posted on Jun, 30 2004 @ 08:31 AM
Seems Australian Fisheries and Forestry has gone a tad hardcore on the antartic fish poachers.....and installed 50 cal guns on some of their patrol
that sure would deter me from fishin out there....
Scientific research vessel now authorised to open can of .50-calibre whoop ass on fish poachers
HEAVY-calibre machine-guns have been fitted to the Hobart-based Antarctic research vessel Aurora Australis as part of a $90 million bid to deter
poachers from Australian waters.
It has been fitted with two deck-mounted .50-calibre machine-guns and will carry an armed Customs boarding party to deter poachers trying to illegally
fish Patagonian toothfish stocks in the Southern Ocean.
"This sends a very clear message to illegal fisherman that we are deadly serious about cracking down on the trade......."