Hi Ms. Bhavn,
In response to your inquiry...
Group Entities (i.e., collectives of discarnates who are combined astrally) look for people in the flesh who are receptive to them. But they also may
see a way to manipulate someone in the flesh to do what they want. It depends on their particular goals.
There may be one or more members in the collective that knew the incarnate before but this is not really an issue to them. They consist of people that
have transitioned from this world as well as many others.
There is a lot more freedom in the Spirit than in the flesh. You have Group Entities that may have formed out of the souls of people that lived in a
different galaxy entirely, that then decided to come here and channel into a Terran mystic that is open to their ideas.
Oftentimes, one or more prophets with various Gifts from a large Group Entity came from that discarnate collective before entering their current
Generally, Group Entities are not looking for very advanced souls, but people on a level of basic spirituality or just below it.
Because most souls in general are not on a high spiritual level. Most are actually on a level just below that of what can be considered basically
Most people in the discarnate realms prefer the advantages of telepathic unity and collective power from being part of a group
For example, a discarnate of basic spirituality (i.e., an angel) does not have much God Force energy to work with. However, get a collective of
thousands of angels together and that "Angel" can now manifest telekinesis and healing.
Discarnate demonic forces also work this way. They combine their spirits into a large Group Entity and then project the persona of being one mighty
powerful demon from hell. In actuality, they are really just a bunch of primitive discarnates. *L*
Souls of basic spirituality in the discarnate realms have a Dominant Aura Color of yellow or violet. That is why angel channelers and the clergy in
traditional religions (who are not pedophiles), who are of the same ilk as angels, have an affinity to the colors of yellow (mainly) and violet.
The "halos" of many prophets and saintly type persons in medieval paintings are usually yellow because the artists that did them tuned into the
yellow angelic energies that furthered the saintly type person, prophet, etc.
The more spiritually disciplined souls, the Saints, are individualistic, and don't seek unity in groups but strive to become "a Light onto
Oneself." They are not of the yellow or violet energies, but sky blue or white. Their energy is often overshadowed by large Group Entities that
channel to those in the flesh and oppose individualistic Saints in the Higher Realms.
Group Entities, whether they are spiritually indifferent or basically spiritual, seek people in the flesh to join them emotionally so that when
those people leave their bodies, they can join them astrally as well -- thereby strengthening the Group Entity in power and in telepathic unity.
The ultimate purpose of ALL Group Entities is to gain more members for greater power.
Here's another way of explaining it...
There are two ways to get significant energy in the discarnate dimensions:
You join a Group Entity.
You struggle on your own in living by The Golden Rule and selflessly serving others, and slowly become more powerful as a Light onto Oneself.
Most souls choose the former path simply because it is much easier and promises quick power, telepathic unity, sociological influence in the flesh,
etc. It's like having a big party all the time. Who would want to miss out on that?
The really large Group Entities (i.e., those that number in the millions of discarnates) start religions. They become the "god" to the prophet(s)
they channel through and around. For these spirits, it is even better than being a rock star; they get mass adulation, all the sexual energy they want
directed toward them, and are revered as either a god or GOD.
Two lifetimes ago, I was manipulated by a large Group Entity, first by being telekinetically blinded by them. This terrifying experience led to me
being recruited by them to further their false god. They chose me because I was well educated, spiritually focused, psychically open, and a good,
eclectic organizer of ideas.
My selflessness in helping others along the way in promoting this false god resulted in me spiritually progressing regardless.
You could promote a "tree frog god" but if you are truly helping others, you will spiritually progress anyway. The God Force or the Light, which
is nonliving, is more interested in spirituality than in religion.
Eventually, the opposing governmental forces orchestrated my capture, incarceration and eventual beheading.
After I transitioned into the Light, I learned the truth about my "God" only being a large Group Entity (of angels) in the Mid Realms of Spirit. The
humiliation I felt lasted for centuries. I vowed that I would never let myself be manipulated again by a large Group Entity to promote a false god,
and to teach people the nature of discarnate sociology and the deceptive nature of Group Entities.
And so here I am.