posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 06:15 PM
My predictions for 2010 - 2020
1. All UFO sightings will be:
a. Out of focus, blurry, shaky
b. A hoax
c. Debunked as being a weather balloon, chinese lantern, CGI graphics
2. Any ghost sightings will be unsubstantiated at best.
3. The chubacabra will not be caught.
4. Every successive president will be the anti-christ
5. The S will not HTF
6. Jesus will not return.
7. Oil will still be mucking up the GOM
8. Aliens will not make contact.
9. The earth will still orbit the sun, and the moon the earth.
10. The McDonalds burger in the back of my fridge will remain pretty much the same as the day it was bought - tough and inedible. The cat won't
even eat it.
11. Chemtrails will still be contrails.
12. The human soul - as definition states - will not have been discovered.
13. The common cold will still be kicking our a##es