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UFO power systems/propulsion interfering with our technology

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posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 06:56 PM
I'm sure all of us have read about stories where a UFO appears and suddenly someone's car just refuses to start, orany electronic systems just suddenly die.

I'm just postulating here but what if it's some kind of 'self defence' mechanism they have.

Surely there's some way of protecting such equipment from exposure to EM waves?

Could we use EM against them?


P.s This is just hypothetical of course!

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 07:04 PM
I heard our radar systems used to skrew with their control stabability

Made a lot of UFOs unstable and i think they saw it as a weapon

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 07:17 PM
IF UFO's use "free energy" then what is happening is the mechanizm on the ufo that converts free energy to usable energy is virtually sucking the electrons out of the air. Thus the electrons being liberated from the air create the illumination around the craft, the air molucules being robbed of electrons then rob electrons from the nearest molecule with "extra" electrons and so and so far, until the chain reaches an electrical transmission source, such as a power line, car battery, atomic weapon, etc.

This would explain some cases where UFO's are spotted over transmission lines, over atomic weapon etc. Because they are actually absorbing the spare electrons that are being lost from those sources at gaps in the conductors or just being simply emitted in the form of radiation etc.

Same thing with a humans brain, time lapse etc due to the craft pulling electrons "free energy" out of the enviroment which causes the brains neurons to fire slower and basically "jigging" the bodies internal clock. I suspect that people (IF) they truely experienced an episode of a close encounter with a UFO that then resulted in a loss of time, more then likely was a result of a partial black out, allowing for motor function but hampering the brains ability to process memory functions. Like being alive but not having any sense that you are alive, yet you are not dead, just have no ability to "recall" anything because your brain had nothing to recall, due to the lack of vital neural activity due to the loss of electrons in your body.

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 07:31 PM
Maybe they communicate on some "frequency" that blocks all our signals and is unintelligable to us.

Same thing with a humans brain, time lapse etc due to the craft pulling electrons "free energy" out of the enviroment which causes the brains neurons to fire slower and basically "jigging" the bodies internal clock.

I don't see how the whole electron idea could be true...even involuntary actions like heart bearts in a coma (
or heart beats at any time, oops
) (require electron signals sent down the neural pathways of the brain - as they travel this pathway, however, they lose strength. If something is robbing you of all your electrons then your slowly dying.

[edit on 6/30/2004 by EnronOutrunHomerun]

[edit on 6/30/2004 by EnronOutrunHomerun]

posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 08:19 PM
Could we use EMP technology on Zetan-alien spacecraft?


Just remember that if their hull can insulate them againt their own EM stealth technology, it may also assist them in defense against EMP weapons.

As far as I know, they have no true shielding capability but they do have all sorts of high-tech energy projection weapons.

It better be a very good and powerful shot the first time as I would guess they would be prone to fire back!

posted on Jul, 1 2004 @ 07:59 AM
Give 'em a good burst from a M61A1 20mm Vulcan cannon and i don't they'll be singing any tunes soon. Besides hasn't the US got lasers and particle beam weapons?

Paul do you happen to know more about the alleged encounter between a UFO and a Coalition fleet during the 1st Gulf War where the craft buzzed some American & British ships which resulted in them opening fire and downing it?

posted on Jul, 1 2004 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by Flyboy211

Paul do you happen to know more about the alleged encounter between a UFO and a Coalition fleet during the 1st Gulf War where the craft buzzed some American & British ships which resulted in them opening fire and downing it?

This proves, as I stated, that the Zetans do not have shielding capability.

Good discussion by the way.

The probes FlyBoy...think about their saucer-shaped, cylindrical-shaped and spherical-shaped probes! They won't send a fleet of manned ships, they will send a fleet of probes in any upcoming major battle.

They could deploy a fleet of hundreds if not thousands of unmanned probes into US airspace, all highly computerized, capable of autonomous function in combat, and faster than anything the US has at present (IMO) and knock out every USAFB and missile silo in a matter of minutes.

There is a well-known case when they temporarily shut down the computer system (probably through EMP technology) in a major intercontinental ballistic missile silo in the US.

None of our jet fighters can come close to the speed of their probes. The G forces and sharp angel turns that the Zetan probes manifest are much greater than any human pilot can withstand.

Oh, once in a while a Zetan spacecraft will be downed. Absolutely.

But even if the US military were to manage to down a small number of incoming probes, the Zetans still hold the advantage in air superiority.

Fuel for thought...learn a way to down their probes efficiently.

posted on Jul, 1 2004 @ 09:10 AM
Excellent ideas there robertfenix....(of course, I'm somewhat biased, as they mirror my own ideas, hehe...)

Anyhoo...there is some evidence to suggest that indeed, emp, laser, and particle weapons were developed to counter the threat (or at least that they've been utilized to do so...can you say "Star Wars, SDI"?)

Not sure if many remember, but many of the shuttle missions in the 80's (when they were going up almost every week it seemed), were to deliver classified military satellites... At the time, we had pretty much the spy satellites needed, so my postulation is that this was the deployment of Ronnie Ray Gun's little baby....not just more snoops.....

posted on Jul, 1 2004 @ 09:15 AM
I wouldn't mind getting schematics of these things but then i suppose that would be unlikely

I don't know about your claim of them knocking out every single AFB in the USA. I mean isn't Nellis AFB alone meant to be the size of Switzerland? I come from Wales so to me that is very big. I know they could use a WMD to knock it out but what if they launched a conventional attack?

If they were susceptible to our projectile explosive weapons? Would they be vulnerable to AAA fire and SAM launchers? I know this is in the realm of the extreme lol but i'm merely just curious.

How could they control unmanned vehicles from such a distance? Our UAV's at the moment only do reconnaissance. You're right our pilots could never do those type of manoeuvres, even with the new type of flightsuits which tightens around the pilots to keep blood circulation going, in high G manoeuvres would still not be enough. I think at most with those flightsuits pilots can only handle around 13G's so i can only imagine what G's these things would be pulling.

Another thing to consider if one of these things were manned by say the greys, who are only about 4ft tall then due to their smaller frame their bodies would be able to handle higher G's due to blood taking shorter amount of time to circulate. That's why the air force prefers pilots who aren't too tall. Although i'd assume that even if they had to endure very high G's that they could suppress with gravity manipulation.

Again this is ONLY guess work on my part, the human imagination is a wonderful thing.

posted on Jul, 1 2004 @ 09:16 AM
Gazrok is right again: a form of Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) is already in operation.

I remember that NASA film footage of a UFO that appeared to be fired upon with a missile in the upper orbit.

Anyone have a link to a site about this story?

posted on Jul, 1 2004 @ 09:20 AM

Yes, you're right, their probes are much more advanced than ours.

We need to do a little abducting of our own and interrogate some Greys!

That would greatly help us in the technology department.

posted on Jul, 1 2004 @ 09:22 AM
Search the archives, you should be able to find the video...we've talked about it quite a bit...

As for the G-Forces...many contend that the whole propulsion of the craft is built around manipulating gravity. If this is the case (as many believe), then the supression of G-Forces should almost be a given, so not really a problem for the occupants...

As for conventional explosives...yes, they appear to be effective...the only problem being that they must be emp shielded to work (otherwise the emp ability of the UFO would knock them out...a natural extension of the drive mechanism). There have been accounts of crashed ships with missile damage, etc.

posted on Jul, 1 2004 @ 09:25 AM
Fred Flintstone's car never suffers from UFO interference. But seriously we need to exhange tech with extraterrestrials so we can quit accidently downing them and they can quit stopping our engines and electronics. Why is it that UFOs only interface with the military elite, or mentally unstable?

posted on Jul, 1 2004 @ 09:38 AM
Interesting stuff guys, the new generation of fighter planes would give us a SLIGHT edge. Especially with the F/A-22 which has thrust vectoring for added manoeuvrability. I know it's nothing compared to something accelerating at over 1000mph! but it's a start

What about the pulse detonation technology rumoured to have been developed by the US? Anyone remember the alledged 'Aurora' project?

What of the TR3-B?

posted on Jul, 1 2004 @ 09:47 AM
Interesting what you said Gazruk about the explosive shells being useless due to the EMP output of the ufo. Couldn't you configure the AAA shells to detonate through radar proximity rather than detonate on impact? Didn't we (the British) use that technology in AAA shells when shooting down the V-1 rockets in WW2?

posted on Jul, 1 2004 @ 05:07 PM
I am guessing that the Aliens use a form of ZPE or fusion to power their crafts. It seems to me that the Aliens have a means to manipulate HFGW(High-frequency Gravity Waves), essentially the local gravity of the ship. This Gravitational control would allow them to accelerate at many times our earth Gravity with no ill effects. By combining ZPE with Gravitational control you have a craft capable of interstellar travel.

In regards to shooting them down, a Gravity wave generator with a focus lense could possible used to disrupt the crafts interal systems and/or local space-time disruption.

[edit on 1-7-2004 by Sigma]

posted on Jul, 1 2004 @ 09:23 PM

Couldn't you configure the AAA shells to detonate through radar proximity rather than detonate on impact?

Actually, straight impact is the way to go...if using guidance (this is what's effected by the EMP, the electronics), the missile is useless....this is why they must be EMP shielded to be effective...

As for radar interfering with the drive, this appears to be an old problem, and repeats of it causing crashes didn't seem to happen after the Hollerman AFB (alleged) meeting.

I'd agree that a gravity wave generator would bring them down, but this seems to be currently beyond our (even leaked) tech level, despite reverse engineering. Perhaps the key is as Mr. Lazar stated...our inability to create the needed element...or any other number of understandings we have yet to "get".......

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 08:10 AM

I'd agree that a gravity wave generator would bring them down, but this seems to be currently beyond our (even leaked) tech level, despite reverse engineering. Perhaps the key is as Mr. Lazar stated...our inability to create the needed element...or any other number of understandings we have yet to "get.......

There has to be a way of shielding eqipment from EMP as you've said. Straight impact would be ideal, but if somehow the shells could be protected from EMP interference then proximity detonation could do the trick. Another idea just off the top of my head, is developing a shell/missile that when on impact releases a huge amount of electricity which would surge through the ship and possibly disable it. As just prior to the alleged Roswell crash there was a severe lightning storm which possibly led to the UFO being disabled.

A gravity generator would be ideal but like Gazruk has said, it's probably impractical for us to develope such technology as we don't have it!

To be honest if wanted to take them on we'd use our technology as well and practical techniques.

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 02:32 PM
We have EMP shielding...but it isn't exactly "standard" armament...

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 02:58 PM
The nice thing about EMP technology coming out these days and being tested, is that it may indeed become standard armament for many vehicles in the future, starting with the military and then probably law enforcement agencies.

With enough time, it would then become available to the general public as well.

Thus making it more difficult for alien kidnappings to occur.

I wouldn't mind having a car that had EMP shielding.

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