posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 12:29 PM
What we know:
We know that our bodies are made of cells, of organs, tissues, and bone. Every cell has a nucleus, every one has a function. Deeper still within us,
deeper than the cells, are the atoms. Each cell is a masterpiece of carbon, copper, iron, zinc, potassium, sodium, hydrogen. Science has shown us
that we are made up of the same building blocks as everything else. On the atomic level, a molecule of water in our body is the same as a drop of
water in the ocean. It is the same - there is nothing special about it aside from the new arrangment of it that forms our bodies. We are the stuff
of the universe - quite literally.
I am under the assumption that nothing ever comes from the universe that can't go back into it. We can easily see this on a physical scale, we can
watch it, and measure it. What then, of consciousness? Is it arbitrary? Is it a non-intended effect of natural processes? I cannot in all honesty
say that I believe it is simply a by-product of having a physical body. My curious nature stops me at this point and begs me to toy with the idea.
A theory that has developed somewhere in my mind states that we are the eyes and ears of the cosmos. We ARE the cosmos, in the flesh. Every single
thing that has happened on earth, all of our wars, our triumphs, our thoughts, inspirations, books written, and our emotions can be traced back to
cosmic events. I'm not speaking of astrology, I'm speaking of science where the atoms where formed in the hearts of exploding heavnly bodies.
Perhaps the cosmos found something new, quite by accident, when life came into being. It found consciousness, and became curious itself. The cosmos
has ensured our survival, and is evolving our minds to where we can better understand it. I use the words "our" and "it" incorrectly, because for
my theory to have any meaning there would be no "our" and "it" - we would not be seperate entities as we see ourselves, this is only the illusion
we percieve. Rather than being a million points of light, we are a single light, as if refracted through a multifaceted gemstone. Everyone that we
see around us, is actually US - just living in an alternate reality to what we find ourselves. We might be the mind of the universe, dispersed among
billions of us, having the same experience from nearly every concievable point of view.
While the mention of this being a theory throws me outside the boundries of what most atheists would consider mentioning in public, I have no fear of
it. I'm not certain that the reading of this would fully encapsulate the theory as a whole, in its entirety, but maybe it's a good start.