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Typical American

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posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by ldyserenity
reply to post by amc621

even if I am working I will stop what I am doing for them, because in the end that is what they will remember!!!! Not the 2 million $ home and video games.

That is not the typical American I know. I don't know anyone that has a two million dollar home. I guess you could call me and my friends and family Blue Collar.

I also haven't bought a video game for myself in a long while. I have bought my daughter a few. The games I have bought her have made her hand eye coordination go way up. She does well catching and hitting a ball when we practice baseball in the yard. The games have helped her with logic as well as reading quickly. She has always read well, but now she reads fast well. Don't dismiss the benefits of video games. Just use them in moderation, you have to get out and enjoy the outdoors as well.

Originally posted by Sahabi
reply to post by astrogolf

• "Baby momma and baby daddy" culture is widespread. Teen marriage out of wedlock is the norm, but no one is advocating marriage and family.

That is not true, I know of some programs in my little town that teach abstinence preferably until marriage, safe sex if you can't wait, and the importance of a strong two parent family. My wife works at one of the places that has this as a program.

I feel like a typical American. I work forty hours a week. My wife takes my daughter to school in the morning, and I pick up my daughter from the After School program in the afternoon. She likes for me to pick her up late because she gets to finish her homework and then gets to play with the other kids.

We usually have an errand to run, then we go home. I check her homework, if somethings wrong I help her to correct it. So far, she is a straight A student and loves school.

My wife then comes home from work and we all talk about our day. We prepare supper or buy it from somewhere, then sit down to eat. Sometimes we eat at the table, then there are times we want to decompress buy watching TV while we eat. There is no set pattern.

After supper we start the whole clean up the dishes, room, and ourselves. We start settling in for the night, maybe read a book, then go to sleep.

Wake up and start all over again. The weekend is when it really gets going. We try to do something fun on Saturday. Go to a museum, lake, river, shopping, geocaching, SCUBA Diving, or just fly a kite. Sunday we go to a little Baptist church, go home, have a Sunday dinner, play, go back to church, come home, then get ready for bed again.

To me that is a typical American from where I'm from. I know that was a long post and I thank you for reading it till the end.
edit on 11/17/2010 by FeedTic because: Forgot to add something.

edit on 11/17/2010 by FeedTic because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 03:37 PM
to Brood:

really? well point on the map and show me another country which isn't like that. never heard of a country which was self-deprecating and totally devoid of propaganda machine. you hate burgers? big deal! i hate hunger and never ending man-made deficits! all of you ungrateful mofos should have been born in USSR and i in the USA.
life isnt fair! you hate pop culture? well i do too! it`s not a reason to hate your country- every country in the world has their own version of shyt culture. you think there are no snookies around the worldwide TV? then you must be living in a wonderland. US gets the blame because it has the biggest economy therefore has the capacity to outproduce every other country. for every bad there`s a good in US or even two or more.

edit on 17-11-2010 by delicatessen because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 04:00 PM
Typical American...

when used by outsiders, meaning those dastardly foriegners, it's generally followed/following a series of slights, or outright insults. Used by an American (a typical one?) it's generally followed by examples of people who, like myself, go to work everyday, are involved in the world outside of our little cages...are reasonably intelligent, and don't particullarly see the need to be apologetic about being who and what we are.

Some of us are fat. Some of us are not. Some of us are smart. Some of us, not so much... You get where I'm going with this? We're a group of people, some good, some bad, most of us a mix of both. Gee...much like every other grouping on Earth.

Strange how that works. Or is it?

Americans are, for the most part, children of other parts of the world. Cut us, and we bleed the countries and regions of the world, all of 'em. Cut deeper, and we're, for the most part, just like everyone else (typical?). To try to stereotype a "typical" American is very difficult, if not impossible...

My opinion, of course...

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 04:05 PM
I can pretty much tell if a tourist is an American, British, French, Italian, Spanish, German or Eastern European by the way they dress, eat and look.

Thats not "stereotyping", thats diversity. I hope it stays that way.

Interesting thread to read btw.

edit on 17-11-2010 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 04:18 PM
America has everything from overweight unattractive people to perfectly fit and perfectly attractive people. This is also the case with NEARLY every other country on the planet. Emphasis on NEARLY every country.

What amazes me MOST is how anyone even thinks about these types of topics anymore, and even worst, dedicates a new thread of it while America is taking a FULL SPEED nose-dive down the drain.

[color=deepskyblue]Who CARES about the worlds view of Americas OBESITY or personal choices right now when the country has at LEAST a million other crucial problems going on.

I thought only little kids had things like this occupying their minds at the present time. Guess I am wrong.

edit on 17-11-2010 by pplrnuts because: [color=gold]COLORS!!!!

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 04:19 PM
ats, dont get caught in the stereotype trap! deny ignorance,buying into stereotypes breeds hate and contempt. i would much rather use positve stereotypes when meeting new people to break the ice. i met a canadian over the weekend and i used funny hopefully non offensive stereotypes to break the ice. he was teasing his girlfriends chicago accent so i had to bust him on his pronunciation of the word about, and asked if he wanted any mayonaise for his veal he was jokingly offended by the mayonaise comment because he is not french canadian. lol you learn something new everyday!

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by pplrnuts
America has everything from overweight unattractive people to perfectly fit and perfectly attractive people. This is also the case with NEARLY every other country on the planet. Emphasis on NEARLY every country.

What amazes me MOST is how anyone even thinks about these types of topics anymore, and even worst, dedicates a new thread of it while America is taking a FULL SPEED nose-dive down the drain.

[color=deepskyblue]Who CARES about the worlds view of Americas OBESITY or personal choices right now when the country has at LEAST a million other crucial problems going on.

I thought only little kids had things like this occupying their minds at the present time. Guess I am wrong.

edit on 17-11-2010 by pplrnuts because: [color=gold]COLORS!!!!
So you are one of those children considering you found my topic so irresistable you were complled to post in this childish thread to spout your opinion on my childish topic.

But you don't care, I forgot.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by delicatessen
to Brood:

really? well point on the map and show me another country which isn't like that. never heard of a country which was self-deprecating and totally devoid of propaganda machine. you hate burgers? big deal! i hate hunger and never ending man-made deficits! all of you ungrateful mofos should have been born in USSR and i in the USA.
life isnt fair! you hate pop culture? well i do too! it`s not a reason to hate your country- every country in the world has their own version of shyt culture. you think there are no snookies around the worldwide TV? then you must be living in a wonderland. US gets the blame because it has the biggest economy therefore has the capacity to outproduce every other country. for every bad there`s a good in US or even two or more.

edit on 17-11-2010 by delicatessen because: (no reason given)

You missed the whole point
. Of course it happens in other countries. but they stand up and defend themselves.... with something even so difficult as... gasp... a phone call to your representative...

Obamacare? That sounds horribly fascist.... well, I've labeled it, now someone else deal with it.

Typical American.
edit on 17-11-2010 by Brood because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-11-2010 by Brood because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by Brood

You missed the whole point
. Of course it happens in other countries. but they stand up and defend themselves.... with something even so difficult as... gasp... a phone call to your representative...

Obamacare? That sounds horribly fascist.... well, I've labeled it, now someone else deal with it.

i think US media are such that they raise extreme noise about everything and every issue. no one goes unrepresented. people are more aware of their rights than their peers in other countries. and not afraid to express their frustration with whatever they are upset with. but what`s incredible is those representatives usually respond which for example is next to impossible in, say, Russia.

Russian dialog:
- what`s America have? no natural deposits, no nothing.
- they got rights (sarcastically).

edit on 17-11-2010 by delicatessen because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 05:38 PM
There isn't such a thing as a typical American.

Just like there isn't a typical German, Japanese, Middle Eastern.............

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

And how do you do that exactly? For a few years now I've lived in an extremely international environment and I can't tell where someone is coming from just by looking at them. Sometimes I can tell by the accent, but it's all relative.

There is no such thing as "typical American", just like there is no such thing as "typical German", or Spanish, or Brit.

Precisely because of that diversity you were talking about.

Everywhere in the world people have different political opinions, different tastes in clothes and music and food and literature and basically in every cultural aspect. As for physical attributes, I've seen plenty of brunette Scandinavians and plenty of blonde Spanish and Italian people. All relative.

Unless all the Germans you see wear lederhosen, all Scandinavians look like Pippi Longstocking and all French carry baguettes under their arms, in which case, I apologise.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by delicatessen

At what point did I say that Russia or the former USSR was better than the U.S.?

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by ldyserenity

WoW !? ... such obvious and apparently bottled-up hatred. best of luck with that.

As others have alluded to and or mentioned ... How can there be Any sort 'typical American' when there's No sort of 'typical Anything' in this world, Anyway?

Well ... lest Typical Individuals, mind you.

People are people and they'll continue to 'harvest off' one another until such time that it's no longer a profitable or lucrative venture. ©

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by astrogolf
reply to post by ldyserenity

As a typical american, and on behalf of other typical americans, you are welcome to leave anytime. Instead of blaming americans for your failures, have you considered the fact that you may lack talent, intellegence and the work ethic necessary to be successful here? Sounds like you don't have the capability to compete, which is really you're problem.

The American corporate world is not about intelligence and work ethic. It's about luck, exploitation, and greed.

Take it from me, someone who has "successfully competed in the system"

Must be nice to be that sheltered.

Rats in a cage.

Only those with money are truly free. Ask the FDA.
edit on 17-11-2010 by Brood because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by Brood
reply to post by delicatessen

At what point did I say that Russia or the former USSR was better than the U.S.?

you didnt compare America to Russia, but argued other countries stand up for themselves, but America dont. well i gave you an example of how "other countries stand up for themselves".,

funny how i am not even an American citizen yet and arguing against a real American; pro America. "oh the irony" would probably say a real Briton (if we go by stereotypes).

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 01:07 AM
I think Homer Simpson is the typical American.
2nd line.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 01:37 AM

Originally posted by Wallachian
And how do you do that exactly? For a few years now I've lived in an extremely international environment and I can't tell where someone is coming from just by looking at them. Sometimes I can tell by the accent, but it's all relative. There is no such thing as "typical American", just like there is no such thing as "typical German", or Spanish, or Brit.

These cultures eat and dress differently. 9 times out of 10 you can accurately predict where they are from. Then, if you approach them and ask them, it turns out you were right.

Maybe you dont sere the differences because you take issue with seeing difference. I dont take issue with it.. I enjoy differences.

Precisely because of that diversity you were talking about.

Because of the diversity I should not be able to see differences? That doesnt make sense.

Everywhere in the world people have different political opinions, different tastes in clothes and music and food and literature and basically in every cultural aspect.

Yeah, thats what Ive been saying.

As for physical attributes, I've seen plenty of brunette Scandinavians and plenty of blonde Spanish and Italian people. All relative.

In some cases you can tell whether the brunette is Scandinavian or Spanish. In Europe ists a little more difficult to differentiate because of its homogenisation. Sadly, in 50 years, everyone in Europe will look, think, act pretty much the same.

Unless all the Germans you see wear lederhosen, all Scandinavians look like Pippi Longstocking and all French carry baguettes under their arms, in which case, I apologise.

Lets say you are in Egypt, visiting the Pyramids. If you know what to look for, that is, if you take an active interest in other cultures, you can tell whether someone is from China or South Korea in the way they dress. The same criteria can also be used to see whether someone is American or European. American tourists dress differently than Europeans in 7 cases out of 10. But in another 50 years these differences may not be there anymore.

Personally, I hope they are. Otherwise travel becomes pointless because I would see the same things anywhere I go.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by hotbakedtater

There is truly no such thing as a "typical american"

This great land is a melting pot of cultures, social classes, and interests. Not to mention how vast our country is. Hell, I've been fortunate enough to travel from coast to coast and I have heard at least a dozen different accents and dialects of what most people would consider american english.

Its easy to stereotype, that's the ignorant thing to do. But, people with culture, those who have traveled, know better.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 02:38 AM
This is my first thought. I feel deeply sorry for US citizens.

edit on 18-11-2010 by FIFIGI because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 03:12 AM
Whenever I hear somebody mention anything about the "typical American" I instantly realize that the person talking is an idiot. And idiots don't ever have anything intelligent to say, so I don't listen.

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