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Just Say NO! Not Just A Slogan!

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posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 11:15 PM
I was looking through threads and realized that there are LOTS of complaints around the world, about almost anything. And those who are not complaining, seem to think they know it all, but the fact is that WE are all the victim of what our past has bought us, and frankly, if you think there are people in the past that you can blame for whats going on now, imagine what we leave for future generations.

I would like to bring back the slogan of "Just Say NO!" of course from the 80's so called drug wars, and make it pertain to today. I say we stand and say NO. NO "compromising", NO "so called government agreements", Just NO. There was a time when people got fed up and said no, and you know the truth is they got slaughtered, or silenced. There is no "sugar coating" it, but there are difference between today and then, that future generations just might point out. Like....

The "numbers". We are currently in the billions, and you know what, that's alot

There are more people in the "know" then there has been, I would say through out history

And frankly, we are provided information that at no other time was given to the masses. Most of us here are aware that even discussing these subjects are becoming the new "terror". If a small percentage is riding on the conformity, indoctrination, and straight up stupidity of this generation to just lay around and all us to get take advantage of I say NO!

Sorry, but if you want to except the fact that WE as a people, mind you a tired people, are just going to continue to lay about, and complain to each other and not make a difference, I again say... NO! So, I propose that we discuss what tires us the most, and then look into HOW WE are going to change it.

This (being on ATS) is a step, but what if this step is to lead to another? And then another? What if WE here on ATS are those who are forced to make the change. We already have the guts to come here, but what else can we do? Please post what you would like to do, and maybe, just maybe we can make the first steps, to speak for ourselves, and choose our OWN paths, instead of our "paths" being shown to us.

Lets make TPTB be scared of more than our post, and threads, but be scared of what thousands of like minded individuals can do, and I say lets start it with ATS!

Peace, NRE.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 11:27 PM
Here here! You've got the right idea. Just so long as we have some sort of conception of what we are FOR, as much as what we are opposed to, which can serve as a contrast, or a learning experience (however painful), in what not to do and how NOT to be.

I say NO to the past, once we've "grokked" of it most fully, and YES to the future that we are creating.


posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

Personally I think every single one of us has something to contribute, we just have to be open minded, and willing to listen, as well as take the step. We dont always have to agree, or even see eye to eye to make a difference. If someone has a suggestion, and its just not "my" thing, that doesn't mean that I cannot pass it one to someone it will help, or people here can learn from each other.

I know that I'm tired of it, and I am sure that almost everyone is. When you eventually push someone into a corner, they have no other choice but to go forward, and I am sure that I'm not the only one who feels this way. I dont want to eventually look back, and think "wow, I could have done something".

Peace, NRE.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 11:37 PM
First post, good thread

These issues have been giving me greif for quite a while now, it's all well and good for us to speculate over whether certain technologies exist, whether it's possible for them to exist, and how they could best be put to use;
We can make personal attempts to better the world through DIY research and development, cultivating awareness within our communities and simply by living our own personal visions - however none of this (far from comprehensive) list and the activities it details mean a thing if we are unable to effect any top-end change.

I'm keen to see where this thread takes us.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 12:30 AM
The simplicity of the notion is hard for some to comprehend. When those of us who tire from the unending circle of circumstance, and become the rulers of our future, we then become true warriors of self. Our lives have been dictated, and over-run, by people that we dont even like, or agree with.

We feel as if what we can change is so far beyond us, that we would rather give up then fight. I will never fully understand, or even be able to stand next to my fellow man, concerning most things today, but I sure as hell will try to make this an easier, and simpler future for generations to come. I would never want to be to blame for the current atrocities, never the less the ones that this future seems to hold.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 12:34 AM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

You probably already saw this...

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by rusethorcain

Yes, I have seen the video, and though I dont agree with all the proponents of it, the end is exactly what I'm talking about. With us discussing and NOT doing, all we are doing is giving our coordinates away, without having a plan to win. We as a group, a special group might I add, is a way and a strategy of getting that point across.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by NoRegretsEver
reply to post by rusethorcain

Yes, I have seen the video, and though I dont agree with all the proponents of it, the end is exactly what I'm talking about. With us discussing and NOT doing, all we are doing is giving our coordinates away, without having a plan to win. We as a group, a special group might I add, is a way and a strategy of getting that point across.

Peace, NRE.

The internet will gradually bring about a consensus of opinion. It will take such a critical mass to accomplish anything in the public interest. As long as there is no mass deception and we are aware of the possibility and if we stick to what we know...we will be fine. The internet is our ray of hope. You can see people becoming... up to speed. Informed, illuminated and acting on that.

"Just say no" to what?

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 01:49 AM

Originally posted by rusethorcain

Originally posted by NoRegretsEver
reply to post by rusethorcain

Yes, I have seen the video, and though I dont agree with all the proponents of it, the end is exactly what I'm talking about. With us discussing and NOT doing, all we are doing is giving our coordinates away, without having a plan to win. We as a group, a special group might I add, is a way and a strategy of getting that point across.

Peace, NRE.

The internet will gradually bring about a consensus of opinion. It will take such a critical mass to accomplish anything in the public interest. As long as there is no mass deception and we are aware of the possibility and if we stick to what we know...we will be fine. The internet is our ray of hope. You can see people becoming... up to speed. Informed, illuminated and acting on that.

"Just say no" to what?

I think that the internet is both a way out, and a form of keeping us divided. Though we have most resources, we choose to debate them rather than come to a consensus. We could use our time and research to find ways to make it better, but we rather fight for the scrapes that are provided.

"Say No To What"? To the fight for whatever TPTB choose for us to bicker over. They provide fluoride, then the info to be aware of its effects, then we bicker over whether or not its safe. There are but a few that have the "correct" information, but what we have is better than what most choose to see.

"Just Say No", to the distraction. Oh thats a pretty miniature pony, but some of us can see the stilts. We cannot be the ones with the upper hand, and still lose the fight as if we were the ones that never searched.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

I think that the internet is both a way out, and a form of keeping us divided.

I disagree with this statement. TV, radio, newspapers, books, is force fed manipulated, static information, whatever they want or think is important to know (i.e. to buy) The internet allows you to pick and choose, and go to the news and information you seek. Naturally there are "clubs" or sites with an agenda, feeding disinfo but when you wander away from the clubs, (and you can freely- who will know?) the truth is literally at your fingertips.

As long as it is FREE, it will always be an ally.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by rusethorcain
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

I think that the internet is both a way out, and a form of keeping us divided.

I disagree with this statement. TV, radio, newspapers, books, is force fed manipulated, static information, whatever they want or think is important to know (i.e. to buy) The internet allows you to pick and choose, and go to the news and information you seek. Naturally there are "clubs" or sites with an agenda, feeding disinfo but when you wander away from the clubs, (and you can freely- who will know?) the truth is literally at your fingertips.

As long as it is FREE, it will always be an ally.

You are correct that the truth is at your fingertips, but in actuality only a very small percentage of the people that have this advantage are actually using if for the purpose that say, you and I use it for. Of course there is much fun to be had on the internet, but there is also a truckload of info that many are choosing to ignore.

Lets use ATS as an example. Though we are one of the small percentage of people that use the internet in order to learn and share info, we also take the same knowledge in order to argue issues that sometimes seem like a waste of time. IMO learning is just a step in order to reach knowledge that we then in turn can share and discuss resolution as opposed to just seeing who knows more.

Some people have chose to use this info and make into a contest of sorts, as opposed to learning, listening, discussing, and resolving. We know the problems, they are in black and white, yet we choose to ignore the fact that even with that knowledge, the answer to fix it is right there too.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 06:25 PM
You know what I agree. It's easy to come here and complain that you want things to change and post information, but its another to actually go out into the world and make it happen. Theres so much things we can do physically, stage protests, hand out fliers, talk to people, do fundraisers.

I think its about time we get out into the world and start doing stuff. I have been for awhile.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 08:42 PM
Well, I like very much to ask all of us what is it that we very much want and have to say no to?

And what we very much want to say yes to?

We have to be concretely specific, and not talking so generally to no concretely specific aim to achieve.

What about myself?

Right now the thought comes to myself that what I want very much to say no to is the fact that people injure and kill other people, to stop people from hurting and killing other people.

What I want very much to say yes to, to the contrary, is at most that people who have to justifiably hurt and kill other people can only immobilize them but not in any way hurt or kill them.

First don't hurt, don't kill, immobilize only, then work on the purpose you are striving to attain by hurting and killing other people.


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