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Need a murder squad.....

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posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 08:25 PM
Black OPs. Ps3. I need a murder squad. Theres not really much more to say about it. Who has a Ps3 and BlackOps? Add SewageEasement.... Let me know something.


posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 08:28 PM
I only rented the game so far, but if I decide to buy it i'll join ya. My profile name is TraptInThesystem.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by America?

Do you have it presently? Do you have a headphone?

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by MessOnTheFED!

Sorry I just took it back today
but I do have a headphone.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by MessOnTheFED!

Contact either Pakistan tribal areas, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria you will find plenty willing able squads there

I'll bet they have lots of anti-american lan parties dreaming about what they could do! Now they have a new excuse the PS3 made them do it!
edit on 18-11-2010 by phatpackage because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by America?

Find some golf balls. Take two of them and place them on the ground. Now jump up and down on them as hard as you can for at least 2 minutes..... Thats what your doing to me right now. Lmao!


posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by phatpackage

Im just murdering pixels my friend. Maybe someones pride in the process. Thanks for your awesome suggestion though.


posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by MessOnTheFED!

Sorry man maybe next week if your still interested.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by America?

Yes . Ill still be intresetd next year more than likely.


posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 12:41 AM
Is anyone playing zombies? BlackOps? On the "five" level. I have good stratigies.


posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by America?

Ok so now its next week where you at?


posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by MessOnTheFED!

Soon very soon will I have it.

posted on Dec, 8 2010 @ 12:56 AM
Xbox only for me. 2.2-3.0 win/loss with an average of 1.8 k/d. im not big for stats but in mw2 we get legit 45 win streak for search and destroy. the same applies for blackops, winning is part of the norm.

posted on Dec, 8 2010 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by GambitVII

Man why couldnt you have a PS3? Youse people iz killin me with yer Xboxes. lol. I just dont like paying for the Xbox live crap. PS3 online is free!


posted on Dec, 8 2010 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by MessOnTheFED!

It's free but compare to the serious social benefits that XBL offers, along with it's online consistency, better versions ported games (such as bayonetta), and increased numbers of competition, the PS3 experience can't compare unless you have less than 20 friends you play with. And on avarage, PS3 users don't have an expanded network of friends.

In my friends list alone, 85% of people have over 80+ friends they play with. In my friends list along, I have 92 with several deleted + 75% of it is composed of people I know in real life. And of those friends included in the list, they share the same statistic. And on avarage we play together as a full party 75% of the time with more people requesting to join but cant because you can only fit so much people in one game type. Every-time I'm on, its SUPER active.

"If you compare the amount of XBOX gamer-tags posted on the gaming forum in comparison to PS3's, the results are quite clear"

I played Uncharted 2 & KZ2 on PS3 religiously for multi-player. Not to mention I also had a blast with MGS Online. But honestly, 360 has a much more active and expanded multiplayer environment. Heck, Major league gaming is dominated by 360 users who also own Ps3 but prefer the competition on 360, and they are PISSED black ops is only going MLG PS3.

I can go on but the PS3s "free" just doesn't give the same returns. Sure its free online, but as your social network expand so does the benefits.

edit on 8-12-2010 by GambitVII because: Adding proof to claim

posted on Dec, 8 2010 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by GambitVII


Ive have many "friends" on the PSN. Mostly people i work with and people who beat the crap out of me at MW. lol. I believe both systems are on par with one another. Im just cheap
Do you know anything about a Map Pack DL with the older Zombie maps? Are the going to make one?


posted on Dec, 8 2010 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by MessOnTheFED!

The skilled players are on par, but the vast population differences greatly on skill. "we lost a good team mate when he moved to PS3 beacase of red ring"

But as far as Map pack goes, we have no news for it. Unless of course you have the zombie maps from the "middle" edition.

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 08:01 AM
reply to post by GambitVII

That is the only way i know if getting then thus far. And i really didnt want to go spend another 80 bucks for the hardened edition. boo that!


posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 01:10 AM
Dude, I tried BO on a ps3 a week or two ago and the graphics are absolutely crap compared to a 360. I personally am IN LOVE with BO but there's no way I'd want to play it on a ps3 now that I've been playing on a 360.

posted on Dec, 14 2010 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by militia66

They aren't horrible, just not as polished. To say its absolutely trash is being bias

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