posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 01:35 AM
10 Governor's have been chosen at random to maintin the operation of the US Federal Government. However these lucky 10 will never be made public
because you could effectively topple the entire first and secondary string Govt's at the same time if their identies were ever made public.
History Channel did an excellent report on this very topic and is worth chequing out : "Day After Disaster" special that aired September 2009 that
explains as much as possible without spilling any secrets or jeapoardizing the entire program and protocol.
Whoever is alive from The Congress will be immediately installed as the direct oversight board to this entity but would have far less power the
current Congress has over the Executive today.
However, this groups power is only temporary as once the enemy who caused the item is located and dealt with shall the next election cycle be allowed
to commence.
During the era of this policy while it is in effect travel of all kinds will be restricted and not too much in communcation ability will be had.
edit on 24-11-2010 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)