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OK, I Believe This Girl Is Very Sincere, Do You Believe Her?

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posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by stumason

Originally posted by TheMindWar
In addition, we know by general observation that the brightest of creatures on our planet are carnivorous, they have to be more intelligent than their prey.

Very true,

No its not

Omnivores are top of the food chain.

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

Well, now you're just being pedantic! "Omnivores" eat meat, so are carnivourous and many "carnivores" eat some vegetable matter, making them "omnivourous". There is no strict defining line as to the quanitity of what foodstuff an animal must eat to fall into each category. For the sake of this thread, the chappy was quite right.

But, in general parlance, Carnivores do sit at the top of the food chain. What animal eats Lions, or Great Whites? All animals at the top of the food chain are either carnivourous, at least in part..

Anyhoo, enough of splitting hairs.

EDIT: You did quote me extremely badly too. You took two words out of a whole paragraph to try and score points. A bit petty, no? Taken out of context, your quote means nothing
edit on 20/11/10 by stumason because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 11:20 AM
well drugs or not...its allways interessting what happends to those people..she dosnt look like a tramp ..

maybe her first time use of some drugs....blackout..

who knows what happend to her ...

it reminds me a lil bit on the outrage of the swedish girls in UK
edit on 20-11-2010 by angrydog because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by TheMindWar

she may be a little hysterical but there is no smoke without fire.

"Monterrey freed me, but it cost me a lot of work."

Those sound like the words of a sex slave who bought her freedom.

"It hurts my soul that they took him away."

And those sounds like the words of a sex slave who had a child taken from her.

As for the parts talking about princesses and Mickie Mouse, look closely at how it's phrased:

"They told me, who did they kill? The queen of England, the queen of Germany, did they also kill the princesses and Mickey Mouse?"

She's being facetiousness. She's not literally suggesting that somebody killed Mickey Mouse. Girl used as a sex slave by some power hungry millionnaires who liked to brag about the people they killed, and who subsequently bought her freedom after losing a child and is having difficulty adjusting would be my guess. The only comment that might lead one to suspect aliens is:

"They ate humans! disgusting! They ate humans! I wasn't aware of anything, of the murders, yes but...they ate humans! Humans! They smell like human flesh!"

Which, yes...can be interpeted as aliens, but that's not the only interpretation. I would want more information before I settled on a conclusion. Assuming aliens based on the huma-eating comments, or dismissing her as a drug fiend having a breakdown because of the Mickey Mouse comment, both seem premature.

edit on 20-11-2010 by LordBucket because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by wisintel
I would like to disagree with your main premise. I believe any alien race significantly advanced enough to make it too our world would not have nefarious goals upon arrival. I come to this conclusion following a chain of logic that goes something like this: The best and most advanced among our race are the kindest and most intelligent, logical and humane. Think Mother Theresa or Albert Einstien..... The aliens would have to be significantly ahead of us on the evolution chain I think to be able to master interstellar travel. Therefor wouldn't they also be more advanced in other ways as well....

I mean really why travel 500 light years to eat the inhabitants of a world when you could just genetically engineer said food on your own world.

Maybe not. Consider the direction humanity is heading these days. We're already invading other countries to take their natural resources by force. If we had inter-stellar space travel today, I could easily see humans being the sort of aliens we saw on Independence Day.

Also consider a species with with more of a hive-mind mentality like bees or ants. They may have no concept of things like benevolence or compassion or good or evil. They simply do as the hive mind instructs.

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 11:38 AM
hmm strange, and would some woman who was a sex slave know that our "masters" eat humans.
i guess if she was a personal sex svale to some very rich man, and he didnt care and let her see him eat dead people like chicken, when she got out,no one would even believe her,no one will probably let her talk who was she talking about.

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by stumason

But, in general parlance, Carnivores do sit at the top of the food chain. What animal eats Lions, or Great Whites? All animals at the top of the food chain are either carnivourous, at least in part..

Vultures, bacteria, crabs, worms, etc...but ok...they typically don't hunt down.

I think the word people are seeking here are predators...predators tend to be on top of the food chain..we are predators, lions, etc..
I see a carnavore as just that...something that as defined, lives on meat pretty a cat. (yep, little fluffy is a exclusive meat eating monster...bad kitty!)

I think meat actually slows down mental functions...there are many reports on this...however, herbivores are unlikely candidates for intellectual mastery because of a variety of factors.

the most likely candidate for food chain topping would be a mostly herbavore that also can digest meat...aka, a omnivore...this allows for a constant food supply be it in a lush garden, or in a barren desert fending off scorpions and snakes (aka, dinner).

Its not splitting hairs or being pedantic to note the difference between an exclusive carnivore and a omnivore...its a world of difference...a carnivore will die if there is no meat around, even in a lush garden..they simply cannot process the greenery directly, they get the plants through the filtration of a plant eater...its how the system works.

an intelligent species of pure carnivores would find a way to get the nutrents of the plants directly verses continuing to rely on the animal population...consider early space travel for such a would they bring along a million space cows to eat while they fly around...simple necessity would require them to streamline the process and bypass the middle man.

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

Arguments over what is what aside, my moggy (bless his fluffy soul....) used to quite happily chow down on grass. This apparently is for nutritional purposes as well as an aid to digestion...

And it is widely believed that the consumption of meat led to a rapid increase in the brain power of human ancestors. I would be interested to see something that says eating meat slows down mental processes.

The only time I ever hear such claims is from some rabid tree-hugging vegan (and I know a few). They will claim alot of things as "fact" in an effort to stop you chewing on the leg of some unfortunate beast.

In my own experience, vegetarians (vegans especially) always look malnourished and certainly seem to lack any sort of common sense or intelligence. Then again, it might just be the ones I know!

But I agree with you in principle that the most likely candidate for any intelligent, space-faring species will be omniverous, so that leaves wide open the possibility that they could be rampant world-eaters bent on eating your spleen, or peaceful galactic tree-huggers looking for the perfect conifer to make love too.

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by stumason
And it is widely believed that the consumption of meat led to a rapid increase in the brain power of human ancestors. I would be interested to see something that says eating meat slows down mental processes.

I give to you the dinosaur...hundreds of millions of years eating each other and voila...intellectual void.

Actually, neither meat nor veggies add much to advancement...a true top of the food chain also would not fare well in the intelligence game. it is a very strong theory that primates, being a sort of middleman, gained the intellectual edge because of the network of trees we had to constantly navigate to both chase down food, and run from bigger, it was actually being in the middle of the actual food chain that helped the brain grow...the challenge of evading being a tiger lunch, and a constant food source..and that makes perfect sense.

if it was he whom eats the most pork chops win, lions and tigers would have been our neko overlords long long ago.

any species then that is challenged enough to survive, while having an available food source wherever they go, seems to be the most likely candidate.

Given that premise, it seems reasonable then that a bit of empathy towards surviving from nasty monsters eating them would be part of their psychology...of course this is anthropomorphic in nature, but still more likely to be a universal truth.

and of course the fact that we are not currently born in big alien cages in a factory gives me hope this theory is the correct one. humans are the new kids on a very old block...if there are any...-any- aliens out there in the vast galaxy and universe...then its probable they know everything about us from the hundreds of thousands if not millions of years observing the planet. seems illogical for them to wait for soo long before coming for the harvest...unless of course they enjoy the hunt.

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 12:56 PM
She says that the cops had her before.
So I bet they put her on strong meds.
That would make her seem loony.
She got away and now they have her again.
Just like the films you see!
No one Ever believes you...
now shes dead.

maybe dinner!

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by LordBucket
"They told me, who did they kill? The queen of England, the queen of Germany, did they also kill the princesses and Mickey Mouse?"

Oh there's a little mistake on translation at moment 1:29 she says "I was taken to the General Hospital, You! you were on the police station. Go and get that son of a b----" (pointing inside the hotel)".
"For that son of a b---- they killed Mouriño"-

Then she goes on saying- "they told me, who did they kill?- The Queen of SCOTLAND?, the Queen of England? the princess of disneyland-? they killed Mickey Mouse? as well for -------"
(could be "as well for that son of a b----) but not sure it's a bad word that's being blocked.

On the "beep"- when she says again "they killed him as well for -----" the beep again.

And any reptilian theory cannot be taken seriously.

I've read on a blog- about secret narco groups on Mexico - practicing cannibalism. I dont think she's accusing royalty of eating humans. But is talking about some powerful group that do it. I dont know really- but she sounds like a seriously disturbed person, maybe a prostitute at the wrong time and place?- Saw something she shouldnt. maybe.

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by plutoxgirl
I've read on a blog- about secret narco groups on Mexico - practicing cannibalism.

now that I would actually believe. I have heard stories of a few loose knit groups that abduct, enslave, and eventually eat women due to simple sick and twisted pleasure in the process. sort of like a secret society for the ultimate taboo. That need no reptiles or whatnot. plenty of that kind of crazy right here on earth in our own population.

On that angle...ya...she would be making some sense, however, if that is truely the case, she seems fine thing about these supposed targets is that they are literally absent from earth youtube shots of her going nuts and making some wonder what ever happened to her, etc.

I don't know if such groups exist outside of fiction, hopefully not..but you never know.

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 05:16 PM
Never trust Latino people.

They fake even their smiles and tears in everyday life.

It's awful.

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 07:13 PM
this was a;ready posted on ATS
months ago.

the girls myspace page was also posted with it.
edit on 20-11-2010 by Ahmose because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 07:20 PM
welcome to the board. i see you jumped in head first. good luck.
as for the girl, i find her to be hot in a bat #te crazy kind of way.
how do you know she was joking about mickey mouse being murdered?!
it as plausible as reptillians who eat humans. just saying.
anyway good luck here.

edit on 20-11-2010 by cluckerspud because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by TheMindWar

It sounds like she's just a schizophrenic on a rant..

She seems rather clean and well kept for just some schizophrenic though.. Maybe one that is cared for.

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 09:48 PM
err... I'm gonna go with... Crack.
I don't think this video has anything to do with aliens at all.
I do think she needs some psychological help however.

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by archasama

I find that statement disrespectful. I'm Latino.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 08:26 AM
No, I've witnessed psychosis firsthand three times, and she's way too logical.

I think she really did witness someone eating someone.

Plus, the translation of her accusation is totally off. Whoever translated this needs to be fired big time.

hablo espanol, no hay un achiste.
edit on 21-11-2010 by TheDolphinSings because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by plutoxgirl
I've read on a blog- about secret narco groups on Mexico - practicing cannibalism.

now that I would actually believe. I have heard stories of a few loose knit groups that abduct, enslave, and eventually eat women due to simple sick and twisted pleasure in the process. sort of like a secret society for the ultimate taboo. That need no reptiles or whatnot. plenty of that kind of crazy right here on earth in our own population.

Yes, exactely.
No need to look for aliens as guilty of those acts.

No reptile theory!!!. That really takes away any serious/important point one is trying to make.

(and for the record- I do belive in aliens and human contact)- I have my owns theories- and I'm open to what other people have to say- But no reptilies or evil greys.

On that angle...ya...she would be making some sense, however, if that is truely the case, she seems fine thing about these supposed targets is that they are literally absent from earth youtube shots of her going nuts and making some wonder what ever happened to her, etc.

Well if they put this on TV- on the news... it was to complete DISCREDIT her.
Of course. Because most people would think she's plain crazy or on drugs, not paying attention to her story- and who she's accusing. (some magnate?).

She mentions she knew of " the murders" but what shocked her was what came next- cannibalism. So that means this woman was aware of half the things that people did.

I have no idea where or how she's now. There's not much info of her out there. Maybe someone from Mexico would know.
edit on 21/11/10 by plutoxgirl because: spelling

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