Well i was watching a montage video from a festival when something caught my eyes . At the middle of the video in the sky a black object fly cross the
camera verry fast i managed to pause the video at the right moment so i can catch the object and i don't know what that could be . I will post the
video and between 4:17 4:19 minutes watch carefully the sky and tell me what do you think it is.
edit on 17-11-2010 by Rexxar because: (no reason given)
waaaaaaay too fast to be a bird. good catch bro, im more inclined to think rod, but in the end, a rod is only another for of ufo. dont even know how u
caught that one without knowing it was there
Because it's tiny, fast and black. I also get the impression if you slowed the video down enough you'd see it pass in front of the crazy dancing
lady, i.e, not in the sky.
Still looks like a fly or bug to me. But from that photo you can't ascertain the object's distance from the camera. Someone with the time and patience
to slowmo the video will eventually do it and we'll see if it continues behind or in front the of the lady.
edit on 17-11-2010 by Project-Sign
because: (no reason given)
I slowed down the video. Unfortunately, the bug is close to the camera and moving so fast that it is only in a few frames. I think the bug lands
right on top of the girls black top, so you can't see it. Either that, or it is going behind the lady.
Anyway, you can see the wings on it in two of the frames:
edit on 18-11-2010 by gift0fpr0phecy because: (no reason given)