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According to so called "debunkers" the Holocaust never happened

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posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 05:23 PM
For a while people thought the Nazis made lampshades out of the skin of their victims. It turned out to be false. However the Holocaust still happened, there were the burning pits the people saw and more than enough eyewitness accounts. Only because it turned out a detail about it was completely false does not mean the whole story is wrong.

Everytime a theory turns out to be false, like the no plane theory, oftentimes debunked by the people who do think due to what they saw, that more than fires brought down WTC 1 2 and 7 down, sure enough a "debunker" will show up and call all people stupid and argue because this and this turned out to be false, none of what those people say is true. Of course they dont debunk anything they just keep calling people stupid and insist the fact alone that they have a former president as their avatar makes them right.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 05:29 PM

they have a former president as their avatar makes them right.

What about a current one?

PS: There's a difference between a legitimate skeptic / debunker and a denier / pseudoskeptic

PPS: outside job.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by Whyhi

they have a former president as their avatar makes them right.

What about a current one?

PS: There's a difference between a legitimate skeptic / debunker and a denier / pseudoskeptic

PPS: outside job.

You are using Obama for an Avatar. I like Obama. Therefore if you say it was an outside job, it must be true

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 05:39 PM
People who deny that Holocaust never happened... don't exist. Pull your head out of your rear and stop using the straw man. People question the number of "Jews" that died, and believe that it is way over-exaggerated. I don't accept or reject this theory, because I cannot rely on historic documents that could have easily been falsified nor do I drink the kool-aid and believe every loony theory.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 05:43 PM
I don’t think that anyone deny the holocaust, the problem is with the numbers not the act. And also abuse the happening/incident to gain political power by the zinosit.

That’s all about..!

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by frozenspark
People who deny that Holocaust never happened... don't exist. Pull your head out of your rear and stop using the straw man. People question the number of "Jews" that died, and believe that it is way over-exaggerated. I don't accept or reject this theory, because I cannot rely on historic documents that could have easily been falsified nor do I drink the kool-aid and believe every loony theory.

I thought it was obvious but this isnt actually about debating the holocaust. I was just making an alegation and I think my train of thought is quite obvious. I wanted to show how "debunkers" use strawman "arguments" though you cant really call that an argument. And sadly there are people who deny the holocaust, but they are not the kind of people you want to associated with, or meet during the twilight hours.
edit on 16-11-2010 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 05:53 PM
Why don't more people discuss the holocaust thats going on right now in Palestine? You say, oh, the soap, oh the lampshades, were false, oh and this week there has been a group falsifying info to receive holocaust reparation money,oh and there have been many jews implicated in lying about being holocaust survivors or exaggerating their experience-but no one talks about the gypsies or the political dissidents- c'mon man, do some research- the truth is never black and white-The Zionists lie and lie and lie to achieve their agenda, and unfortunately they run our media- Think about it.
The same power structure that is threatening our freedom today is the same power structure that threatened it yesterday...there have been many genocides, jews, gentiles, christians, chinese- Why aren't these shoved down our throats? How many Christians did Stalin murder?

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by Cassius666

Ok hear is my take on this. I was not at the Holocaust so i don't know. But I have to ask my self why would people
make something this crazy up?? I am still trying to read/ find all the info about why they say this. I am not going to
say I did or didn't because about everything else on this world is a lie. If the Hipnobox tells you tomorrow it
didn't happen you would be on here saying sorry I was worry. So read learn and post facts


posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by Cassius666

Only because it turned out a detail about it was completely false does not mean the whole story is wrong.

I could take your entire OP and turn it around on you and apply it to truthers instead . The shoe fits ., wear it .

As for the above quote , I will humor you and all others here with just a "detail" from the TM camp , which was completely false . There are at least Hundreds of posts , right here on ATS , that claim former president Bush was "holding the book upside down ..."

Here are the facts C666 , even if he were , this is not an indication of complicity in some sort of morbid conspiracy .

Fact #2 : Actually , he was NOT holding the book upside down , trust me , I checked out the "details" . A quick surf over to amazon will substantiate what I'm saying .

Fact #3 : This one "detail" from the TM , is a proven falsehood . Does this refute all the other theories from the TM ? No , it does not . But it encourages others to repeat it in their arguments thereby perpetuating ignorance .

My point is , I can take something silly you guys have delivered into this debate and agree with you that this does not represent the entire TM .

By the same token IF Bush were holding the book upside down , this does not make a conspiracy and henceforth does not refute the entire OS , whatever that is . So basically , your argument is moot , as it can be applied to both camps .

Bottom line , don't repeat something that has been disproven , and don't believe it's been disproven simply because anyone tells you so . Consider it , and check it out for yourself , don't simply repeat it as fact until you know .

Credibility goes a long way . Offer something credible and get the ball rolling . So far , I've seen nothing from the TM that I even consider credible . And that's coming from a former 'truther' . I was more adamant than most , and even got post banned from one of my own threads . I was just like some of you guys . So don't just assume that I am some ass-kissing follower of the OS , who hasn't considered both sides of this argument .

Prove any or all of my position wrong to me . If you really want to debate , leave the ignorance at the door . Once you are proven wrong , drop it , get over it , move on . Don't continue to repeat a proven lie .

And stop asking to see my badge .

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by Cassius666

You are saying this is true and the other isn't true - based on what? Something tells me you have done little or no research on the topics you are referring to.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by okbmd
reply to post by Cassius666

Only because it turned out a detail about it was completely false does not mean the whole story is wrong.

I could take your entire OP and turn it around on you and apply it to truthers instead . The shoe fits ., wear it .

Except that many people made a very good case on why the official tale must be just that, a tale, right up there with tales of bigfoot and blurred pictures of Ufos. And debunkers did not put much effort into debunking anything, they just keep saying that an official report exists thousands of engineers worked on and therefore anything anybody says is invalid. The official report did not explain what caused all the supporting trusses in WTC 7 failing at the exact same time. The best explanation anybody provided is controlled demolition. The official report did not explain the lump of molten metal extracted from the rubble. The best explanation I got was thermite and so far nobody did bring forward anything more plausible. The official report did not explain why ground zero kept burning upwards of thousands degrees when you think the rubble would suffocate most of the fires. Why did it keep burning for months, when European cities which got bombed did not burn for months? The Metal cranes loaded unto a truck weeks after september 11 was still red hot and smoking !!! And not on the endpieces where it could have been welded off either. The best explanation I got was again thermite that kept reacting with the metal.

Neither the official report nor the so called debunkers produced anything that is even remotely logical, unlike the other side. All they did was call us narrowminded (YOU GOTTA BELIEVE in the official report) and that we basically cant trust our own senses. If you insist on wearing your tinfoil hat and telling me I have to believe in Reptialians and the official tale with little to back it up, then I guess my faith just aint strong enough.
edit on 16-11-2010 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 07:01 PM
People who deny that Holocaust never happened exist,and they are entitled to there beliefs.
I tend to run into people denying the acual numers of the holocaust,not the event itself.

But what gets me,is that theres so much focus on the people who deny holocaust,its even more of a shame that there people continue to turn their heads to the one thats currently ongoing one in darfur.

Cant change the holocaust of ww2,but we can stop the one happening now!

'Never again'...........right?

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 10:57 PM
The reason I've read in the argument against the Holocaust is that there were only 500,000 Jews in Germany to begin with, so Hitler couldn't have exterminated the 6million like they say he did.

But they are forgetting that Hitler exterminated Jews from 21 OTHER European countries as well, bringing the total number to 5,962,129...which they round up to 6million.

Table of The Statistics of The Holocaust By Country

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 10:57 PM

edit on 16-11-2010 by Maiden PEI because: Deleted - Double post...sorry!

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by Maiden PEI
The reason I've read in the argument against the Holocaust is that there were only 500,000 Jews in Germany to begin with, so Hitler couldn't have exterminated the 6million like they say he did.

But they are forgetting that Hitler exterminated Jews from 21 OTHER European countries as well, bringing the total number to 5,962,129...which they round up to 6million.

Table of The Statistics of The Holocaust By Country

What i find odd from the link you provide is that 36% of the jews living in Germany died, Whilst in Poland a staggering 91% of jews died.

In fact statistically from your source, It appears that Germany was one of the safer places for jews to have been during the war

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by Cassius666

A unique phenomena occurs on this website. By posting an anonomous name and avatar, a poster realizes he can say anything and not be held accountable or found out, all under the guise of false projected credibility or objectivity. Therefore, be discriminating in the facts you obtain. Know there are muslims with computers who day after day make "shocking" discoveries that the Israelis are plotting against "we" americans. That George Bush and the jews took down the wtc towers with holographic planes and an invisible ray gun. That Sarah Palin guessed it....the jews want to eat your children.....That fox news is controlled by space aliens and...again, the jews. And that the United States and.......guess who......are responsible for all wars and are the sole reasons that all abject failures aren't millionaires. That muslims are just "misunderstood". and therefore are justified in blowing stuff up and stoning women to death.
Also, a number of posts come from true disinfo agents employed by the government of the united states. The best example of all time came on you tube, when a picture from the SPT was leaked by an insider. Within an hour there were 300 video's debunking the photos, all of which looked to be produced by speilberg.
You see, someone who disagrees with your point of view, when sincere, will simply point out areas which they find inconsistent and always include an alternate theory. A disinfo agent will simply take a savagely snarky tone in fighting your view, often including a personal attack, as well as an attempt to discredit the poster.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by ken10

What i find odd from the link you provide is that 36% of the jews living in Germany died, Whilst in Poland a staggering 91% of jews died.

Yes, it IS interesting, I agree!

My thought on it is that they were spared because the German Jews were wealthy, therefore good for the economy in those hard times.

My sense is that Hitler didn`t mind them so much as you know how it is...$$$$$ talks!!!!!

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by Maiden PEI
reply to post by ken10

What i find odd from the link you provide is that 36% of the jews living in Germany died, Whilst in Poland a staggering 91% of jews died.

Yes, it IS interesting, I agree!

My thought on it is that they were spared because the German Jews were wealthy, therefore good for the economy in those hard times.

My sense is that Hitler didn`t mind them so much as you know how it is...$$$$$ talks!!!!!

They did not need the jews to make use of their wealth. The jews were feeling the opression early on. Gradually all their stuff got confiscated. In Mein Kampf Hitler did not hide his sentiments either. I am just surprised so many jews were so optimistic to stay, but I guess it aint the first time they heard we are gonna kill ya all. Also early on the Nazis wanted the jews out of the Reich and deported many to foreign #ries. Only later on they decided upon killing.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 05:55 PM
well think about it.... if america had to declare martial law because of civil unrest. Those people would be sent to camps. Now if during this time people were being detained america was attacked or suffered a natural disaster you would see supply lines cut due to fighting and the last people to receive food would be the prisoners.

Abbrakadabbra Holocaust #2.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 10:59 PM

Originally posted by Wertdagf
well think about it.... if america had to declare martial law because of civil unrest. Those people would be sent to camps. Now if during this time people were being detained america was attacked or suffered a natural disaster you would see supply lines cut due to fighting and the last people to receive food would be the prisoners.

Abbrakadabbra Holocaust #2.

That would be more like a Russian gulag. America has such an big output of food, it would be tough to explain how they would have starved their own people. I cant think why the government would do that.

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