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When will we see Muslims demonstrate against the Extremists?

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posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 11:00 AM
Seems to me that this would be a good way for real Muslims to try and get a bit of credibility back in the world. Isn't it odd, that in most good media that it is stated that it is a minority that have extreme views, but where is the face of the majority? Where were they on Armistice Day whilst their sons burned a symbol of sacrifice and the freedom they enjoy today? I marched in London against the war in Iraq as did thousands of Brits from all walks of life - will they ever do the same? I think this is a message that the majority of Muslims need to hear and act upon. Muslims show us your support against the minority and we'll stop branding you all with the same brush. Plagiarize the idea of this message - Facefriend it, dog it, myplace it - basically stop being afraid to make you views known to the Majority of Muslims because they are 'apparently' on your side.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by theukbloke
Seems to me that this would be a good way for real Muslims to try and get a bit of credibility back in the world. Isn't it odd, that in most good media that it is stated that it is a minority that have extreme views, but where is the face of the majority?

Which Muslims? Which groups of extremists? Ones "Extremist" is another ones [Hero/freedom fighter]. Some would consider the Iranian Government "Extremists" and that the people of Iran had marched in the streets after the election. Others screamed it was the result of Western influence. [Which was true to a certain extent] However it ignores the bulk of the issues the Iranians were really marching for.

Or the Afghans who suffered under the Taliban for years [Yes, the majority do not want the Taliban back NOR do they want NATO forces to stay]. But to many here at ATS and around the world the Taliban are freedom fighters and not extremists.

If we look at Chechnya we see the same scenario repeated. Freedom fighters/Extremists

Where were they on Armistice Day whilst their sons burned a symbol of sacrifice and the freedom they enjoy today? I marched in London against the war in Iraq as did thousands of Brits from all walks of life - will they ever do the same? I think this is a message that the majority of Muslims need to hear and act upon.

Again that's an assumption that they will march over the same issues you would. So let me ask you this? On one side you are asking Muslims to march against extremists and on the other you are protesting wars that many see needed to be fought against some forms of extremism. Now which is it?

Muslims show us your support against the minority and we'll stop branding you all with the same brush. Plagiarize the idea of this message - Facefriend it, dog it, myplace it - basically stop being afraid to make you views known to the Majority of Muslims because they are 'apparently' on your side.

I would take some time and read up on the Sunni/Shiite issues going on presently in the ME if you havent done so already. Understand why a conflict that was started hundreds of years ago is still going strong and why it has heated up like say in Iraq.
edit on 18-11-2010 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by theukbloke

Sod the other Muslims standing up to the extremeists : What about the majority of White English who are too scared....where are they?

Oh yeah they will be branded racists in their own country. I forgot.

God Save the Queen

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 11:52 AM
Where are the Christians doing the same thing?

I mean I've seen a few Christian scholars criticize Ken Ham and some other creationist scientists who push the envelope and issue, but it's not like you get groups of them wandering around protesting against it.

I think most normal people just have better things to do than put themselves in the firing line of a bunch of nutters.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by theukbloke

I think that the moderate Islamic community is trapped between a handfull of dangerous fundamentalists and the non-moslem community. Granted that there is a high likelihood of such demagogues living next door, attending the same mosque or being in the same family it may be safer not to speak too loudly.

I saw a similar thing in my own black community many years ago.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Sorry, I don't understand why you are trying to complicate such a simple idea? Good people demonstrate against bad people! Thankfully, I have no religious affiliation, and frankly the world would be a better place if that were true for everybody. Look, its a simple idea and should not be a problem for peace loving muslims, safety should not be an issue as they are in the majority and almost all their fellow muslims have the view of live and let live - or are you saying this isn't true ?

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by Pinke

I 100% agree, but at the moment it's the extremist muslims that are trying to kill my friends and family - come the day when it be a christian trying to wipe out freedom of thought - i'll have the same message for them.

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