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Super Pathogen spreads in EU

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posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 02:16 PM
Really!? MDM-1 ? Just the name of it sounds like something patented and made in a lab.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by Phantom traveller
Hey thanks so much for the alert map! That is really cool to be able to click anywhere in the world and hit event details and see what it is and whats being done etc.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by antar
I am just now getting up as it floored me like I have not seen before. It seemed to hit the strongest immune system first and then on down the line. My 15 yro is getting it a second time! he just got over it and now yesterday I had to have my ex go pick him up at school again.

If these are the regular illnesses, my husband and I never ever get them anymore even though he works in a restaurant and all kinds of sick people come in we started taking Nano colloidal silver from a company in wash state..if you take a bit when you first start to feel any sickness even a tickle in the throat you don't get sick.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 05:48 PM
This is scaring me. I'm going down to get pumped up full of every vaccine they have.


My immune system is healthy, and I haven't had the flu in many years, even so, it wasn't so bad. Definitely not the food poisoning like symptoms I've read about on this thread.

You folks might want to make sure your kids aren't eating old/bad food or picking up cold cuts off the kitchen floor where the dog runs around after stepping in dog crap in the yard.

Flu doesn't make people puke their guts out.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by Quasi
NDM-1 is a superbug that is resistant to antibiotics. More specifically, it is an enzyme found inside bacteria. The scientific name for NDM-1 is New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase. Because it is found in bacteria like E. coli, it is notoriously hard to treat with drugs.

NDM-1 spreads through a variety of means, and can be transferred due to improper food preparation or even through medical procedures.

While cases have been reported in the UK, Americans are still at risk for contracting NDM-1. Similar bugs have been previously found in the USA, Canada and even Australia. Participating in medical tourism to India or Pakistan can greatly increase one's risk, and hospitalization or a weak immune system can contribute to a person's vulnerability.

NDM-1 Transmission
NDM-1 is found in bacterial strains. Bacteria can be transferred from one human being to another in a variety of different ways. It can be shared through human contact, improper food preparation, hospital procedures and surgeries and more. Proper hygiene including frequent hand washing can help to slow the spread of bacteria that may contain NDM-1.

Get yourselves a zapper!

A thought - surely the TSA searches could put people at risk of passing on this serious pathogen - just sayin'.

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 01:08 AM

Originally posted by wcitizen

Originally posted by Quasi

Get yourselves a zapper!

A thought - surely the TSA searches could put people at risk of passing on this serious pathogen - just sayin'.

The zapper i'm just get into the story of Hulda Clarke,going to read some more about her methods.

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 06:15 AM

Originally posted by Quasi

Originally posted by wcitizen

Originally posted by Quasi

Get yourselves a zapper!

A thought - surely the TSA searches could put people at risk of passing on this serious pathogen - just sayin'.

The zapper i'm just get into the story of Hulda Clarke,going to read some more about her methods.

Good for you. IMO it's a must have these days.
edit on 19-11-2010 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 07:17 AM

s this actually a surprise to anyone that this started in India? Seriously the people have been washing and drinking and swimming in a "sacred" river full of corpses of people and animals and human feces. just had a thread called filthy india going around and the pictures made me ill.I am shocked that these people aren't dead.

They are LESS susceptible, their immune systems are stronger then ours. Do you know why ? Because they are less obsessed with germs.

The reason these kind of bugs are dangerous to us is because our society is over obsessed with hygiene. Antibacterial this, germ killing that, we have literally washed away our resistances. It's only a matter of time before antibiotics become totally useless, then we will be dead..but oh so clean. Whilst the "filthy Indians" will be free to take over the world.

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 08:31 AM
That's exactly right. It's all well and good to keep things nice and clean at home, but it's vitally important to have your childhood diseases - all of them - and to catch the flu every year for a while so that you build resistance naturally. Equally important is to allow yourself time to heal completely or you will do irreparable damage to your tissues. Even a viral infection can slow you down for half a year.

People need to listen to what their bodies are telling them every moment. Don't eat because "it's time to eat". There is no "time to eat". Your body will tell you what it needs and when. But since western culture has pretty much buggered everybody's systems up, you'll need to reset everything. It's a tough process, but I can outline it to anyone who is interested.

Sleep is another thing. So are day's off/off days. They need to be heeded when the call is placed. There is no reason for you to have to go to work when you're having an off day. Have a day off. You'll be better for it. Sleep some. Fix something, if you can. Do a small but productive thing and the next day will most certainly be better.

Do you all remember what you all thought was the coolest thing about being an adult? I'll bet most of you, at least somewhere in the top three cool things would list "being able to do whatever you want". And yet, you don't. You *have* to go to work. You *have* to cook dinner. You *have* to clean the house. You *have* to get up and work every bloody day or you're a failure! Well, at least that was how I always thought until the other European superbug got me: Unemployment. Now I do as I please (and no, I'm not on the dole). I finally grew up to be the person I wanted to be all along, but sometimes sh*t has to happen and things have to get really seriously sick before they get well.

Get sick, people.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 02:45 PM
Why don't you do yourself and your loved ones a favor and have your doctor fill out this form before the jab?

They'd have to strap me down,


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