posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 02:17 PM
70 million dollars were spent trying unsucessfully to indite Clinton, while the Bush admin reveals CIA names, Lies about weapons of Mass destruction,
Has Ken Lay helping to decide the nation's energy policy, tells Saudi Arabia about Iraq war before Colin Powell, and no one, including Democrats
seems to bat an eye. They always make scathing comments and insinuations, while infact they are the most cynical and corrupt people around. Tom
Delay Speaker of the house uses sham 'Childrens' charities to gain illegal campaign money. They have sold out the american public airwaves at the
FCC to all the big media corps. Bush watered down the money laundering provisions of the 'Patriot Act', because the big tobbacco companies wanted to
protect the huge profits they made dealing with illegal drug money. Harvey Pitt, an exlobbyist for the Big Accounting firms, was originally
appointed as SEC head. He was supposedly there to clean up Wall-Street and its Accounting practices (Fox guarding the henhouse). The current head of
the EPA is an ex-lawer for the firm representing Big polluting firms. The FDA is mostly funded by the big Drug companies. (Doesn't that give you a
clue to how un-biased they are) The new medicare bill was scripted by the big Drug companies, which is why they block the freemarket of getting your
drugs cheaper in Canada.
If the terrorists had hit the capital and the whitehouse on 9-11 the American people would have been far better off.
If you want Cynicism and corruption, vote Republican
(Please excuse, it just feels good to rant)