconvenience, they are fatal conditions which kill.
Spread this sort of sentiment so others consider those vulnerable people more in this period of sub zero weather and keep on pointing out the
painfully obvious, otherwise, many just do not, nor want to, consider the realities the less fortunate and vulnerable have to suffer and may die from