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"They said they would push me off a cliff"...a letter from Michael Moore

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posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 02:33 PM


posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 03:01 PM
Nothing wrong with making $$$.

But if you make $$$ by cutting throats, using irrational lawsuits, covering up facts, lying blatently, paying for people to lie for you, and by poisoning the population in mass; I find something wrong with that. Sure.

It's common sense.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by BigTimeCheater

Come up with a story like this? HE DIDN'T SAY IT. He passed it on.

Does anyone bother to read sources?

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by adifferentbreed
reply to post by captaintyinknots

Fiber and decaf.............
It'll help...............

Sorry, fiber and decaf make it no easier to listen to the ramblings of evil people.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 05:58 PM
This just confirms that these companies have, and will continue to use any means to keep the $$ train rollin'...don't be fooled by these companies, it almost makes me wonder if Moore could possibly get a lawsuit for defamation of character as they have obviously tweaked the MSM into knowingly showing false info so that people would not watch his sure proving defamation of character is one of the hardest things to prove in a court though

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 05:58 PM
This just confirms that these companies have, and will continue to use any means to keep the $$ train rollin'...don't be fooled by these companies, it almost makes me wonder if Moore could possibly get a lawsuit for defamation of character as they have obviously tweaked the MSM into knowingly showing false info so that people would not watch his sure proving defamation of character is one of the hardest things to prove in a court though

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by captaintyinknots
reply to post by BigTimeCheater

Come up with a story like this? HE DIDN'T SAY IT. He passed it on.

Does anyone bother to read sources?

Moore has a history of lying, in order for him to pass it on, it would require ______

a) telling someone about it.

Only one option needed.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 07:05 PM
doubt this story, michael moore trying to get cheap publicity.
as if any of his movies actually inspire anyone except the sick left.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 07:16 PM
When it comes to Michael Moore you have to realize that you must take everything he says with a mountain of salt not just a pinch. The man can no more tell the truth that Pelosi could. He is an self aggrandizing, pseudo-marxist! If it's good for MM's pocket book than that what he spits out. He could not care less about the causes he so virulently espouses!

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by ZindoDoone

Thats great, but what does this have to do with this thread?

Why is it that no one can speak of the subject here and instead sees this as a thread to voice their personal opinions about moore?

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by BigTimeCheater

Originally posted by captaintyinknots
reply to post by BigTimeCheater

Come up with a story like this? HE DIDN'T SAY IT. He passed it on.

Does anyone bother to read sources?

Moore has a history of lying, in order for him to pass it on, it would require ______

a) telling someone about it.

Only one option needed.

What are you talking about? This is an interview with a well-known whistle blower. This is not Moore making things up. He did nothing but forward the interview transcript.

Another person letting personal feelings keep them from seeing whats up here.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by i am just saying
doubt this story, michael moore trying to get cheap publicity.
as if any of his movies actually inspire anyone except the sick left.

Doubt it all you want. Doesnt change the fact that it is a factual transcript.

Then again, when you cant write more than two lines without jumping to political party-line name-calling, it pretty much gives you away anyways.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

Psst, Blaine?

Let's focus on CIGNA's tactics here, unless you plan on defending their actions?

For everything that he's done, it's still not right when a corporation conspires to destroy a citizen like Moore.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by The Sword
reply to post by Blaine91555

Psst, Blaine?

Let's focus on CIGNA's tactics here, unless you plan on defending their actions?

For everything that he's done, it's still not right when a corporation conspires to destroy a citizen like Moore.

AMEN!!! Finally someone who sees the point here.

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 12:24 AM
Moore ends the message off by saying he'll talk about a committed "Felony" that happened against the film. He's set to reveal it in the next week or so. I assume there is a lawsuit being drawn up then. Perhaps based upon the new whistleblower testimony.

To the Moore naysayers, I'd say that you color your perception of his films by your politics and not by the substance. Michael Moore had the balls to go against the producers wish and keep the criticisms of Hillary Clinton and other Dems in the film. In his interviews he's also shared his huge disappointments with his interviewers about Obama. He's not an apologist for the Dems, but whacks both sides for their inability to support the people that brought them into office.

For those that think healthcare under Moore's plan or Obama's is pure socialism I would have to say I only partially agree. I'd prefer a private system like the Japanese that only has cost controls, but allows private system insurance coverage. That said, the Insurance companies in the USA rule the land and have not/will not compromise, making it necessary to go the govt. route. Make no mistake, the new system under the govt. is still a monopoly and offers no competition, but at least more people are kept in the coverage pool. Because the Insurance companies watered down the Healthcare reform, we won't have anything close to what Moore was suggesting in his film and we're worse off for it. The naysayers should be happy because the Insurance companies got to write our coverage in the new plan.

And a special note to the people who drone on about how our govt.spends this or that on social programs and Healthcare; We've spent far more on the 2 so-called wars where the Trillions could have supported Healthcare, Social Security and more for the next 25 plus years. If you hate the idea of a base level help for certain services, then keep the fire dept. from saving your burning house, don't accept public education for your children, don't call the police when someone has your family held hostage, don't let corporations leverage their lobbying to get their taxes down to near zero (you know you can't do that), and so on.

If you want to keep people in this country weak and penniless, just keep up attacking social services. No other advanced country pays as much for heatlhcare (we pay 2x more for less coverage) or offers so little to it's people like us. And you know what, those countries will bounce back faster than us from this current recession/depression and kick our financial butt. So unless you want to cut back on the unnecessary wars and the extra unecessary military spending that would allow us to afford basic social services without question, then please dont waste my time complaining about saving money.
edit on 19-11-2010 by thepixelpusher because: typos

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 12:42 AM
i for one like the "calling the kettle black" side of things. he rails against capitalism but yet MM and the OP wants us to go to his site to watch for groundbreaking felonious proof of a threat. meanwhile whats the first advirtisment sp on top of his webpage? BUY MY DVD!

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by colonelblake

Michael Moore isn't against true capitalism with true free markets, just the Faschism today that masquerades as Capitalism. So what if he has an ad for his DVD? Resist the 'Talking Points" knee jerk reaction to Moore and read some of what he has to say. If you have an open mind, you'll find he has some excellent points that we can all agree on.
edit on 19-11-2010 by thepixelpusher because: typos

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 06:36 AM
reply to post by thepixelpusher

I think you should go back through this idiots life and actually see what this man believes in and the many times he has railed against anything this country has to offer. He of course thinks that it's "Do what I say ..Not what I do"! That is typical of the progressive movement of which he is a card carrying member!
This GIANT of misinformation and spin has a history going back to his pre-college days and it ain't pretty!

edit on 11/20/2010 by ZindoDoone because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 07:31 AM
The Federal Government can not afford to have +70 million baby boomers on Social Security/medicare.

Michael's movie was intended to try and justify the Federal Governments new mandatory Federal Tax forcing everyone to buy ObamaCare. ObamaCare's sole purpose is to generate Federal Revenue to fund Social Security.

Page 392 of the "Healthcare" Bill Congress passed:

"It is the sense of Congress that the funds created by this act be reserved for social security"

Hence why they were in such a mad rush to pass it. Future revenue source= asset for Federal Government to use as collateral to borrow against. That sentence has since been removed from the "Healthcare" Bill Congress passed.

But it was too late. Hundreds of thousands of Americans downloaded that "Healthcare" bill after it was passed and read it. I've got it saved on my computer. Now we all know.

Get ready for your new mandatory Federal Tax. It's not about healthcare. The new insurance companies have the right to refuse you medical care. You must appeal per the wording in that Act and hope you don't die before your appeal gets processed.

$25,000 Fine for failure to apply for ObamaCare. IRS given authority as well to levy $750 fine on your income tax return. If you file taxes jointly with your wife and have 2 kids, your fine will be $750 x 4= $3,000 annually for failing to apply for ObamaCare.

But if you claim 10 exemptions on your W-4, your fine will instead be $750 x 10 = $7500 annually.

The new insurance companies will get reimbursed for providing you care. The maximum amount the Federal Government will reimburse? $90,000. Hope you don't need heart surgery. It won't be available.

They are going to offer Bronze, Silver, and Gold level plans for you to pick from. Doesn't matter which one you will not be given a procedure that costs over $90,000. The Federal Govt. won't reimburse the new insurance company for anything over that.

If you haven't read whats in that Bill yet, you need to. It's not about "healthcare". It's a new revenue stream for the Federal Government to afford their liability to +70 million baby boomers needing Social Security and Medicare.

posted on Nov, 20 2010 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by captaintyinknots

Originally posted by Blaine91555

So you don't like you have any thoughts on the actual topic posted? Or are you just derailing to rant against an individual you don't like.

This article isnt about Moore, its about the industries which control our media, and the mind's of people like you.

Thanks for being an example.
edit on 18-11-2010 by Gemwolf because: Removed large quote

I was going to wait until I read the whole thread to reply with this exact point and I couldn't have said it better myself.

I already know this is going to turn into a Michael Moore bashing thread, so I suppose it's pointless to even try.. But, I hope ATS'ers can look at the subject matter and leave the individual out of the equation. This IS a big deal people! Can we please leave Moore out of this and stay on track with the matter at hand?

This thread raises the question "How ATS as a whole can pull off being so intelligent while individuals appear dumber than a bag of hammers?" This is the kind of crap ATS is supposed to filter out...

I'm going to keep bumping this thread until the stupid Moore comments stop.

Great thread!

S&F this baby!

edit on 20-11-2010 by NewWorldDisorder because: Grammar

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