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"Blocked" region of outer space shows large object with satellites: Astronomer wanted!

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posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by FlyInTheOintment
reply to post by ngchunter

A double exposure of Saturn? That was either THE BEST piece of disinfo EVER, or a damn fine explanation, or a coincidence, or a non-malicious misdirection - depending on validity of what you actually wrote.

The fact that your temporary weblinks have now disappeared and cannot be checked makes me a little suspicious. Surely you could point us to a permanent source for this fine explanation of such a weird and much-discussed anomaly?

I've been previously accused of faking any image I put on photobucket, so while I could put it up there permanently it would do me no good with those people. I figured it would be better just to link directly to the source, which is only held in temporary space for a matter of hours when the image is requested.

The infra-red image referred to by the OP appears to show a dark object, with two smaller dark objects in close proximity/ orbiting the main mass.

The original image referred to by the OP is from a recompressed and restitched mosaic of the sky, but the original source for that data IS the IRAS satellite. You're trying to suggest that a secondary source that has extra artifacts is more valid than the original source material. Here again are the revived links:
Someone else already posted a photo from stellarium showing that indeed the coordinates match that of Saturn in 1983, when this sky survey was performed. That alone should be confirmation enough.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by BadBoYeed

Wikisky is a convenient means of accessing major sky surveys from GALEX in the UV to IRAS in the IR. Not all the sky is covered in all surveys. In some cases, very bright objects which would, if imaged, swamp nearby sky with scattered light are intentionally excluded.

This observation may be one such case. View the same field in GALEX and you will see missing bits in the GALEX survey.

Surveys still in progress or with new data releases may change with time when viewed with Wikisky.

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