posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 12:56 AM
for the past few days, i have been returning to my facebook page, to find a BLANK comment next to my name.
now, i usually check out ATS, then post the cool stories to my facebook page, so my friends can learn the real news.
i have been posting warnings about F@LZE FL@GS coming up, because the TS@ wants to shove those X-R@y machines down our throats. since there is
considerable backlash, the only way to convince the sheep are to make them 'think' they need those X-R@ay machines. which i assume will be a F@LZE
so i started posting on tuesday, beware of F@LZE FL@GS.
i come home, and there is a blank comment next to my name.
but facebook is so quirky, i thought to myself, 'maybe i hit post, but it did not post, cause facebook crashed.'
now if that happened once, fine. but three times?
THEN,when i go back to check my pages, i notice all my poltical comments are missing.
i made a joke about ponytails, and that is still up! but my f@lze fl@g posts, as well as a post that simply said,
'STOP THE TZsA' were all deleted.
now i have been posting stories, and links on facebook since i joined up. LAST week i spent a long long time deleting every post i ever had. i am an
artist, so i also post art links, sculpture links, toy links, etc. i deleted every single link or comment i made since i joined!
now i know facebook saves it all, but if the average joe goes to my page, they will only see news stories from the past week or so.
but deleting comments and links are so damn slow! trust me, its a major major pain.
has facebook ever deleted comments they disagree with?
i am a bit worried now! damn i do not want a dangerous f@lze fl@g. and for sure i do not want to be rounded up and sent to a stupid hallyburton
built 'family camp.'
4 years ago someone hacked my gmail account AFTER i sent a ron paul video. and now this? it is damn spooky.
i took pics of my facebook page, after i reposted comments. so if they delete it again, i have proof.