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Bible Prophecy - The Eastern Gate of Old Jerusalem

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posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 12:51 PM
I came across this prophecy that, as the author, I was unaware of and found quite interesting. Enjoy.

The Eastern Gate Symbol - By Dr. David R. Reagan

Did you know that the Eastern Gate in the Old Walled City of Jerusalem is one of the key symbols of end time Bible prophecy? Did you know that the gate as it stands today is a fulfillment of a prophecy recorded over 2,000 years ago in the book of Ezekiel? Did you know that even Orthodox Jews believe that one day the Messiah will return to Jerusalem through this gate?

The Eastern Gate is a symbol of the soon return of Jesus. Let me explain what I mean. In June of 1967, during the Six Day War, I was serving as a professor of international law and politics at a college in Texas. Those were the days before the Internet, so I had to keep up with daily developments in the war through television and newspaper reports. Shortly after the war ended, I read a newspaper report that brought my attention to the Eastern Gate and to Bible prophecy. It also radically changed my life.

There are eight major gates to the Old City. The first and most important one is the Golden Gate, or the Eastern Gate, the only external gate that gives access to the Temple Mount.

When the Six Day War broke out in June of 1967, the dividing line between Israel and Jordan came from the north, jetted over to the west, and came straight down. That meant that Israel was on the west side and the Jordanians on the east side. That meant that the Jordanians controlled all of the Old City of Jerusalem.

The Jordanians expected that the Israelis would attack from the west hitting the Jaffa Gate. And, therefore, they concentrated all of their fortifications and their troops at that point. However, the Israeli's knowing that the Jordanians expected that, surprised them by sending troops around to the eastern side of the city under the cover of darkness where they launched an attack at the Lion's Gate. The attack was successful. The Israelis broke into the city, captured it quickly, and then they rushed to the Western Wall to pray. It was an extremely emotional moment because it meant that the Jews were back in control of their city for the first time in 1,897 years, all in fulfillment of end time Bible prophecy.

The newspaper article I read about the Six Day War which literally changed my life said that the Jewish military leaders had engaged in a heated debate the day before the attack on the Lion's Gate because someone had suggested that they attack instead by blowing open the Eastern Gate to be even more surprising to the Jordanians. According to the report I read, there was an Orthodox Jew present during these discussions, and he told the military commanders that they could not blow open the Eastern Gate because it had to remain shut until the Messiah returns. Now, that comment caught my eye and it fascinated me. What in the world was he talking about? I had no idea.

So, I got a concordance and I looked up the word "Eastern Gate" and I started running Scripture references. It did not take me long to find Ezekiel 44. In that section of Ezekiel, the prophet is being given a tour of the future Temple to be built in Jerusalem in the end times. And, in the process, it was pointed out to him that the Eastern Gate will be closed and will remain closed until the Messiah returns. I had gone to church all my life and I had never once heard about that particular prophecy.

I next turned to the Encyclopedia Britannica and I started reading about the Eastern Gate. I discovered that it was closed in the 1500's when the Muslim leader, Suleiman the Magnificent, rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem that stand to this day. The intriguing thing is that no one knows for certain why the gate was bricked up. The tradition is that while the walls were being repaired, a rumor swept the city that the Jewish Messiah was coming. Suleiman called in the Jewish rabbis and asked what this rumor meant. They explained that the Jewish Scriptures prophesied that one day God would send a Messiah who would come from the East. He would enter the Eastern Gate and he would rid the city of all the enemies of the Jews and would then begin to reign over all the earth from Jerusalem.

According to the tradition, Suleiman thanked the rabbis, dismissed them, and then ordered that the Eastern Gate be closed and that a Muslim cemetery be placed in front of the Eastern Gate because he felt that no Jewish Messiah would ever be able to step into a Muslim cemetery, and he certainly could not walk through a gate that had been bricked up! I was captivated by this discovery, and I realized that the Eastern Gate is a fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

Just as prophesied in Ezekiel 44, the Eastern Gate is closed and will remain closed until the Messiah returns. Psalm 24 describes how it will be bowled open supernaturally to welcome the Messiah when He appears. Psalm 24:7 says, "Lift up your heads, O gates, and be lifted up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in! Who is the King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle."

Every time I go to Israel the first thing I want to see is the Eastern Gate. To me it is proof positive that the Bible is the Word of God and that Bible prophecies can be trusted and can be interpreted literally. It is also a reminder of the promise of Jesus that one day very soon He will return.

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 01:11 PM
that's good reading...
and that's plowing deep about prophecy....i like

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by JollyLlama Just as prophesied in Ezekiel 44, the Eastern Gate is closed and will remain closed until the Messiah returns.

OK, now.

I fully suspect that there are a number of people on this forum who may very well come out of the woodwork with venom at my response; but there is a very specific meaning to the symbolism of the "Eastern gate".

In the 11th Chapter of the Book of Daniel, reference is made to the "king of the North" and the "king of the South", while Jesus makes reference to the "queen of the South" in the Gospel of Matthew as I recall.

The "king of the North" and the "king of the South" refer to different aspects of the 'fallen' consciousness.

The "queen of the South" is a reference to the Vision of the "Son of man"; the Vision itself being the Feminine aspect of Revealed Truth; the Knowledge Revealed through that Vision being the Masculine aspect of Revealed Truth.

Now, in the Revelation of John 16:12, reference is made to the "kings of the East".

This symbolism has two aspects:

1) Everyone who has studied the subject of religion at all is aware that the doctrine of re-incarnation or the Doctrine of 'Rebirth' is taught by the Eastern religions--the doctrine of "re"-incarnation being as different from the Doctrine of 'Rebirth' as classical physics is from the Special Theory of Relativity. So, in one sense, the "kings of the East" is a reference to those who have taught the Doctrine of 'Rebirth' or the doctrine of "re"-incarnation.

2) A second meaning to this symbolism is as a direct reference to the revelation of the memories of previous lives. This is an actual revelation.

So, the symbolism of the "Eastern gate" has reference to both the Revelation of the "resurrection" as well as the acknowledgement of the reality of living more than one life; whether that is referred to as either 'Rebirth' or "re"-incarnation.

Psalm 24 describes how it will be bowled open supernaturally to welcome the Messiah when He appears. Psalm 24:7 says, "Lift up your heads, O gates, and be lifted up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in! Who is the King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle."

For a parallel reference, you might want to check out the Thanksgiving Hymns (1QH)of the Dead Sea Scrolls, in which there is the statement: "The fortress shall open on to Endless Space, and the Everlasting Gates will send out weapons of war."

The "fortress" refers to the 'spatiality' of the 'fallen' consciousness; in particular, the consciousness of the "self", referred to in Genesis 3 as the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil" and in the Revelation of John 13:1 as the "beast of the sea". This Psalm is making specific reference to the Vision of the "Son of man"; that is, the "Tree of Life" of Genesis 3:24, the "Vision of Knowledge" of the Thanksgiving Hymns, and the "Night Journey" of Mohammed in the Quran; "Endless Space" being a reference to the 2-dimensional 'flat' space "observing consciousness" Created 'by and in the image of God' (Genesis 1:27); and as represented, after the completely black screen, several seconds into the "Stargate Sequence" of 2001--A Space Odyssey.)

But there is another aspect of these Revelations:

The Revelation of the "resurrection"--that is, the Revelation of the Memory of Creation and the revelation of the memories of previous lives--in a way that cannot be explained effectively in writing, Reveals the Knowledge Revealed through the Vision of the "Son of man"; and the Revelation of the "resurrection" is what is symbolized by the "Eastern gate"; these Revelations being referred to in the War Scroll (1QM) as, respectively, the Second and the Third Phases of the War of the Sons of Light.

Now it makes no difference whatsoever how irritated or angry you become at this information.

It makes no difference if you accuse me of being a liar, or having an 'unsound mind', or being a 'Gnostic'.

It makes no difference if you consider what I have written to be "illogical" or a contradiction of what your 'understanding' is of the written words of these Revelations.

None of your 'understandings' matter in the least.

Truth is the Truth. Revelation is Revelation. And the Vision of the "Son of man" and the Revelation of the "resurrection" are what they are--the Feminine aspect of Revealed Truth.

The thoughts of the 'thinker' cannot even begin to understand Revealed Truth. They can only turn those Truths upside down.

And it is not merely the masculine, but the MISOGYNIST doctrines of the Jewish, Christian and Muslim religious 'authorities'--specifically, their intense, unrelenting HATRED of Feminine Truth--that is pushing this civilization into the horrors of the "time of trouble" Prophesied by Daniel.

The masculine, misogynist doctrine of a physical raising of a dead body from the grave has no roots whatsoever in anything feminine. It is a doctrine utterly abstracted and separated from even so much as one point of contact with reality.

The Doctrine of the "resurrection" as a Doctrine of 'Rebirth' has its ROOTS (the Long U phonetic tone is crucial) in Feminine Truth: the actual Revelation of the Memory of Creation and the revelation of the memories of previous lives.

And, if you don't want to believe that, then DON'T believe it.

This intense hatred of Feminine Truth, for example, is very clearly expressed in the following passages from the Gospel of Mary:

"But Andrew answered and said to the brethren: 'Say what you (wish to) say about what she has said. I at least do not believe that the Savior said this. For certainly these Teachings are strange ideas.' Peter answered and spoke concerning these same things. He questioned them about the Savior: 'Did he really speak with a woman without our knowledge (and) not openly?' [YES] 'Are we to turn about and all listen to her? Did he prefer her to us?'" [YES and YES].

Mi cha el

edit on 22-11-2010 by Michael Cecil because: add commentary on "Endless Space"

edit on 22-11-2010 by Michael Cecil because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-11-2010 by Michael Cecil because: add reference to the Gospel of Mary

edit on 22-11-2010 by Michael Cecil because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 07:14 PM
Oh, by the way, with regards to the 'drying up of the Great River Euphrates'--something which is, in fact, presently occurring in the space-time reality--in the Revelation of John 16:12; there is an echo of that symbolism in the following lyrics from Horse With No Name by America, which is also a symbolic description of the Knowledge Revealed through the Vision of the "Son of man":

"On the first part of the journey,
I was looking at all the life.
There were plants and birds. and rocks and things,
There was sand and hills and rings.
The first thing I met, was a fly with a buzz,
And the sky, with no clouds.
The heat was hot, and the ground was dry,
But the air was full of sound.

I've been through the desert on a horse with no name,
It felt good to be out of the rain.
In the desert you can remember your name,
'Cause there ain't no one for to give you no pain.
La, la, la la la la, la la la, la, la
La, la, la la la la, la la la, la, la

After two days, in the desert sun,
My skin began to turn red.
After three days, in the desert fun,
I was looking at a river bed.
And the story it told, of a river that flowed,
Made me sad to think it was dead.

Of course, there is no point at all in explaining the symbolism of the 'drying up of the Great River Euphrates' or the symbolism from Genesis 2:8-14...

The most likely response to which, in a forum such as this, would be merely additional and intensified ridicule; and even more relentless accusations of deceit, stupidity, arrogance, insanity or evil of one kind or another.


Mi cha el
edit on 22-11-2010 by Michael Cecil because: add last three paragraphs of commentary

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by Michael Cecil
I was looking at a river bed.
And the story it told, of a river that flowed,
Made me sad to think it was dead.

Sadly, Michael, the best thing about any America song (a band that were out of the UK, ironically) is the awesome bass playing of Dewey Bunnell, which, sadly, does not translate well to the ATS medium, and is likely not relevant to the Eastern Gate of Jerusalem. Awesome bass, though.

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 01:34 AM
reply to post by Michael Cecil

reply to post by Michael Cecil

reply to post by Michael Cecil

The most likely response to which, in a forum such as this, would be merely additional and intensified ridicule; and even more relentless accusations of deceit, stupidity, arrogance, insanity or evil of one kind or another.

You seem quite frustrated, perhaps even angry as you insist that these very emotions of my own are irrelevant in regards to the content of your reply.

I believe Ezekiel is making reference to a tangible object, that being the sealed gate in Old Jerusalem.

I do not accuse you of being a Gnostic, though most of your post makes reference to Gnostic gospels. I have not studied these gospels, as I believe God did not intend them to be in His final word, though I do not discount their credibility...

I am not properly educated to make a response.

I did not know that the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was actually the consciousness of the self. Is there scripture to support this claim?

I assumed as scripture states that it was a tree, off of which an apple was eaten that should not have been.

Honestly I am affected by your demeanor, not your ideas. You seem to resent your reply, yet it was very thorough.

Why go through the motions if you had already decided it was in vain?

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 01:44 AM
so that means if i write a prophecy about one of my children buying a red car in the future and they end up buying one does that make me a prophet,.. or is just everyone who would accept self-fulfilling deluded non-sense stupid?

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by JollyLlama I did not know that the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was actually the consciousness of the self.

Well, that certainly is not my fault.

I have done everything I can possibly do to get this information out to as many people as possible; being prevented, at every turn, by all of those media officials of whatever kind who, similar in mentality to many people on this forum, instantaneously know that they do not want anyone else to hear this information at all...

Having determined with the certainty of God Himself that there is not a snowflake's chance in HELL that I could be telling the Truth.

Is there scripture to support this claim?

You have the time sequence and the relationship precisely reversed. This Knowledge originated in the Vision of the "Son of man" or the "Tree of Life" (Genesis 3:24). It is also echoed in the "beast of the sea" referred to in the Revelation of John. It is the same symbol.

Why go through the motions if you had already decided it was in vain?


Because it is the relentless censorship and suppression of Knowledge such as this, over a period of many hundreds and thousands of years, which will be the cause of the horrors Prophesied in the Book of Daniel 12:1.

And the fact that there are, at this very moment, thousands upon thousands of religious 'authorities' and media officials wagering the future of human civilization itself on the assumption that I am lying in this regard.

Mi cha el

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by JollyLlama I believe Ezekiel is making reference to a tangible object, that being the sealed gate in Old Jerusalem.


But what you are assuming here, by means of the thoughts of the 'thinker', is that Prophecies are nothing more than events which have been predicted in the space-time reality. But Prophecies are much more than merely predictions. They also have a spiritual dimension in terms of the knowledge of human consciousness and Revelation itself; that Knowledge being outside of the frame of reference of the consciousness of the 'thinker'.

The Muslim anti-Christ, referred to as the "dajjal", is said to have only one eye. That one eye is directed to the space-time reality and has no expectation or understanding whatsoever that any other thing is involved in Prophecy than a simple prediction of events in that space-time reality.

The "king of the North" and the "king of the South" in Chapter 11 of the Book of Daniel are very specific entities in the space-time reality. But, simultaneously, they are also dimensions of the 'fallen' consciousness. Similarly, for the "beast of the sea" and the "beast of the earth" in the Revelation of John. They are simultaneously aspects of the 'fallen' consciousness while being manifested in the space-time reality as very specific entities.

I do not accuse you of being a Gnostic, though most of your post makes reference to Gnostic gospels. I have not studied these gospels, as I believe God did not intend them to be in His final word,

And on what grounds have you drawn such a conclusion?

What evidence do you have that these Gospels are not credible?

I did not know that the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was actually the consciousness of the self. Is there scripture to support this claim? I assumed as scripture states that it was a tree, off of which an apple was eaten that should not have been.

First of all, where did you get "apple"?

And, secondly, how do you interpret the phrase "Tree of Life" and Genesis 3:22-24? And what are the "cherubs" and the "flame of a flashing sword"?

More importantly, if you do not have a very clear understanding of these passages, how do you 'think' you are capable of understanding the Prophecies of Ezekiel?

This would be sort of like trying to understand time symmetrical quantum mechanics without first understanding classical physics.

Mi cha el

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by Michael Cecil

I do not accuse you of being a Gnostic, though most of your post makes reference to Gnostic gospels. I have not studied these gospels, as I believe God did not intend them to be in His final word,

And on what grounds have you drawn such a conclusion?

What evidence do you have that these Gospels are not credible?

They are far enough distant from the theological foundation of the Judaic and Christian faiths to be self-evidenciary as to their invalid nature. As I have noted many times to you, there are fundamental differences between Hellenistic philosophy, upon which the Gnostics derive their views, and the Jewish faith, upon which Christianity is based, and these differences make them inherently incompatible.

The Gnostic Gospels represent wishful thinking, rather than any real truth, on the part of a minor Christian sect, which was quickly, and correctly, expunged from the early church.

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by adjensen The Gnostic Gospels represent wishful thinking, rather than any real truth, on the part of a minor Christian sect, which was quickly, and correctly, expunged from the early church.

And, for a parallel--and similarly 'reptilian' and blood-thirsty--perspective you might want to remember the statement of Arnaud Amalric, a French general, as I recall, during the Albigensian Crusade; during which tens of thousands of Albigensians were slaughtered (it was about 800 years ago, but I still remember)--many of them being burned to death--for teaching the Doctrine of "resurrection" as a Doctrine of 'Rebirth':

"Kill them all. God will know His own."


He was not a French general at all; but, rather, a Cistercian monk (at least according to Wikipedia, for what that's worth)...

Who, most likely, had been one of the monks who had been beaten to a pulp in his debates with the Albigensians; which, of course, was the proximate cause of the "Crusade" in the first place: the inability of the Roman theologians to provide any plausible evidence that the Doctrine of "resurrection" referred to a physical raising of a dead body from the grave.

Mi cha el
edit on 23-11-2010 by Michael Cecil because: correction of identity of Arnaud Amalric

edit on 23-11-2010 by Michael Cecil because: spelling of Cistercian

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by adjensen

Through further researching this topic I have learned a bit more about this feminine aspect of revealed truth.

I have found that the greek translation of the "Holy Spirit" is pneuma: spirit; soul.

I have also read that the Old Testament as well as the Dead Sea Scrolls supposedly refer to the Holy Spirit as Ruach or Ruach Hako'desh the Hebrew word ruach is a noun of feminine gender.

HaKadosh is a substantive that means "The Holy One" (as in Ha-Kadosh baruch hu, "the Holy One, blessed be He"). The accent falls at the end: ha-ka-DOSH. Ruach HaKadosh would mean "the spirit of the holy one" (as in a saint). It is NOT used for the Holy Spirit... Ruach HaKo'desh means "the holy Spirit," just like har ha-ko'desh means "the holy mountain," admat ha-ko'desh means "the holy land," ir ha-ko'desh means "the holy city," and so on.

Where does the idea of a gender specific Holy Spirit derive?

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by JollyLlama I have also read that the Old Testament as well as the Dead Sea Scrolls supposedly refer to the Holy Spirit as Ruach or Ruach Hako'desh the Hebrew word ruach is a noun of feminine gender.

This statement at least points in the direction of the reality of Revelation.

The Revelation itself is always Feminine.


And it is the Knowledge that is Revealed through the Revelation which is Masculine.

The reason for this is that the Revelation is a Sensate Truth rather than a Truth of thought.

The Memory of Creation is a Sensate Revelation.

The revelation of the memories of previous lives is a sensate experience of physical sensations of pleasures and pains, emotions and thoughts, experienced during previous lives and deaths. It is heard with ears that are not ears, seen with eyes that are not eyes (the "every eye" of Revelations 1:7 being the Seven Eyes or chakras or churches which receive the Vision); and it is felt with bodies that are not your body during this life.

Where does the idea of a gender specific Holy Spirit derive?

Obviously, from those who have received the Vision and the Revelation of the "resurrection".

And, of course, it is the misogynist, blood-thirsty doctrines of the 'thinker'-theologians which categorically deny that there can be any Sensate Revelations at all upon which Revealed Truth is based.

The Revelation of the Memory of Creation to them has no Reality at all. It is an impossibility, or an illusion, or a thought, or a delusion, or a symptom of insanity.

The revelation of the memories of previous lives to them has no sensate dimension. It is merely 'demonic possession' as 'explained' by the L'Osservatore Romano, the Vatican newspaper, in its Easter edition of either 1990 or 1991.

Mi cha el

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by Michael Cecil
Who, most likely, had been one of the monks who had been beaten to a pulp in his debates with the Albigensians; which, of course, was the proximate cause of the "Crusade" in the first place: the inability of the Roman theologians to provide any plausible evidence that the Doctrine of "resurrection" referred to a physical raising of a dead body from the grave.

Apart from the whole "Jesus" thing, of course. We've always considered that to be fairly conclusive evidence. The Gnostics didn't, of course, because they viewed the body as inherently evil, so Christ was obviously merely a spirit, all evidence to the contrary.

But heresy in the Apostolic and Augustinian ages was a much different thing than the Middle Ages, when Christians acted pretty lousy towards almost everyone, even themselves. I'd say that they treated the Anabaptists about the same as your Albigensians (or worse... dead is dead, but I'd personally prefer not being burned at the stake,) and their crime pretty much came down to saying that infant baptism was invalid.

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by Michael Cecil

Who, most likely, had been one of the monks who had been beaten to a pulp in his debates with the Albigensians; which, of course, was the proximate cause of the "Crusade" in the first place: the inability of the Roman theologians to provide any plausible evidence that the Doctrine of "resurrection" referred to a physical raising of a dead body from the grave.

No statements of Christ's are better authenticated than his repeated assurances to his disciples that he must suffer death at Jerusalem, and rise again on the third day (Matt. 16:21; 20:19; 27:63; Mark 8:31; 9:31; 10:34; Luke 9:22; 18:33).

No fact of the New Testament is better attested than that Jesus fulfilled his own predictions, died on the cross, was buried, and rose again on the third day.

And this fact, or series of facts, cannot be properly separated from a study of our Lord’s doctrine of the resurrection of the dead.

How is a physical raising of a dead body from the grave not illustrated?

Jesus told Mary not to 'cling to Him' (John 20:17) and Thomas to touch Him (John 20:29).

When God was a woman

I found this link to be helpful.

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by JollyLlama No statements of Christ's are better authenticated than his repeated assurances to his disciples that he must suffer death at Jerusalem, and rise again on the third day (Matt. 16:21; 20:19; 27:63; Mark 8:31; 9:31; 10:34; Luke 9:22; 18:33).

So what?

Or, as prosecutor Hamilton Burger used to say on Perry Mason: "Superfluous, irrelevant and immaterial."

And again: So what?

The doctrine of a physical raising of a dead body from the grave has no roots in any Revelation.

It was held to by the pagan Egyptians, who certainly did not believe in Revelation.

It is the distortion of the Truth about the Doctrine of "resurrection" which resulted in the misogynist, fascist, blood-thirsty theology (really metaphysical philosophy undifferentiated from Greek philosophy) that resulted in the Crusades, the Inquisition, the "witch trials", pogroms against the Jews, and the Holocaust.

No fact of the New Testament is better attested than that Jesus fulfilled his own predictions, died on the cross, was buried, and rose again on the third day.

So what? So what? So what?

This is not in any way relevant to the Truth about the Revelation and Doctrine of "resurrection".

Although it was considered to be so by the proto-Nazi, idolator and Pharisee Paul; who expropriated the blood-thirsty doctrine of "vicarious atonement" as the correct 'explanation' for the crucifixion, rather than the Doctrinal conflict between Jesus and the Pharisees over the "resurrection".

And this fact, or series of facts, cannot be properly separated from a study of our Lord’s doctrine of the resurrection of the dead.

Well, if you really 'think' so, be my guest.

But the ultimate consequence of that perversion of the Teaching of Jesus was the Holocaust...

Whether you want to believe that or not.

Mi cha el

edit on 23-11-2010 by Michael Cecil because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by JollyLlama

for the LORD hath created a new thing in the earth, A woman shall compass a man.-Jer31

As a young man marries a maiden-Is62

Lift up thine eyes round about, and behold: all these gather themselves together, and come to thee. As I live, saith the LORD, thou shalt surely clothe thee with them all, as with an ornament, and bind them on thee, as a bride doeth.-Is49

I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.-Rev21

And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.-Rev22

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by Michael Cecil
Although it was considered to be so by the proto-Nazi, idolator and Pharisee Paul;

Really? Your arguments are so weak that you need to call Paul a Nazi? Paul, who said that he would gratefully give up his own salvation if it would save his people, the Jews?

who expropriated the blood-thirsty doctrine of "vicarious atonement" as the correct 'explanation' for the crucifixion, rather than the Doctrinal conflict between Jesus and the Pharisees over the "resurrection".

Why do you keep saying this, when there is no evidence whatsoever for it? Do you think if you say it often enough, people will start to forget that you are the only one who believes it, and you have nothing to back you up?

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by Michael Cecil

Originally posted by JollyLlama No statements of Christ's are better authenticated than his repeated assurances to his disciples that he must suffer death at Jerusalem, and rise again on the third day (Matt. 16:21; 20:19; 27:63; Mark 8:31; 9:31; 10:34; Luke 9:22; 18:33).

So what?

Or, as prosecutor Hamilton Burger used to say on Perry Mason: "Superfluous, irrelevant and immaterial."

And again: So what?

The doctrine of a physical raising of a dead body from the grave has no roots in any Revelation.

It was held to by the pagan Egyptians, who certainly did not believe in Revelation.

It is the distortion of the Truth about the Doctrine of "resurrection" which resulted in the misogynist, fascist, blood-thirsty theology (really metaphysical philosophy undifferentiated from Greek philosophy) that resulted in the Crusades, the Inquisition, the "witch trials", pogroms against the Jews, and the Holocaust.

No fact of the New Testament is better attested than that Jesus fulfilled his own predictions, died on the cross, was buried, and rose again on the third day.

So what? So what? So what?

This is not in any way relevant to the Truth about the Revelation and Doctrine of "resurrection".

Although it was considered to be so by the proto-Nazi, idolator and Pharisee Paul; who expropriated the blood-thirsty doctrine of "vicarious atonement" as the correct 'explanation' for the crucifixion, rather than the Doctrinal conflict between Jesus and the Pharisees over the "resurrection".

And this fact, or series of facts, cannot be properly separated from a study of our Lord’s doctrine of the resurrection of the dead.

Well, if you really 'think' so, be my guest.

But the ultimate consequence of that perversion of the Teaching of Jesus was the Holocaust...

Whether you want to believe that or not.

Mi cha el

edit on 23-11-2010 by Michael Cecil because: (no reason given)

I'm sorry, I'm going to have to intervene at this point. What you just said is wrong on so many levels.
Ok, Christians are not perfect and many Christians would not even consider the perpetrators of the crusades to be Christian. I understand the bitterness of gnostics; the Cathars were murdered in cold blood, this is undeniable. As in the old days when "might makes right" philosophy flexed it's mongoloid muscles, in this day "oppressed makes right" reigns in hearts and minds. These two ideologies are falacious, insipid, and stupid. Just because Gnostics have been oppressed, does not mean they are in the right. They believed themselves to be above common sense (mainstream christian thought) though they very well may (I'm being generous here) have been beneath it. Now on to this gem of 'thought': "But the ultimate consequence of that perversion of the Teaching of Jesus was the Holocaust..." I am at a loss for words... actually, not at all. How can you possibly think that? Are you aware of the fact that Hitler thought Christianity should be expunged from the Earth? I hope the "Holocaust" you are referring to is the Albigensian Crusade, because if it's not, I'm going to have to assume you have spent so much time with your nose in the Nag Hammadi codices that you have never once read the Synoptic Gospels. Anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of the Sermon On the Mount and mainstream Christianity would know that the murder of millions of people is not "what Jesus would do". I can't even wrap my head around how a denial of the supposed reason of the "ressurection" would inspire a nation of people to toss out the fifth commandment and commit genocide. Infact, now that the Roman Catholic Church and the Nazis aren't suppressing the Bible, a massacre like the Albigensian Crusade will hopefully never happen again.

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 05:54 AM

Originally posted by kallisti36 I'm sorry,

No you're not. You don't know what "sorry" is.

Perhaps, when you begin receiving memories of previous lives you will begin to get a glimpse of what the word "sorry" means.

I understand the bitterness of gnostics;

Really now?

So, that means that you have a memory of being murdered when you were a Cathar in a previous life.

Because that is what you would have to have in order to understand such a thing.

Just because Gnostics

The term "Gnostics" is a term of opprobrium created by Christians to objectify people who had Knowledge of the Doctrine of "resurrection".

Anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of the Sermon On the Mount and mainstream Christianity would know that the murder of millions of people is not "what Jesus would do".

Do you remember Jesus saying "Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees"? What does that word "leaven" mean?

In terms of their adherence to the ethical requirements of the Torah and the Prophets, the Pharisees were quite close to Jesus. Today's equivalent would be the anti-Zionist rabbis of Neturei Karta and such people as the Jewish Voice for Peace or Young, Jewish and Proud.

But the "leaven" of the Pharisees was a doctrinal error: their disinterpretation of the Doctrine of "resurrection"; which Jesus taught as a Doctrine of 'Rebirth'; and which is why he was murdered in the first place.

Now, have you ever read the letters to the Corinthians by Paul? Paul's statements about love are quite beautiful; but that does not mean that that should take precedence over his having turned upside down the Teaching of Jesus on the "resurrection".

Infact, now that the Roman Catholic Church and the Nazis aren't suppressing the Bible, a massacre like the Albigensian Crusade will hopefully never happen again.

You certainly live a sheltered life.

The millions of mostly Muslims that have been slaughtered throughout the Middle East over the past 30+ years have been slaughtered simultaneously with the media and the religious 'authorities' censoring and suppressing the Truth about the Doctrine of "resurrection". This is the Albigensian Crusade "on steroids"...

And you are saying that such a thing "will hopefully never happen again" while it is happening.


Mi cha el

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