"Recent" stories on downed UFOs? I think the most recent I've heard of was from a Disclosure Project witness.
U.S. Lance Corporal John Weygant has made statements that in 1997 he was part of a team sent to secure a UFO crash zone in Peru. It was a very large,
teardrop shaped craft which oozed some kind of weird anti-freeze looking stuff. He claims that it was shot down by somebody, possibly the Peruvians.
A UFO retrieval specialist team came in and relieved him of his duty at the crash site, but not before tying him up, threatening him with his life and
the lives of his family members, and making him sign some secret documents to keep his mouth shut (which he apparently didnt
I think the most recent shot-down UFO story that had the most evidence going for it is the Varginaha Brazil 1996 incident. Lots of reports about it
in the Brazillian media. Cigar shaped craft with around seven living aliens captured. I think a few Brazillian soldiers talked as well, but its hard
to bring this out of my memory. Anyway, it had lots of press and seems to be one of the most legitimate cases of of a downed UFO in recent
As for incredibly recent downed UFOs. This month (June), has seen a number of alleged large fiery meteors coming down. Sometimes exploding in the
air, but mostly having little in the way of confirmed crash zones. Are they meteors? Is it possible that we're already engaging in intensive
warfare against UFO type craft? The media isn't talking much about it. Though the media really never has to begin with concerning any celestial
Its my belief that since whatever ETs are and their purposes for secrecy, they haven't actually attacked in any overt fashion so they cant be all
bad. All I can think of is that these are other civilizations who are highly interested in this planet and will go to extreme lengths to keep the
citizens of earth from panicking due to such a shocking revelation as superior beings watching them and potentially experimenting on them like we do
with lab rats. They may be performing benign experments for perhaps the benefit of man, but their deafening silence and avoidance of disclosure
leaves this part of the subject mostly a mystery. All I really can tell is that they do not like us using nuclear power and it seems that a few are
concerned over how we treat our planet. From global warming to other global disasters like a polar shift, some ETs seem to at least feign enough
concern for us to scold us in secret.
Our governments likely see the problems of disclosure similarly to the ETs, but for more personal and likely selfish reasons. Nobody who is currently
in power on earth wants to lose their positions of power. The status quo wants to remain as it is for as long as possible and its plain for anybody
to see that ET revelation will likely destroy our current way of life, thus destroying the status quo that those in power so desperately want to hold
on to.
Any captured ETs, since they do not exist according to our governments, likely have no legal protections and our governments most likely treat them as
hostages. Using these beings for interplanetary political purposes and likely doing horrible things to them as warnings to other ETs to stop dropping
[edit on 30-6-2004 by heelstone]