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WAKE UP!: Proof Something Is Wrong With Our Solar System Right Now!

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posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 04:48 AM

Originally posted by The Sword
reply to post by rajaten

Just one question: Why are people so obsessed with removing the human element from climate change/global warming?

Is it an attempt to justify our actions towards the environment since the industrial revolution?

Who benefits financially if people keep feeding cars oil-slurpees?
Who is paying for the propaganda?

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 04:48 AM
reply to post by polarwarrior

Hey polar its good to see you
I think its good to prepare physically and spiritually, but neither are really too important and worth worrying about imo. Drunvalo melchizedek says the energies and awakening will happen naturally to us all, even to those who are not trying whatsoever. As we receive more energies from the cosmos, I think we will develop naturally and be drawn to where we need to be.

I really dont know though, im just trying to listen to my heart more I guess. Hey I saw on a recent video that much of australia is under 700ft above sea level and may be at risk of flooding from the polar ice caps.

What are your thoughts?

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 05:13 AM
reply to post by rajaten

Yeah its a pretty flat country alright, I first heard the flooding scenarion from astralwalker, you might have seen this

The great dividing range is just a short drive(or a long walk) from here and is well above 700ft, its also fertile rainforest so I guess I could just "head for the hills" lol if I need to.

Im not as concerned as I used to be about preserving this physical vehicle now that im beginning to awaken spiritually. The way I see it 9 months in a womb and hey presto you got another meat suit. If the divine plan is for this place to be wiped then it may be folly of me to try fight the laws of the universe, but rather just relax and calmly go with the flow, enjoying the show, trusting that all is as it should be. Survival seems more in the lower chakras, like thinking about food, water, etc...I too am going to try stay up in the heart or pineal come the cycle end, the heart always knows best.

"May we live in interesting times"

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 05:54 AM

Originally posted by rajaten

But Global Warming isnt a unique event on earth.
What is unique about our warming is the cause being attributed to it. That would be us, humans.

Here is evidence that there are great changes occuring, not only on this planet, but on all of the planets in our solar system.

Yes, I will do as you suggest, and look at the evidence.
This article quotes a scientist who attributes recent global warming to the Sun.

But this fails.
One only need search for data on Total Solar Irradiance.
But this will explain it better.
This is what your link states.

Jay Pasachoff, an astronomy professor at Williams College, said that Pluto's global warming was "likely not connected with that of the Earth. The major way they could be connected is if the warming was caused by a large increase in sunlight. But the solar constant--the amount of sunlight received each second--is carefully monitored by spacecraft, and we know the sun's output is much too steady to be changing the temperature of Pluto."

What is significant about the above quote, that your link supplies, is that scientists believe humans are increasing temperatures, is because they monitor the suns activity. That is why they believe CO2 is responsible. Because the Suns activity has not been observed to increase.

The link you supplied goes on to offer other explanations. I did not see the sun or any cosmic event in there, or planet X in there, or a galactic alignment in there as an explanation.
This link is interesting. But I believe you are only seeing what you want to see, which is dishonest IMHO.
“The latest images could provide evidence that Jupiter is in the midst of a global change that can modify temperatures by as much as 10 degrees Fahrenheit on different parts of the globe.”

But the article goes on to qualify what this actually means in terms of the entire planet, and it is this that clearly demonstrates that Jupiter is not showing climate change like that on earth.

The global change cycle began when the last of the white oval-shaped storms formed south of the Great Red Spot in 1939. As the storms started to merge between 1998 and 2000, the mixing of heat began to slow down at that latitude and has continued slowing ever since.

The movement of heat from the equator to Jupiter's south pole is expected to stop at 34 degrees southern latitude, where Red Spot Jr. is forming.

This will create a big wall and stop the mixing of heat and airflow, the thinking goes. As a result, areas around the equator become warmer, while the poles can start to cool down.
Your link shows nothing but climate on Jupiter going through cycles.
Again, how is this evidence of a serious problem for our solar system?

So there is Global Warming on at least 4 other bodies in our Solar System that co-insides with the recent warming on Earth. Doesn’t this point strongly towards the Sun or some other Cosmic force as the cause?

Do you know how many bodies there are in our solar system?
The solar system consists of the Sun; the eight official planets, at least three "dwarf planets", more than 130 satellites of the planets, a large number of small bodies like comets and asteroids.

And to answer your question, No, I don't think it points towards the Sun. Again, I suggest you do some research and look at the TSI of the sun.


What do you mean debunk them.
You linked all the sources I used.
They debunk YOU.

edit on 26/11/10 by atlasastro because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 06:18 AM
reply to post by polarwarrior

Ive read astrals report, very interesting, but I dont want to rely too much on any of the "channeled messages".
New meat suit lol I'd say, a moments rest on the wind, and another woman shall bear me.

Exciting times indeed

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 09:45 AM
I just wait for Matt Lauer to tell me how to think. It's really much safer.
If NBC did'nt say it? It's not important. I'm REALLY excited about the British wedding too.
Headline story again. You people have your priorities wrong again.
I'm listening though.

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 09:33 PM

edit on 26-11-2010 by rajaten because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 08:10 AM
Ok, this is a very well done thread with some interesting info. I need to do some more looking around before I comment against or for it. I like the links and the info provided. But I will say this. I do not believe in global warming. I do believe in the planet and solar system going through cycles. This also is a proven fact. We are just lucky enough to be living during one of the most interesting points in one of these cycles. How do you think people like the Mayans did so many of their predictions?!?! I will keep checking back on this and reading more on it. Thanks for the very interesting info.

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by rajaten

Yeah, I agree. The developer, said he was trying to have some sort of selectivity with applicants. So, As to not have just Doctors and Lawyers, So to speak. When there could be a electrical or plumbing problem, Guns are allowed but must be checked in.

Yes, it would blow being cooped up with a lot of attitudes. People would have different mind sets, I suppose, In that type of setting. Although, I would hope, Most would, Be on the same page and work as one unit for the better of the community.

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by rajaten

Global warming is just another cover up for the coming pole shift in 2012. It is just going to keep getting worse if you want to call it that, before it happens. I believe something big is going to happen. I for one cannot wait for this day to come. I will be let down hard if nothing happens because I am rather bored with this world,life. It happens every 5000 yrs or so. Also I found this link about a warming that happened 5000 yrs ago.

This could be the end of us all or the beginning of the "Information Age" who is to say? If it is going to be peace on earth, zombies, "brainwashing" Rajaten cough cough, or maybe we all get magic powers like harry potter. My advice is to be prepared for anything...... Oh ya and aliens lol

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 03:04 PM
Any sensation of security for any life form in this everchanging universe of ours is strictly an illusion. As any well informed astronomer will tell you there are a large number of cosmic events which could totally sterilize this lovely planet of ours. The probability of any of these events increases to certainty along a long enough time line. This is also true for less than totally destructive events. The sun has been a recent concern for the world's space agencies and many probes are being sent. Irregularities in the suns 11 year cyclic activity are causing a great deal of concern for the up coming solar max (activity high point of the 11 year solar cycle), which BTW coincides nicely with the winter solstice 2012 date. Many scientists, including NASA scientists are advising against very severe solar storms which could have catastrophic effects here on earth. Imagine a large coronal mass ejection shot straight at the earth. Apart from having spectacular coronas it could have atmospheric and geomagnetic consequences, it has been speculated that the earth's previous polar shifts could have been caused by solar activity.
Personally I'm hopeful for a survivable event and I'm making preparations. The human race has been here before (our genome is 20,000+ years old how long did it take us to go from hunter gatherers to modern civilization?), and I know if we survive, it'll just be a matter of time before something happens again, it's inevitable. Two suggestions, make preparations and plans just in case (if you live in the city how will you get out for example, food stores, water filters, books on everything from first aid to subsistence faming, etc.), and enjoy society as we know it the best you can while it's still around.

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by countrytruck

I think "global warming" is a cover . . . for something . . . but I feel it is really a cover for PEAK OIL. I think if people knew the implications of Peak Oil it would spread fear and chaos. However, the polar shift is an interesting idea, it's not a matter of it happening, but when!

edit on 11/27/10 by mel1962 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 04:08 PM
I read a book that showed the fossil record evidence of temperature change and how all it takes is a 3 degree change to wipe out most of the life on earth. Periodic mass extinctions.

So If the solar system keeps heating up things will get bad fast. so what do we have 20-50 years. No wonder the rich and government types are making shelters underground.

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by guyopitz

Very true and when it happens it will be total anarchy. I have my ammo and I choose to fight to survive.

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by countrytruck
reply to post by rajaten

Global warming is just another cover up for the coming pole shift in 2012. It is just going to keep getting worse if you want to call it that, before it happens. I believe something big is going to happen. I for one cannot wait for this day to come. I will be let down hard if nothing happens because I am rather bored with this world,life. It happens every 5000 yrs or so. Also I found this link about a warming that happened 5000 yrs ago.

This could be the end of us all or the beginning of the "Information Age" who is to say? If it is going to be peace on earth, zombies, "brainwashing" Rajaten cough cough, or maybe we all get magic powers like harry potter. My advice is to be prepared for anything...... Oh ya and aliens lol

Time will tell. There are many possibilties as to exactly what will occur, and how much of that will be by design. Apart from TPTB's agenda, I suspect there is much natural chaos on the way aswell.

posted on Nov, 28 2010 @ 01:45 AM
somebody please explain its now 7 45 am and still dark usually light by now im in perth scotland its snowing heavy and theres thunder and lightning whats going on ?

posted on Nov, 28 2010 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by rajaten

Seems to me, that this is yet another concoction threw together by things 'you' feel add up. This Planet X and Global warming ''Climate change'' is just more nonsense added together to back up the various imaginative claims. You see it's easy to talk nonsense on this website, even with hundreds of links and hundreds of quotes from various places, these all come from the same minds, so those kind of 'theories' mean nothing. It's easy though, to say ''oh your trying to disprove this..'' or is it, im not taking into account other looney ideas, just understanding what is needed to be understood.

You see this planet will forever cool down, heat up and do backflips until the end of time but none of this is needed to worry over and loose sleep. We are not here to protect the planet, the planet protects itself. It's been here for millions and probably billions/trillions of years before us and will continue to do so. I understand it's 'our' existence you probably fear but we can only act on what we know. Posting threads like this, change nothing. No one is going to do anything because of this thread, especially these 'so called' government companies/agents. We can only act on the information we receive from each other.

Remember no matter how much money you have and no matter how much you don't care about other lives of people on this earth, we are all just people. Them, us, 'You'...... No one wants to die, if they can help it.

posted on Nov, 28 2010 @ 10:02 PM
The reason the planets are heating up is due to the fact the sun is reaching it's hottest point again which means if it gets hotter so does everything else around sham people still believe it's another planet. You can't see it now and you never will see it cause it doesn't exist.

posted on Nov, 28 2010 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by rajaten

Global Warming is a science that has been made up to make it look like we caused it and another way of generating money off the population it's also so the communist soclialist government the UN can finally get the poorer countries to a point where they can be controlled with currency and everything else that governments do to imprison us.

So Rajaten can you see this mystical planet yet oh hang on sorry battlestation i mean brown dwarf so confusing and can you see it even if you haven't reached the vibration that needs to be achieved to see it there are about 10 different stories on this crap so what is it you all believe to be true bet everyone believes something different.

posted on Nov, 28 2010 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by vkturbo

Id star you a million times over if I could, does not seem ATS lets you do that though

On point reply.
Good to see.

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