posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 08:08 AM
This is a very interesting video, with many polarised views expressed about it. I come from a belief that we continue a conscious existence of some
form after we die, but I no longer accept that belief. After 30 years of (lay) research seeking evidence to convince myself that my prior belief was
true, I finally came off the fence and opted for no conscious existence after we die. That's my stance, and I am now highly sceptical, but remain
'open-minded' to the possibility.
Even so, this video shows a young Jamaican boy pulled across a floor whilst sat in a chair, and later whilst outside, he has his left leg seemingly
grabbed and pulled from under him. If this video is a hoax, it's a pretty good one, and the mechanics of the movements have to have be done with
wires, but we don't see any.
The reaction of the boy is such that he presents a positve reaction to his unseen assailant's acts toward him. The boy is by now used to being
assailed but is not comfortable with it, equally so, the mother. When something occurs her instinct is to protect her child. On both occassions shown
on the video, there are plenty of people present, including the TV crew, and if the family are hoaxing these events for whatever reason, then we have
to assume that the TV crew (and all the other people present) are also in on the act? Otherwise, we have to conclude that the events depicted are in
fact genuine, and that no hoax machinations were there to uncover.
I would suppose that our own views and reasoning toward the video, and what is presented in it, will say a lot about ourselves. No one wants to be
seen to be fooled and taken for a 'sap', but we cannot (as viewers) determine the veracity of the video from our comfortable chairs in our own
homes. We can give opinions, but that is all...and it is your opinion that declares a lot about you to the whole world.
For me, the jury is still out. I do not know enough of the story, it's factual, chronological history, to be able to make a accurate and informed
decision as to the genuiness of the one can.