posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 07:19 PM
This once excellent thread has now become a irksome and irratating opinion forum. As I stated in a earlier post, no one can judge the genuiness or
falsity of the video, certainly not from a position sitting in a chair in their own home.
I would suggest that genuinely interested posters would seek out the posts presenting fair and reasonable logic. Those posters who have stated an
outright opinion of hoax can be dismissed (as they the video) with a contemptuous wave of the hand, equally so, those whose outright opinion states
the video to be genuine. So, let's repeat the caution that should be taken to mind before making a cannot determine the genuiness or
falsity of this video sat in the comfort of your chair in your home, you simply cannot.
In order to arrive at a correct and professional conclusion to this video you have to research the story's history. No one who has posted to this
thread has done that. Not one poster (including myself) has gone to Jamaica and investigated the claims of the case. No one has interviewed the boy or
his family members, nor their neighbours or the TV crew that presented the video. How, therefore, can any one of us claim it be either genuine or
The video itself does not provide any useful visual or auditory clues to help us make a correct decision either way. Simply to opt for it to be
genuine or false as a opinion (culled from one's own belief system) is an injustice to the video's presentation, and to one's own
perception...belittling the display of one's own logic reasoning prowess also. Reasoning that relies on self-evidency, which has been displayed in
most postings to this thread, is both disingenuous and slapstick.
Taken at face value, the video presents a disturbing visual narrative that ought not to be dismissed out-of-hand, but requires a sympathetic
investigation of the events surrounding the case. Only by that manner can it be fully understood and determined to a certain degree to be either
genuine or false. No poster to this thread is qualified, nor can claim to be so, to give such a decree to the video.