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Hitler's secret flying saucer: Did the Führer plan to attack London and New York in UFOs?

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posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 04:31 AM

Hitler's secret flying saucer: Did the Führer plan to attack London and New York in UFOs?< br />

As Hitler's armies began to crumble on fronts as far apart as Stalingrad and North Africa, he turned in increasing desperation to his scientists to create a war-winning super-weapon.

Some, like the V2 rockets and the first jet fighters, saw action but came too late to halt defeat.

Others were so outrageously ambitious that they never got past the drawing board. The idea of building flying saucers to bomb London and even New York could have been just such a scheme.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 04:31 AM
There have been claims for some time know that the Germans were working on flying disk shaped aircraft. Could this image in the article be the proof? On first impressions it doesn't look as though it has been shopped? and the overall design would fit in with those described in the Book " The Hunt For Zero Point"< br /> (visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 04:39 AM
What sort of rubbish is this.

Hitler could of invaded uk if he wanted too, but did not, and thats well known.

More tabloid rubbish.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 04:46 AM
Andreas Epp was the Nazi engineer who first built the experimental models during WWII. Then the Russians eventually acquired him after the war and they continued R&D.

Saw it on some obscure UFO documentary on Discovery Channel years ago, and this has made more sense then any other theory.

Also note the Battle over Los Angeles in 1942. Apparently several discs bombed LA one night and it turned into a major air battle from AA guns. It was big news then and they never really explained who attacked.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 06:26 AM
THere's no doubt that these machines were under development, not only in Prague but in other places as well.

As another member has pointed out, it's pretty well known that Hitler did not actually want to invade the UK. Even when he had hundreds of thousands of Wehrmacht soldiers massed along or near the shores of the channel, he had not arranged the means to transport them across and apparently was not open to suggestions that any such invasion should go ahead.

But getting back to these machines: there were different types, with some based upon a turbine propulsion system, some using a "helicopter" style of lift and others employing "anti gravity".

Members who might like to see some interesting pictures (including a few that you perhaps haven't seen before) can visit this thread on a Czech-based discussion board. If you have any specific questions about what they say there, just post the subject text or images and let me know via U2U. I can then return to this thread and translate the relevant text for you.

Best regards,

edit on 18/11/10 by JustMike because: Typos and data correction

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 06:56 AM

Originally posted by andy1033
What sort of rubbish is this.

Hitler could of invaded uk if he wanted too, but did not, and thats well known.

More tabloid rubbish.

The article says attack/bomb and Hitler did that quite a bit.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 07:36 AM
reply to post by Soshh

Looks like the stuff that authors such as Joseph Farrell, Igor Witowski, Henry Stevens, and others is finally hitting mainstream....but why now?

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 08:07 AM
reply to post by solidshot

Hitler did have the flying saucers, the allied pilots would see them en masse and they became reported on as 'foo-fighters'.
They are said to of been non-violent nordics and hollow-earth inhabitants according to Admiral Byrd.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 08:24 AM
Im a firm beleiver that UFO's are ET in origin, BUT the skeptic in me cant help but thinking if these are man made and aliens are just media made. If the story in the news is true and that "Eyewitnesses claim they saw a flying saucer marked with the Iron Cross of the German military flying low over London in 1944" seems to be way way to advanced for human engineering at that time, at best i beleive germany had 'the nazi bell'. Developed anti grav propulsion but it was still in the stage that it had to be tethered to the ground and not flyable as a craft.

Who knows maybe the true story is a bit of both, nazis engineering recovered et craft? or maybe even piloting downed ones themselves. Well never really know untill disclosure, and even when that comes it wont be the real truth. Just the truth the gov's wanting you to beleive as with everything that spills out of there lying mouths.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by Soshh

Originally posted by andy1033
What sort of rubbish is this.

Hitler could of invaded uk if he wanted too, but did not, and thats well known.

More tabloid rubbish.

The article says attack/bomb and Hitler did that quite a bit.

Yup! Just ask the people of Coventry, which was basically wiped off the face of the map!

Yeah, it's pretty well known that Hitler had this tech, although it's highly disputed as to how advanced they were. The Russians and the Yanks got hold of the scientists working on them and put them to work.
edit on 18-11-2010 by nik1halo because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 09:36 AM
I love the the story but just don't know if it's anymore than just that.... a story


it does make for Great SciFi

edit on 11/18/2010 by spoonbender because: video wouldn't take

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 01:21 PM
Hitler’s ”ufos” were based on an invention of Nikola Tesla ..his ‘flying machine’.

..and this ‘flying machine’ really is an anti-gravity craft. The “ufos” that people film quite often these days and believe these are Extraterrestrial crafts are actually man-made and based on Tesla’s invention.

Nikola Tesla started developing it already around 1880’s. He got the idea for his ‘electro-propulsion system’ during his college years, according to himself.

In the quotes below Tesla clearly describes his ‘flying machine’ having ‘anti-gravity abilities’
-It has no wings, no propellers and no gas bags.
-It can be held in the air, completely stationary for long periods of time.
-The craft is not effected by winds or turbulence (holes in the air).
-This “box like” flying machine can be built in to any size, and it can carry any weight desired

by Nikola Tesla -New York Herald Tribune, Oct. 15, 1911"

“The flying machine of the future—my flying machine—will be heavier than air, but it will not be an aeroplane. It will have no wings. It will be substantial, solid, stable. You cannot have a stable airplane. The gyroscope can never be successfully applied to the airplane, for it would give a stability that would result in the machine being torn to pieces by the wind, just as the unprotected aeroplane on the ground is torn to pieces by a high wind.
“My flying machine will have neither wings nor propellers. You might see it on the ground and you would never guess that it was a flying machine. Yet it will be able to move at will through the air in any direction with perfect safety, higher speeds than have yet been reached, regardless of weather and oblivious of “holes in the air” or downward currents. It will ascend in such currents if desired. It can remain absolutely stationary in the air, even in a wind, for great length of time. Its lifting power will not depend upon any such delicate devices as the bird has to employ, but upon positive mechanical action.”

“You will get stability through gyroscopes?” I asked.

“Through gyroscopic action of my engine, assisted by some devices I am not yet prepared to talk about,” he replied. “Powerful air currents that may be deflected at will, if produced by engines and compressors sufficiently light and powerful, might lift a heavy body off the ground and propel it through the air,” I ventured, wondering if I had grasped the inventor’s secret.
Dr. Tesla smiled an inscrutable smile.
“All I have to say on that point is that my airship will have neither gas bag, wings nor propellers,” he said. “It is the child of my dreams, the product of years of intense and painful toil and research. I am not going to talk about it any further. But whatever my airship may be, here at least is an engine that will do things that no other engine ever has done, and that is something tangible.” .

" Excerpt from “My Inventions” Ben Johnston Editor, Chap. VI, last page"
“ As stated on a previous occasion, when I was a student at college I conceived a
flying machine quite unlike the present ones. The underlying principle was sound but
could not be carried into practice for want of a prime-mover of sufficiently great activity.
In recent years I have successfully solved this problem and am now planning aerial
machines devoid of sustaining planes, ailerons, propellers, and other external attachments
which will be capable of immense speeds and are very likely to furnish powerful
arguments for peace in the future. Such a machine, sustained and propelled entirely by
reaction, is shown on page 108 (here: second last picture) and is supposed to be
controlled either mechanically or by wireless energy.”

" Excerpt from “The boy’s book of new inventions – The Tesla Turbine” 1912: "

“But most of your research has been in electricity,” Tesla was reminded, for no one
can forget that Tesla’s inventions largely have made possible most of the world’s greatest
electrical power developments.
“Yes,” he answered, “but I was a mechanical engineer before I was an electrical
engineer, and besides, this principle was worked on in the course of my search for the
ideal motor for airships, to be used in conjunction with my invention for the wireless
transmission of electrical power. For twenty years I worked on the problem, but I have not
given up. When my plan is perfected the present-day aeroplanes and dirigible balloons will
disappear, and the dangerous sport of aviation, as we know it now with its hundreds of
accidents, and its picturesque birdmen, will give way to safe, seaworthy airships, without
wings or gas bags, but supported and driven by mechanical means.
“As I told you before when we were talking of the wireless transmission of power,
the mechanism will be a development of the principle on which my turbine is constructed.
It will be so tremendously powerful that it will make a veritable rope of air above the great
machine to hold it at any altitude the navigators may choose, and also a rope of air in
front or in the rear to send it forward or backward at almost any speed desired. When that
day comes, airship travel will be as safe and prosaic as travel by railroad train today, and
not much very different, except that there will be no dirt, and it will be much faster. One
will be able to dine in New York, retire in an aero Pullman berth in a closed and perfectly
furnished car, and arise to breakfast in London.”
“And so, while we are waiting for the world-moving wireless transmission of power
and for the completion of Tesla’s invention for the safe and stable airships, we can look for
the speedy development of his turbine in practically all departments of mechanical

On this quote, Nikola Tesla describe his ‘flying machine resembling a ‘gas stove’..

" Excerpt from “Man out of Time” by M. Cheney, Chapter 20 “Flying Stove”"
“ When the manager of Westinghouse’s railway and lighting division wrote asking
for details on the turbine, Tesla replied confidently that it was superior to anything in the
competition in terms of extreme lightness and high performance. Indeed, he said, he was
planning to use it in a box-like flivver airplane.
“You should not be at all surprised,” he wrote, “if some day you see me fly from
new York to Colorado Springs in a contrivance which will resemble a gas stove and weigh
as much.” (The plane would weigh only eight hundred pounds and could if necessary
enter and depart through a window.)”

Tesla describing his wingless flying machine that has no propellers (or turbines) which still can be built to any size and which can carry any load possible

" Excerpt from “Tesla Promises Big Things - Planeless, screwless air-ship safe in any storm” Sept.
15, 1911:"

“Dr. Nikola Tesla leaned back against his chair at the Waldorff last night and talked
calmly of airships without planes, propellers or any of the other gear of the now familiar
aeroplanes hurtling through space at tremendous speeds or driving more slowly carrying
great loads, and in either case always as safely as the most prosaic of wheeled vehicles.”
“How about aerial navigation?” Dr. Tesla was asked. He considered for a moment
or two and then replied with great deliberation:
“The application of this principle will give the world a flying machine unlike anything
that has ever been suggested before. It will have no planes, no screw propellers or
devices of any kind hitherto used. It will be small and compact, excessively swift, and,
above all, perfectly safe in the greatest storm. It can be built of any size and can carry any
weight that may be desired”

All quotes, and more about his ‘electric-flying machine’ are on this pdf:
Tesla’s (real) Flying Machine

Here are few good info-links to the priciples of ”Ether (aether) physics” and Tesla’s anti-gravity-technology
PowerPedia:Tesla's Flying Machine

PowerPedia:Tesla's Dynamic Theory of Gravity's_Dynamic_Theory_of_Gravity

Studio interviews with William Lyne, author of Tesla-ufo books
Hitler's Secret Flying Saucers - William Lyne 2004

Nazi Ufos How They Fly The German Tesla Anti-Gravity And Free Energy Program -William Lyne

Few pdf-books on the subjects of “Ether physics” and on Nikola Tesla’s ‘flying machine’.
You can also find these books in paper form at and other internet bookshops.

Occult Ether Physics: Tesla's Hidden Space Propulsion System and the Conspiracy to Conceal It – William Lyne

Pentagon Aliens –William Lyne


posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 06:02 PM
Here is a great video by the awesome and very knowledgeable AlienScientist about the Nazi flying bell craft. It does have pictures and photos and stuff - very cool.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by solidshot
Could this image in the article be the proof? On first impressions it doesn't look as though it has been shopped? and the overall design would fit in with those described in the Book " The Hunt For Zero Point"

Not Photoshop, but good, old fashioned forced perspective, just like Billy Meier uses. Make a little paper model and take a photo of it with as much depth of field as you can muster. The second one is some kind of cut-out. You can see the underside ball on the right even has an edge on it.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 09:44 PM
Here is an excellent article on this very subject. It even has a section on that 2006 Discovery Channel documentary about military discs that I mentioned.

It also brings up the Avro development of a flying saucer, and I'm not talking about that little dinky toy that hovers a few feet off the ground either. Avro had a facility outside of Vancouver where they built a large prototype after the war with help from former Nazi engineers. The prototype did not work for whatever reason, but the Americans stripped it and took it for themselves to develop in secret.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 09:56 PM
Once again: I posted this in a similar thread:

Hitlers regime had been adamant in implementing the alien technology found from the crash sight in World War 2, and Americans knew that this would open "pandoras box", basically meaning it would be a door opened that would never be closed.

Shortly after world war 2 was over and Hitler was claimed dead, the American govt issued the faking of the Roswell Alien Incident in Roswell, NM in 1947, to have not only an excuse of response in the case Alien technology was used against us, but also to scare any other country from attempting it.

Its also included in "The Orion Project"

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by Plan2exist18
Once again: I posted this in a similar thread:

Hitlers regime had been adamant in implementing the alien technology found from the crash sight in World War 2, and Americans knew that this would open "pandoras box", basically meaning it would be a door opened that would never be closed.

Shortly after world war 2 was over and Hitler was claimed dead, the American govt issued the faking of the Roswell Alien Incident in Roswell, NM in 1947, to have not only an excuse of response in the case Alien technology was used against us, but also to scare any other country from attempting it.

Its also included in "The Orion Project"

It's actually not "back engineered" ET-technology, but technology invented by Nikola Tesla which is/was based on earlier human findings on electical science and -engineering.

Anti-gravity technology was invented by Nikola Tesla, and it's quite likely that aliens have never visited our planet ..these ufos people see on our skies are MAN-MADE based on the invention by Tesla

check out my earlier post in this thread for more info on the Tesla's 'flying machine' subject

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 08:02 AM
German discs explained

There's an interesting video on German flying disc technology and factories in Brazil. It includes pictures I've never seen before of the two types and their clever landing pads.

And just for the sake of opinion, alien technology theory is bullsh*t. Cleary these are real and human made.

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