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Solid proof of explosion at the corner of the World Trade Center just before the collapse.

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posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 06:43 AM

Originally posted by OpenEndStr8
If the ventilation system failed, then the batteri charger would stop too (standard safety)...and with the damage caused by the planes there would be no confined space to accumulate the very volatile gases, even if the batteries still was charging!

When did the official story change from fire to exploding batteries?

I wasn't aware the 'official story strawman' had changed at all, but whatever suits your needs.

Noneone, let alone the OS-strawman, knows what was happening inside the towers. At best, qualified guesses can be provided.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 06:45 AM
reply to post by OpenEndStr8

I guess when thermal images surfaced that showed any heat limited to the impact area and people realized that even if the steele only heated sufficiently to weaken, that steele would have set the building ablaze.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 07:02 AM

Originally posted by Cassius666
reply to post by OpenEndStr8

I guess when thermal images surfaced that showed any heat limited to the impact area and people realized that even if the steele only heated sufficiently to weaken, that steele would have set the building ablaze.

Please explain the hole on the left side of the is blown out from inside.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by OpenEndStr8


posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by Cassius666

I might have misunderstood your last post I replied to...

Sry if I did!

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by OpenEndStr8

And you do know the complete video is the one in the middle of my first post...there you can see it is the same tower.

Thank you for the bump´s of my thread...please continue

Here's a clue: Look at the antenna.

Thanks for the laugh Truther...please continue

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by waypastvne
reply to post by OpenEndStr8

And you do know the complete video is the one in the middle of my first post...there you can see it is the same tower.

Thank you for the bump´s of my thread...please continue

Here's a clue: Look at the antenna.

Thanks for the laugh Truther...please continue

Your welcome...I will.

The one with the antenna is the one to be hit by the first plane, the one with thermite is the first one to be demolished.

If you want to debate, then please do it seriosly.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by OpenEndStr8

Originally posted by waypastvne
reply to post by OpenEndStr8

And you do know the complete video is the one in the middle of my first post...there you can see it is the same tower.

Thank you for the bump´s of my thread...please continue

Here's a clue: Look at the antenna.

Thanks for the laugh Truther...please continue

Your welcome...I will.

The one with the antenna is the one to be hit by the first plane, the one with thermite is the first one to be demolished.

If you want to debate, then please do it seriosly.

What ever...

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by Cassius666
Its funny how people cant see the wood because of all the trees, like that the "collapse" is a sequence of explosions.

Youtube video that shows phenomena that can be debunked easily by members and experts alike or believing that dozens of people paraded through the WTC setting explosives to kill thousands without any leaks and without reason for any planes existing?

One of these things doesn't make sense to me...

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by OpenEndStr8

Let me draw you a map.

step 1: Click the white arrow middle of the video screen.

step 2: Notice how the tower without a hole in the corner has an antenna on top.

step 3: Notice how the tower with the with the hole in the corner has no antenna on top.

step 4: Say: I'm sorry I was wrong.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by waypastvne
reply to post by OpenEndStr8

Let me draw you a map.

step 1: Click the white arrow middle of the video screen.

step 2: Notice how the tower without a hole in the corner has an antenna on top.

step 3: Notice how the tower with the with the hole in the corner has no antenna on top.

step 4: Say: I'm sorry I was wrong.

I was wrong with that one...thank you for pointing that out.

Please explain how an aluminium airplane can crash through a building, explode in giant fireball and, according to NIST disintegrate in the middle of the building...then make big a hole in the other side and structural steel bukcle?
On top of that, burn for almost one hour and melt steel or aluminium...40 minuttes after all the jetfuel was burned?
The fire and "collaps" was so hot and destrutive, that WTC7 caught fire and lost 25% of it structure...but ordinary "terrorist" passports was as good as new, when they accidently was found on the street?

Then go eat a cookie and a glass of have deserved it.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by OpenEndStr8

you came here with crap videos and false conclusions then you get served by members after you asked them to debunk you, and now your going to keep going???? lol

slink away.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by TopsecCin616
I seen the planes explode! I am not gonna beleive that our president would kill all these people, and then start a war to kill thousands more. the muslims did this thats all there is to it. Now the muslims want to set up housekeeping near ground zero, they have no respect for all the people killed that day. they are still killing people all over the world. President Bush would not do this, President Nixon might be capable of this. what would Bush accomplish from this? President Bush has to live in America and face Americans Everyday I think we need to Give him a break. What happened was the Muslims are trying to scare us , which they do, because they are gonna do this again. Im not gonna beleive Bush did this.

I'm not sure if your'e making fun of those who stick their heads in the sand or if your statement is serious.

I'll assume you are being serious and ask do you have any evidence that Muslims were responsible for 9/11?

Could it be that TPTB are demonising Islam as an excuse to scare the public into supporting their illegal occupations?

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by OpenEndStr8

but ordinary "terrorist" passports was as good as new, when they accidently was found on the street?

Then go eat a cookie and a glass of have deserved it.

Mmmm... cooookies

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by waypastvne
reply to post by OpenEndStr8

but ordinary "terrorist" passports was as good as new, when they accidently was found on the street?

Then go eat a cookie and a glass of have deserved it.

Mmmm... cooookies

sorry but this whole video is more than ridiculous.

So the passport, which the terrorist had in his pocket somehow survived the impact going through the whole WTC steel and was found nearly intact several hundred feet away ?

Ok then what about the terrorist? How did the passport manage to survive nearly intact and the terrorist didnt? What about his body, what happend to it?

The passport thing is really one of the most amusing things about the OS. And there was a Bandana which the highjacker allegedly weared found in the debris nearly unharmed too.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 03:54 PM
We don't need more proof we need convictions

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by OpenEndStr8

I dont see why we need to talk about the little details, when the "collapse" was obviously a string of explosions turning the building into fine dust floor, by floor. I know an explosion when I see (and hear) one.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by OpenEndStr8

Every single one of your green arrows is pointing to aluminum cladding . Not even one of your green arrows is pointing to steel .

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 01:54 AM

Originally posted by waypastvne
reply to post by OpenEndStr8

but ordinary "terrorist" passports was as good as new, when they accidently was found on the street?

Then go eat a cookie and a glass of have deserved it.

Mmmm... cooookies

Did the air go trhough the building or all the way down the building?
No matter how much energi there was in the moving air, in the cabin, it cant go both ways.
That video is joke, and everybody who belives all the conclusons, are no more than mindless sheep.
What about all the air inside the giant towers?
...if the film´s conclusions are correct, then half Manhattan should have been levelled by the airpresure.
All the air inside the buildings was many times greater than the air inside the airplane.

I have never belived that "9/11 september clues" and the nose/nose out and much more in that film is the truth.

Typical for for the belivers of the official story is, that they think everybody who doubt the official story buy all the insane theories.

I don´t belive all the insane crap, that is why I try to make own conclusions.

Some times I make mistakes, and I am not affraid of admitting my mistakes...I am glad that someone found the tower in the video I made.

I made a mistake, I thought I have found I don´t have to think more about that, and can go on looking for clues.

I don´t belive the official story, but that doesn´t mean that I belive all the insane theories...

edit on 22/11/10 by OpenEndStr8 because: (no reason given)

edit on 22/11/10 by OpenEndStr8 because: (no reason given)

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