posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 11:19 AM
That was my first thought when I saw information on Sky News about this Virus, a false flag event staged to start the wheels in motion for the
Governments to clamp down on internet viewing freedoms. I also thought to myself something would be on the Horizon with regards to the internet after
news about this virus was released, and lo and behold, Wikileaks announce a bombshell is coming. Coincidence? I'd hazard a guess that after the
release from wikileaks is made, the media will start debating the pros and cons of internet freedoms, start sowing the seeds of negativity about
internet freedom in the minds of the sheeple, and before long, we wont be exchanging ideas on sites like this, for our own safety. I truelly believe
that the internet is the only place left on earth where people can speak and debate openly without government control, regardless of the issue. That
must drive the PTB NUTS! Internet freedom is one thing the whole world should stand up for as one and say 'NOOOOOO! You will not take this freedom
from us like you have with all the rest'.