may be someone can help me .I have spent 1000 ats points trying to fix my custom title and it's still not right it should read (I don't dial 911)
but it still says ( I DON dial 911) if you can tell my how to fix this it would be great.I type with one finger so it takes a while to get a 1000 ats
points ....dead
In that section of the store there is a warning about "No special characters or punctuation please." The apostrophe might be causing the problem. I
have not tried it myself, so it is just a guess. Someone will smack me if I'm wrong.
maybe I'll have to change it to (I do not dial 911)
I'd love to stay and work on it but it's time to got pay the bills...I check back after work so thanks to every one for your help and coments