reply to post by ScepticalBeliever
Don't get me wrong, I wasn't attacking your position. We seem to have very similar opinions on most of this. I was just responding to the common
sentiment expressed when it comes to protesting.
I have no doubt that there are three groups of people protesting here,
1. Genuine Peaceful Protesters
These are the people who I view as naive. They still believe in the myth of democracy and freedom. Even after the banking bail-outs, the MP's
expenses scandal, the evidence of possible corruption by Mandy and Co. they still think our government is in position to run the country and that they
will listen to public opinion.
2. The Anarchist
These are the ones who are not students and just want to jump on any opportunity for a ruckus. They have no interest in the issues and will go along
to any event if there's a chance they can smash things up.
3. Genuinely Angry Protesters.
These are the ones not mentioned. These are the people the government doesn't want to admit exist, and these are the ones who, I believe, are in the
They will go along to a peaceful protest because they feel genuine anger at the situation and they feel powerless to change things. This is their only
outlet. While they might not have an ambition or even an intention to cause damage, given the chance they will gladly take out their frustrations on a
stranded Police van. The protesters won't admit it because they don't want to be tarnished.
Why doesn't the government want it mention them? Because they reflect the wider British public. They are a representation of the UK on every issue
from the bail-outs to the cut-backs.
We are all seething with rage against the poor decisions by this and previous governments. We are completely fed up with being lied to, coerced,
conned and bullied by our government.
The government knows that this is the majority, but they cannot let us know that this is the most common sentiment, because that could lead to to what
politicians fear the most; revolution.
And of course all of this will continue. It will escalate with the government refusing to budge, preferring to brand those protesting as simple
The students will gradually come to realize that their opinion doesn't matter, and they will become more and more angry in the face of that
They will join up with every other group planning to protest in the months to come and London will be a sea of protests day-in and day-out with riot
Police unable to control it.
Something that makes me chuckle is the Police Commissioner stating that they will have to adjust for increased protests and more violence. We were
discussing all of this on these very forums two years ago, predicting escalating protests and violence across Europe and the US. It wasn't
Maybe we should be seeking their kind of paycheck for being able to see so much further into the future?